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pluckypear 03-06-2012 07:08 PM

Exercise Log for 300's +
I am curious to know what types of exercise people do and how often. I am hoping you will share and maybe even log here.

I go to aqua fitness twice a week. I want to incorporate more types of exercise. I have a torn rotator cuff and arthritis in my knees. I am 46.

Soon2BHealthyGirl 03-06-2012 07:28 PM

I am 28 and I do elliptical (for 15 minutes) and either spin bike or recumbent bike (30 minutes) 3 days a week. I do swimming on T/Th. And I walk on Sat/Sun.

A friend of mine is in a very similar situation (torn rotator cuff, leg problems, and she's in her 40's too) she does the elliptical (cause it's easy on her knees) and swimming, as well!

Bridget Jones 03-07-2012 01:57 AM

I'm 29, and I do 30 minutes of walking/jogging intervals 5-6 days a week. If I'm feeling tired, I just walk, but I find the interval training kind of invigorating and gets me sweating.

Just started that about 12 days ago (used to do just walking) and I love it.

nikki bonz 03-07-2012 02:07 AM

Hey I'm new today to this but let me tell you congratulations on starting a healthier lifestyle! !! I started at 350lbs and I'm down almost 100lbs. In less than 6 months. It has not been as hard as I thought it would be but we all have our own definitions of what hard work is lol. In my opinion I think 2 days a week is not enough time spent working out. I'd say 4 or 5 at least with more cardio and less fat and calorie intake. You are going to do fine I suggest taking it up a notch if you want quicker results :-) I did it from home with no pills gym DVD work outs or even weights! You got this good luck

Bridget Jones 03-07-2012 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by nikki bonz (Post 4243882)
In my opinion I think 2 days a week is not enough time spent working out. I'd say 4 or 5 at least with more cardio and less fat and calorie intake. You are going to do fine I suggest taking it up a notch if you want quicker results :-) I did it from home with no pills gym DVD work outs or even weights! You got this good luck

Hey nikki -
Welcome to the forum. I think the OP understands the importance of exercise (since she started this thread), and even mentions herself wanting more of it:


Originally Posted by pluckypear (Post 4243538)
I go to aqua fitness twice a week. I want to incorporate more types of exercise.

No offense, but telling someone they have to do more and work harder to get quicker results when they're already making changes and reaching out is a little rude. I think sharing your successes is a lot more helpful than pointing out the problems you see in someone else's approach.

dgramie 03-07-2012 10:09 AM

Exercise is super important!! I am a slacker in that dept. We have a sticky at the top of the forum to track exercise minutes. Please log your minutes there. You will also be able to read what kind of exercise people are doing.

pluckypear 03-07-2012 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Soon2BHealthyGirl (Post 4243552)
I am 28 and I do elliptical (for 15 minutes) and either spin bike or recumbent bike (30 minutes) 3 days a week. I do swimming on T/Th. And I walk on Sat/Sun.

A friend of mine is in a very similar situation (torn rotator cuff, leg problems, and she's in her 40's too) she does the elliptical (cause it's easy on her knees) and swimming, as well!

Thanks for the tip I will try out the elliptical at the community centre.

pluckypear 03-07-2012 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by dgramie (Post 4244210)
Exercise is super important!! I am a slacker in that dept. We have a sticky at the top of the forum to track exercise minutes. Please log your minutes there. You will also be able to read what kind of exercise people are doing.

Thanks I did and will continue to do so. :)

Unicorn67 03-10-2012 10:13 PM

I'm 45, also have a torn rotator cuff. I do 5 days a week of "Biggest Loser" for wii for 30 minutes. I have to modify a few of the exercises with my right arm but have found I have really improved the strength in that arm.
I try and get three 30 minute walks in during the week as well.

MamaBravo 03-10-2012 10:30 PM

Right now I am just walking. Did a 1/2 mile Thursday, 3/4 mile this morning, and another 1/4 mile this evening.

cherrygarcia 06-16-2012 06:57 PM

this is a really nice thread. At the moment doing about three to four days a week but would like to make it six days a week. i do one hour workouts of either swimming, treadmill on incline or the arc trainer

livelaughlovesunshin 06-17-2012 07:34 AM

I had been doing the exercise bike randomly but starting today I am shooting for 5/6 days a week. I am going to start out at 30 minutes at a time and then add to that.

Baby Blue Eyes 07-17-2012 11:54 PM

I am super new at all of this. I started really working hard just a couple of weeks ago. I am sick of being the fat friend. I am very blessed that I have a gym at work I can use that offers different classes throughout the week at peak time like lunch break and after work. Before each class I try to do about 15 min of cardio. On Mondays I do a strech class. Tuesday and Thursday I have been doing Core Strenght at lunch and Zumba after work for about and hour. On Wednesdays and Fridays I am doing Yoga at lunch. Sat and Sunday I clean the house do laundry and take care of my 4 and 3 year old. I have been really working hard the last month. I would tell anyone to try whatever you can. Try videos, try dancing make up your own workout. Just try to have fun. If you do a class give it a couple of times before you don't go back. You might feel out of place I did and still do god knows I hate those mirrors. I question how I got here, how did I get this big all the time. I am sick of being the fat friend. Time to do something.

Chubbygirl253 07-18-2012 02:52 AM

I've been doing treadmill and water aerobics at home but today I joined the Y for that extra edge, especially so I have no excuse not to work out when the weather turns cooler in the fall. I can't wait to try the zumba class! There is also spinning classes, pilates, etc. I'm going to try lots of classes to see what I like and what I don't.

mountain walker 07-18-2012 10:07 AM

Hi Plucky pear.
I started 3 months ago struggling to walk the short distance to my son's school ( about 1/4 mile). I have arthritis in my knees and am very limited as to what meds I can take as I have asthma too. I spoke to my practice nurse and we agreed that in the short term taking pain killers to exercise had to be better for me than all the weight I am carrying so that's how I manage it.
I now walk 2.5 miles a day at a fairly brisk pace and swim 1 or 2 times a week 32 or 64 lengths depending on how energetic I feel!
I would also say that some minutes is better than no minutes so a 10 min walk around the block still counts.
I also use a walking/trekking pole to lean on to give my knees a bit of help. I now they are designed for mountain walking but who cares!

mountain walker 07-18-2012 10:08 AM

PS I have managed to persuade hubby to come to play badminton with me. It won't be pretty but at least it will be exercise!!!

lostbutstilltrying 07-18-2012 01:01 PM

i started with walking 1/4 mile 7 days a week (i take the dog) and am now working on bumping it up to 1/2 mile and i am thinking of incorporating an exercise bike.

sometimes i swim for fun, and I think i would like to add gardening as well

Liliann 07-25-2012 08:59 AM

Am 45 yrs old..My main fitness is walking/climbing stairs and some dancing..I set time of doing 2 hours and 30 min daily..My goal..since am home all day. Its working good so far!! :)

Happy fitness all!!

Chubbygirl253 07-26-2012 07:52 PM

this week I stepped up my exercise and its going great!

Mon- only 30 mins on treadmill 2.5mph
Tues- 30 mins on treadmill 3.0mph
30 mins on cycling machine with rowing arms
Wed- 45 mins yoga
60 mins water aerobics (shallow water)
Today- 60 mins water aerobics (deep water)
55 mins Zumba
35 mins treadmill 2.5mph

I'm tired now but I am still taking a leisurely 1 mile walk after dinner with my mom. Approx 2.0mph

I feel awesome. proud. and exhausted, lol.

Chubbygirl253 08-02-2012 12:27 AM

typical exercise for me since I increased it 2 weeks ago
I do cardio exercise 2-3 hours a day 6 days a week and on my 7th day (Sat) only an hour usually. Typical week:

monday, wed, fri

1 hr shallow water aerobics
1 hr yoga
35 min spinning
30 min walking

1 hr deep water aerobics
55 min Zumba
30 min strength training
30 min walking

35 min treadmill
25 min water exercises

55 min PiYo (Pilates-Yoga class)
30 min strenth training
45 min spinning
30 min walking treadmill

Chubbygirl253 08-03-2012 12:56 AM

today the only exercise I did was a 1 mile hike. My hunny and I were so sore from yesterday's workout. Tomorrow I have a 3 and a half hour workout planned. Hope I have the strength to get through it!

Chubbygirl253 08-03-2012 06:14 PM

I'm tired from my workout but I'm proud of myself. So glad I did it.
30 min spinning- stationary cycling
45 min yoga
1 hr deep water aerobics
30 min strength training

I have a short 1 mile hike later this evening too

*diet is going well too.

Chubbygirl253 08-06-2012 07:38 PM

saturday-- I hiked a little, and swam an hour, and did 1 mile of alternating walking and jogging. That was the 1st time I jogged in years! It was only a half mile of jogging and a half mile walking but I'll get better!

sunday-- I had a migraine Sat nite (maybe from jogging in direct sun in the hottest part of the day 95 degrees? hmm) So I spent most of the day recooperating in the pool. Playing, mostly. But I spent 6 hours splashing, swimming, jumping, doing somersaults and handstands. Much to the delight of my 2 yr old nephew who kept shouting for more, lol. I know it burned some calories.

monday-- 30 mins strength training, 45 mins yoga, 30 mins spinning/ stationary cycling, 1 hr water aerobics. Tonight I make another attemt at jogging but I'm waiting till it cools off some.

Diet is going good but I did eat a cupcake at a birthday party over the weekend, yikes! TOM should be over late tues or early wed so I'm hoping to lose any bloating/ water retention pounds by my weigh-in on Thurs. Would love to show any loss at all.

Chubbygirl253 08-09-2012 05:56 PM

I had my best workout ever today! Just kept pushing myself! 3 hrs cardio and 30 mins strength training.

Is anyone else still on this thread?

Liliann 08-11-2012 01:14 PM

chubbygirl.. Wooweee! YOU are doing wonderful!! Keep it up!!

Been doing an hour of walking this week..not much more due of humidty weather..My fitness is 2 hours and 30 min daily.. I know I can do this!!

This morning..30 min walk!!

Looking forward in the Fall time to do more walking/dancing and push my cardio minutes up as well.

I will do my best to chime in here daily..:)

Liliann 08-11-2012 08:53 PM

Saturday afternoon.. 1 hour walk!!! :)...Total = 1 hour and 30 min!!! :):carrot:

KW9 08-11-2012 10:39 PM

I joined the gym a few weeks ago and day one i could barely handle 20 minutes of working out. Now i do 5/6 days a week. 3 days are weights with at least 30 minutes of cardio and then the days in between are just cardio, up to an hour.

I started on the recumbent bike but got bored quickly and didn't feel i was challenging myself enough so now i use the treadmill. I walk at a minimum of 2.5 and i add in intervals that i have slowly worked up to 4.0. I sweat lots and feel great afterwards! Good shoes help!

Chubbygirl253 08-12-2012 01:00 AM

today I did 1hr and 45min of cardio because Saturday is my rest day. I feel good. I got the rest my body needed and deserves and I still had enough activity to help me work towards my goals. Feeling good about tomorrow morning's weigh-in. And tomorrow I am hoping to try a new pilates/yoga combo class they call PiYo. Looking forward to that!

mountain walker 08-12-2012 06:06 AM

Hello ladies...may I rejoin this thread?
You are doing so well with your exercise level chubby girl you must feel very proud of yourself? Hope the weigh in goes well for you today.
Lilliann 2.5 hours daily is an amazing achievement...well done.
I am now walking 2.6 miles a day at a pretty brisk pace well brisk enough to make me very pink in the cheeks.:o It is warm ( for Wales) and I have to wear a thick long sleeved t-shirt to avoid biting beasties so I sweat like mad!
I have tried to insert another session of exercise in to my day too.....like 30 mins on my mini trampoline but with the kids off school my routine is slightly to pot. On the up side my 7 year old boy who up til now would rather sit on his bum playing with lego has really bescome interested in the Olympics so we are holding our own Olympic Week at home!
My exercise week will look sort of like this:
Every day: 2.6 miles moderate- fast paced walking ( dependent on whether 7 year old accompanies me!)
Sun/Mon/Weds/Fri: 30 mins mini-trampoline plus 15 mins bums and tums
Tues/Thurs: Badminton with hubby.
Plus a swim somewhere in the week.
When I start studying in September I know I am going to have to be super-organised does a timetable sound over the top???
PS Well done Team USA for so many Olympic Medals!!!!!!:hug::hug::hug:

Chubbygirl253 08-13-2012 11:14 PM

I am very proud of myself, mountainwalker! Thank you!

And I'm wearing all my exercise scars like a badge of honor, lol.
Let's see... I've got scratches on my legs from getting off path during a hike in the woods, I've got sensitive and sometimes itchy skin and also scalp from extra exposure to chlorine and sweat, I've got mosquito bites all over my arms from the woods and also running/walking on the hs track after dark when the bugs come out, and various bruises and marks from being clumsy and bumping into things like the weight machines.

But ir's worth it!

mountain walker 08-19-2012 06:53 AM

So getting back to normal after my horrid tummy bug.
Walking dogs daily in teh country park 2.5 miles
Played badminton yesterday for an hour ( burned 600 cals!!!)
Walked again last night 1.2 miles.
Butt aches today from badminton and wish I could get to sleep a bit easier but feeling great otherwise!

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