3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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-   -   300+ Monthly Thread #1294 (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/300-club/249442-300-monthly-thread-1294-a.html)

gggirls 01-01-2012 08:09 AM

300+ Monthly Thread #1294

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support, inspiration, and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simultaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us

lynnie923 01-01-2012 09:35 AM

Well I gained 13 lbs back over the holidays!!! I feel so pitiful.

jentlebreeze 01-01-2012 09:42 AM

I am looking forward to starting this new lifestyle. Change is always difficult, but I think I have done my homework this time. PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE!

Lynnie.....you have said you feel pitiful, now it's time to get motivated. You already know you can do this!

It's not how you fall, but how you get up that counts. We ALL CAN and WILL do this! 2012 is OUR YEAR!


Ratkitten 01-01-2012 01:14 PM

Happy New Year to all!

May we all find what we are searching for this year.


Telorida 01-02-2012 06:39 PM

Hi everyone. I guess this is my intro to the group. I'm not here because of a New Year's resolution to get fit - I've tried that resolution before, and sputtered out by May in my best year. Pile it all back on, with more for good measure ... yeah, nothing you folks haven't heard before.

I've spent the 8 months trying to lose weight and have gotten nowhere. My original start weight was 345, and my lowest this past year was 325. Holiday stress, travel, and a bit of sloth has gotten me back up to 330.

But honestly? It is so hard to stay motivated when I work hard and don't see results. I worked out 2x per week with a trainer for 4 months last year, lost 10 lbs, and $2400 out of that. I tried low calorie... got nowhere. Low carb for six weeks... lost 10 lbs initially, 2 came back, and then I stalled for a month. "Intuitive eating"? More like "freedom to justify whatever I want, then feel guilty about it later when I realize I'm stuffed to an 8 on the hunger scale."

I have NO IDEA what to do with my body and it's just getting tiresome. But I know I need to stick with it - I want to at least get under 299 before my wedding in October.

Anyway, I hope that's the last of my "pity parties". I am going to read tonight and try to figure out what my plan is. For sure, I know I need to get back on the elliptical and back in the gym. But not sure what to do for "diet"... maybe I'm overthinking it.

imnotperfect24 01-02-2012 08:19 PM

Ok so I was here before... But just lost the will for awhile.. With the new year comes new 'resolutions' and such.. I hope to stick to it this time.. maybe with my parents right along with me it wont be so hard this time.

Ratkitten 01-02-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by imnotperfect24 (Post 4153588)
Ok so I was here before... But just lost the will for awhile.. With the new year comes new 'resolutions' and such.. I hope to stick to it this time.. maybe with my parents right along with me it wont be so hard this time.

Even you if you have periods of non-stickiness, stay and let us know you are struggling. It's the continuing shame that makes us sick inside. You'll find lots of support and folks who have multiple T-shirts from going through the same thing. We are here through thick and thin!!

Meanwhile, go get em!!


DesiDoo 01-05-2012 01:51 PM

Hello Ladies! I am returning. I was here for abit last year and life got a little crazy. Now that I have come to terms with all that has happened I am back. I will be kicking my weight-loss into gear again! Hope everyone is well!

Telorida 01-05-2012 08:48 PM

I've decided to give Intuitive eating another shot. My goal for this month is to journal every time I think about food or every time I eat. (Plus post-meal, to see if I stuffed myself.) So far, so good. Insightful, too. Will be interesting to see if it falls apart on the weekend, like most of my plans do.

Stay strong, everyone!

Ratkitten 01-05-2012 09:04 PM

Welcome Back Desi!

So far, I'm doing pretty good. I'm staying away from the vending machine and not doing that horrid TOM (Time Of Month for our newcomers) craving for candy. TOM is stepping on the scale and that ticks me off, though.

Hugs to all!


DesiDoo 01-06-2012 12:05 PM

Thank you Ratkitten!

Hang in there Ratkitten! TOM will leave soon enough and all will be right with the world again! :-)

neonwildflower 01-11-2012 11:41 AM

Hello lovely folks, I'm back again. Goodness I've had a hard time being consistent around these boards the past 6 months or so. My life's been a real up and down of family drama, and working myself too hard to support my SO and I. I hit a point a few months ago where I realised I needed some professional help to sort through everything going on but there was no help to be had for 6-8 weeks on a waiting list... the joys of our health system. Not unless I was willing to pay, that is. And even though I'd have been willing, I certainly am not able. I can barely keep us afloat right now, so I've just been waiting. I felt like the only ways I could cope were to drink, smoke, and eat until all the feelings were numb and the result? I ended up with a couple of painfully messy drunk nights, a lot of missed time from smoking, and up around 310 pounds. Yikes. So now I've been counting calories again for about four days (committed, not half-assed) and I've shed the first 10 just from not gorging myself, drinking water, and eating reasonable amounts. Now it's time to keep that momentum and get back under 300 for the last time. I also have an appointment with a counselor tomorrow (finally!) and hopefully she'll be able to help me unpack some of the baggage I'm carrying around. So that's where I am now, still at Starbucks (aka how I got so heavy again despite having so little money!), still trying to get into teaching but accepting that for the time being my health (in terms of my weight and mental health) and my SO's health (a whole different story) and our well-being has to be the priority. The career will come into focus when I'm able to be my best self again.

Nice to see so many familiar faces and so many new ones too. Part of my re-commitment is to come on the forums every day and be here for you since I know you'll all be here for me too. 3FC was instrumental in my success last year (when I lost just over 50 pounds) and I know it can be again.

Realist 01-15-2012 04:11 PM

Hi all,

While I would love to say I am back, it's kind of hard to say that because I seem to be low on time most of the time. I made it a goal to not stop by on January 1st, because for my resolving to commit to coming on a regular basis was something I didn't think I could commit to. I will do what I can do and that will be good enough (for me, and hopefully you).

I wasn't on it 2011 too much. I stopped by to complain some, and nothing more. Sorry about that. I had to admit 2011 was a rough year. It started in January when my grandmother passed away. On the way to the funeral, we hit a long stretch of black and ice we lost control of the car. Several 360s at 70 MPH let my husband and I fine, but I was scared. I think scared stayed with me in 2011. In March I was in the earthquake in Japan. Scared. In July I was in a car accident that let me which some big dings (tendon damage still in my foot, and arm that while not broken, was also not straight, and a totaled car). And I was scared. In October I found out I was pre-diabetic (scared), in November I found out my beloved cat (16 yrs old) had failing kidneys and will not be too long for the world. Heartbroken then. (She is still alive. Still having mostly good days, some bad days though.) The end of December left me with some chest pain and horrible dizziness that dragged me into 2012.

But 2012 is here. I had an EKG, heart is fine. Dizziness, which I am now about 3 to 4 weeks in, may be due to a bad sinus infection and ear infection. I am hopeful. Some days I struggle to walk at all due to feeling faint (from the dizziness). But all will work out.

The good news: good heart, losing weight (from 345 to 308 at this point), good job (although still working 14 hrs per day), great hubby, and my beloved cat is still at my side. So I will work through the dizziness, and once that is completely resolved, work no increasing my walking.

That's it for me.

I am happy to see Rat still posting (alway so wise), Carol (I have missed you), Debi (I saw her on the over 40 board....as a note, I will be 40 soon), and a few other old regulars. I can't really say regulars, since I am indeed not a regular right now.

One missing face I see is Dogpal? Where is she? I hope she is well.

I will be back, I can promise that. It may be tomorrow, it may be next week, it may be next month. But I will be back. :)


Ratkitten 01-15-2012 04:33 PM

Hiya Realist!!

It's good to see you too. Bleh, 2011 was a hard year for you too. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet kitteh. You know I have a soft spot for furkids.

Boss kitty is my current kitteh and he loves the dogs. The poor goldens have no clue what to do with this crazy gray and white cow spotted kitteh that jumps out at them and gnaws their ankles. Boss is 5 yrs old, btw. I think he's going through a 2nd kittenhood.

Pop in when you can! I haven't seen Dogpal around in a while. Hope she's doing ok too. Last I heard, she was swimming a bit and trying not to overdo things because of her heart condition.


gggirls 01-15-2012 04:49 PM

Angie - here's to a better 2012! Great to see you!

cheezels 01-17-2012 09:08 AM

Hi everyone,
I am joining the 300+ club but I can't wait to get to the 200+ club hehe

Every kg/lb is a struggle and I hope I can encourage you guys to stay on the wagon as you can for me!

I eat and then forget that I ate... then realise later OH NO I ate like a ton of pasta... bah.
So now I am trying herbalife (my last chance diet really) and I have a weigh in tomorrow so we shall see if I have been good or if that pizza on Thursday evening has stuck to my hips.

@Realist: What a year you had last year! I hope 2012 will be more positive for you!

@neonwildflower: I hope your therapist can help you. Hugs from Sweden!

xJox 01-17-2012 11:36 PM

Hello everyone! I'd love to join your group. I'm sad to say that on Jan 1 when I stepped on the scale I was 329 lbs. I about had a stroke when I saw that number. In 2w3d I've lost 11 lbs. I'm sure most of it was fluid and I know I won't continue to lose at that rate, but I sure am gonna try. I want to be healthy and happy. I don't want to battle diabetes like everyone in my Dads family. I've decided to participate in a challenge trying to walk/run 1000 miles in 2012. I'm up to 25.25 miles. I'd say that is a good start. I just need someone to help motivate me to keep going. I have a blog, but I don't know how to share that with you all as it is not a 3FC blog. Can't wait to get to know you all.

lynnie923 01-18-2012 08:19 AM

Welcome Back to some of you and Welcome to the new people. I am having a very hard time not eating at night. I am just going to have to be a more diligent about not going into the kitchen......


cheezels 01-18-2012 10:55 AM

Going for a weigh in tonight... but my scales haven't changed so I am not hopeful.. even though I have been good!

Hopefully I will be able to post with good news!

Q: I am newly on a protein shake diet (breakfast and lunch) with small snacks in between and a normal dinner but smaller portion.
I am drinking 2 litres of water a day but I feel heavy in the tummy, a little constipated... is this normal or? Should I eat some prunes or something? :-)

cheezels 01-18-2012 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by lynnie923 (Post 4177322)
Welcome Back to some of you and Welcome to the new people. I am having a very hard time not eating at night. I am just going to have to be a more diligent about not going into the kitchen......


Its the same for me. Having an early dinner as I am hungry and ready for it, but then really struggling not to eat bad things around 8.30-9pm... doesnt help that my partner and I are used to snacking in front of the tv in the eveing, so it has been really hard to stop that.

What sorts of things do you do to take your mind off of eating?

xJox 01-18-2012 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by lynnie923 (Post 4177322)
Welcome Back to some of you and Welcome to the new people. I am having a very hard time not eating at night. I am just going to have to be a more diligent about not going into the kitchen......


Lynn are you trying not to eat after a certain hour before you go to bed or do you wake up at night and eat?

baker23 01-18-2012 06:47 PM

Hi Guys :) My name's Sarah. Stumbled upon this sub fourm support group today. Usually have stuck to weightloss support or 20 somethings :). Just posted some pics in the sticky forum above us.

"I am having a very hard time not eating at night. I am just going to have to be a more diligent about not going into the kitchen......"

I have that same problem. I love to snack which is why I usually munch all day instead of eating full meals all the time. Drinking coffee or hot tea with honey usually helps =D

Ratkitten 01-18-2012 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by baker23 (Post 4178350)
Hi Guys :) My name's Sarah. Stumbled upon this sub fourm support group today. Usually have stuck to weightloss support or 20 somethings :). Just posted some pics in the sticky forum above us.

"I am having a very hard time not eating at night. I am just going to have to be a more diligent about not going into the kitchen......"

I have that same problem. I love to snack which is why I usually munch all day instead of eating full meals all the time. Drinking coffee or hot tea with honey usually helps =D

Hiya Sarah! You look AWESOME!!!!

It doesn't seem so daunting 10 days at a time - I also post on the Lifeboat thread too. Glad you are here!

Welcome Bailey'sma!


stranded 01-18-2012 09:44 PM

Hi cheezels, I get that "heavy in the tummy" feeling sometimes, too. For me it's either water weight from TOM or constipation from the iron supplements I have to take. I suggest trying a little extra fiber, maybe some of the powder you can add into food so it doesn't add calories.

Welcome everyone!

cheezels 01-19-2012 12:34 AM

ok so went to the weigh in and....


Being my second week on this diet I sort of expected at least a kg.
Will keep persevering and hopefully I will have good news next week!
(Going to get some prunes today!)

lynnie923 01-19-2012 08:44 AM

Usually I meditate before i go to bed but sometimes that don't even help. So I am thinking of blogging when I get up or have a journal by my bed.

I wake up and go to the kitchen sometimes I don't even remember doing it till my husband says something.


Ratkitten 01-19-2012 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by cheezels (Post 4178776)
ok so went to the weigh in and....


Being my second week on this diet I sort of expected at least a kg.
Will keep persevering and hopefully I will have good news next week!
(Going to get some prunes today!)

Hold on to me! It's ok. I've been sick all week and not eating much and still weight is up. Maybe if we growl and show claws at our scales we'll intimidate them!! LOL.


cheezels 01-28-2012 06:12 AM

Ok good news, got weighed this week and am down to 144.7 kg
Then this morning it said 143.2

= 315 pounds if you guys don't use KG's


Telorida 01-28-2012 08:33 AM

cheezels - congrats on your "woosh" moment! That's awesome!

Lynn - Do you take any sleep medicine? I ask because "sleep-eating" is a common side effect to some hypnotics like ambien. I have big sleep problems as well, and when I take ambien, I tend to "sleep-email". I don't remember the details of the emails until I read the replies the next day...

gggirls 02-01-2012 07:06 AM

See you in the February thread!

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