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NotTheCheat 05-23-2011 10:52 AM

Annie - big :hug: and sorry you haven't been well.

Just a fly by for me. My boss is actually here this week (he is in our head office in Australia). It will be both a fun and stressful week for me. Yesterday I TOTALLY SPLURGED and ate....a banana. It feels so weird that a banana feels like a splurge. :)

Otherwise I am trying not to get discouraged by slow losses. I didn’t do great on the exercise front and have been rather sedentary. I definitely have some room for improvement there.

lynnie923 05-23-2011 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by NotTheCheat (Post 3861095)
Annie - big :hug: and sorry you haven't been well.

Just a fly by for me. My boss is actually here this week (he is in our head office in Australia). It will be both a fun and stressful week for me. Yesterday I TOTALLY SPLURGED and ate....a banana. It feels so weird that a banana feels like a splurge. :)

Otherwise I am trying not to get discouraged by slow losses. I didn’t do great on the exercise front and have been rather sedentary. I definitely have some room for improvement there.

I notice that my weight loss is starting to slow down also. But lately I have been feeling bloated. The hubby seems to think we are taking to much sodium in. I am beginning to think he is right.

Don't get discouraged if you need to keep coming here for the support. I am here for ya!!!


silentarctic 05-23-2011 01:51 PM

@Annie - I hope you have lots to keep you intellectually occupied, wireless internet or at least some good books/tv to pass the time. You are a trooper!

@Ratkitten - Glad you had fun camping , sounds nice :)

@Nancy - Hope it is a good more than stressful week, i ahve a stressful work week and trying not to overthink it/worry about it won’t really help but if I am MIA as well that is why. What little energies I have for “me” will have to be spent on the workouts rather than internet postings!

@Lynn - Definitely work on reducing your sodium intake, its so bad for us, it won’t make you actually lose or gain fat but you will feel MUCH better the less of it you have, better blood pressure, less water retention etc :)

hey all so I posted some in another thread, but here I am i stepped on a body fat scale and it said 66.1%... It looked like it had electric stuff but I’m wondering maybe it was set for my friends height? am I just trying to make myself feel better in wondering if height would be a factor in the calculations? But probably not that much of one (even though she is 5’3” and I’m 5’11” just started to wonder that but its probably not.

Ah well today is a new day, the moment is a new moment. And i’m going to enjoy that I saw 312.6 on the scale today, that was a nice surprise, whether its permanent or not it is in the right direction from 320 so I’m taking it and running with it! I find the urge to get ‘extreme’ to push away the 2.6 lbs and get under 310 but then I know that wouldn’t be fat loss instead I am going to go for a second walk today with the fluffball and have a more intense cardio session planned for tuesday/wednesday and will hopefully rock it at our circuit training class on friday as well. And maybe by the end of may I will be on the other side of 310. I can hope!

dogpal 05-23-2011 02:54 PM

Happy Monday morning all!

Rat: oh, camping. I can't wait until I get to go camping again!!! I was cracking up imagining the parrot giving you heck for being gone so long :)
You are right about the Dr. Something needs to change. His office did call this am. and tell me that they want me on the heart meds no matter what. Even if my blood pressure is low. They want me to take them. So, I have a feeling that not taking the Coreg is the culprit of the breathing issues. It seemed to start around the time that my other Cardiologist said only take it if..... and then only take 1/2 the dose. I'm hoping that this is the answer but.. I know God has His hand on it and what ever is to be will be. I need to just be strong and show love and hang in there. Which, I'm trying to do :)

Nancy: Thanks for the hugs! Back at cha! It is weird to think of a banana as a treat. lol. I think that way too. I am not crazy about them anymore and I should "treat" myself to them more often. I used to love them but my taste buds have changed in the past couple of years. lol.

Silent: I have lots of books and lots of entertaining things thanks :) I have to tell you not that I'm an expert or anything but...I have lost almost 300 pounds at one time being only 1 pound away from it and It certainly does make a difference who the scale is set for as to what it weighs you as fat and BMI etc. Every time I go to the weight loss surgeon's office they put in my age and height and sex before it prints out the weight and BMI things. So, you are right it makes a difference. I have a scale similar to that at home and it is different for myself and my hubby. Also another point that I wanted to make is I have lots and lots of extra skin, I started out at 510 pounds, and the scale can't differentiate between fat and extra skin. So take that into a bit of consideration also. :) Congrats on seeing that 312.6! You go girl!

Blessings, love and hugs all,

MrsTee 05-23-2011 09:06 PM

Hi all on this thread!

Annie you ARE a walking inspiration - what a success story you are with such a terrific attitude! I can sympathise in a small way as I get Aterial Fibrilation, and like everything heart related -the less you weigh the better for you. I am on medication too, but not blood thinners luckily.

Ratty - you are a better man than I - I hate camping! Public toilets - little shower cubicles - little camp beds - little camp chairs -sorry, my bum is far to big for camping...

Silent Lynn, Nancy - keep up the great work and the rewards will come - on the scale and off, its times like these flat periods when we need to remind ourselves of all the great work we've done, and how much better off physically we are weighing less.
ANd I often find when you push through a barrier like this people seem to suddenly notice you've lost weight?

Mrs T

silentarctic 05-23-2011 09:30 PM

@Annie - Thank you so much for your reassurance, I will probably end up in the same situation. I DO do strength training but not nearly enough I think. My muscles seem to be getting stronger but staying the same size. Darn human efficiency! ;)

Mrs Tee - Thanks for your words of encouragement. I'm just chuggin along making a lot of mistakes along the way and glad that I have 3fc and good friends in the offline world to keep me going.

dogpal 05-23-2011 10:32 PM

MrsTee: :) Hugs.

Silent: lol. Yep, in some ways we are way weaker than we think we are and in other's we are more Amazing than we can imagine. You.... Are AMAZING, lovely and more wonderful than you know. Human yes but Wonderful and Amazing in addition to the humanity :) hugs and seriously this is a wonderful place. Hang in there.

I went to my DH Joel's new Doc appt. with him. He has to get a physical which is going to be wonderful for him to have. He needs to have a fatty tissure thing removed from his head (gross factor only but nothing serious) finally he needs to get a Vasectomy ASAP according to my Doc who happens to be Joel's new Doc's partner :) I'm so happy that his preliminary appt. went well and he and his new doc joked around. I was able to be in there too and learned alot about male anatomy that I didn't know. Over all went well. Will be making Vasectomy appointment after my cardiologist appt. to make sure nothing happens that needs to change.

I'm very, very tired, heart related. It is 7:31 and I am wiped out and need to head to bed now.

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and op evening!

Ratkitten 05-24-2011 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by MrsTee (Post 3861952)
Hi all on this thread!

Ratty - you are a better man than I - I hate camping! Public toilets - little shower cubicles - little camp beds - little camp chairs -sorry, my bum is far to big for camping...

Mrs T

Oh no no no.. I don't camp, I GLAMP! Glamor camping hehe. I have a queen sized bed in my baby camper, extra wide camp chair... um shower, what shower? LOL. We were at a friend's land, so the potty was in the house. I did have to do a bit of walking there and back, but that was nice.

Most the camping I do with my group are at State campground that have pretty nice facilities.

Despite all the walking, no weight loss. *sigh*


lynnie923 05-24-2011 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ratkitten (Post 3862385)
Oh no no no.. I don't camp, I GLAMP! Glamor camping hehe. I have a queen sized bed in my baby camper, extra wide camp chair... um shower, what shower? LOL. We were at a friend's land, so the potty was in the house. I did have to do a bit of walking there and back, but that was nice.

Most the camping I do with my group are at State campground that have pretty nice facilities.

Despite all the walking, no weight loss. *sigh*


Hey pretty Kitty!!! No worries about the weight loss there is always next week.


dogpal 05-24-2011 08:54 AM

Early am here. Up at 3:30 am. out of breath and running for my life and screaming out loud and in a dream. lol. Hmmm wonder what came first, the out of breath or the bad dream. Joel woke me up saying it's okay, it's okay and he was trying to kill me in my dream telling me it is okay. lol. Poor guy! He is so sweet and only takes care of me. I was literally trembling when I woke up for a good 1/2 hour. It is amazing how strong our minds are! Another thing I should note to self about. What you think is a powerful thing!!!

Anywhoo now that I've made you listen to my dream. lol. Hope you are all going to have a FANTASTIC OP DAY! I am a daily weigher and I know mentally not to get too worked up if the scale goes up and down, which it does and It is up to 243.5 today. Poo, poo and more poo!

Rat: I wanna GLAMP! I'm getting to old for tent camping and.... I'm so scared of the Grizzlies that are up here and the wolves which I have actually seen some of those roaming around really close by. I worry for my furbabies and think they will be safer with a trailer and a (gun) inside with us. I'm sorry that your weight is stalled. Hang tough doll. I know you will :)

Okay, back at it! Hugs and blessings to you all, please stay as safe as possible.


lynnie923 05-24-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by dogpal (Post 3862458)
Early am here. Up at 3:30 am. out of breath and running for my life and screaming out loud and in a dream. lol. Hmmm wonder what came first, the out of breath or the bad dream. Joel woke me up saying it's okay, it's okay and he was trying to kill me in my dream telling me it is okay. lol. Poor guy! He is so sweet and only takes care of me. I was literally trembling when I woke up for a good 1/2 hour. It is amazing how strong our minds are! Another thing I should note to self about. What you think is a powerful thing!!!

Anywhoo now that I've made you listen to my dream. lol. Hope you are all going to have a FANTASTIC OP DAY! I am a daily weigher and I know mentally not to get too worked up if the scale goes up and down, which it does and It is up to 243.5 today. Poo, poo and more poo!

Rat: I wanna GLAMP! I'm getting to old for tent camping and.... I'm so scared of the Grizzlies that are up here and the wolves which I have actually seen some of those roaming around really close by. I worry for my furbabies and think they will be safer with a trailer and a (gun) inside with us. I'm sorry that your weight is stalled. Hang tough doll. I know you will :)

Okay, back at it! Hugs and blessings to you all, please stay as safe as possible.


Sometimes when I have bad dreams its because I am not getting enough air into my lungs (asthma attack) I won't go back to sleep when I wake up that early. I hate haviung bad dreams. Do yours ever weigh on you all day?


MrsTee 05-25-2011 12:00 AM

Hi all!

I've changed my avatar and added a ticker! I've changed to a KOALA - so you all remember I'm an AUSSIE!!!!!
Therefore, my ticker is in kilos - multiply by 2.204 for lbs - either way it's too much to weigh! (see my bit of a play on words there?)
Bad dreams can leave a sort of shadow over you for the day? Well, they do to me anyway. Hope your day gets brighter, Annie.

Maybe one day we'll all meet up and GLAMP to our heart's content!!


dogpal 05-25-2011 12:53 PM

Morning all,

Lynn: Yes, I agree that bad dreams do stay with you. It depends for me how bizarre the dreams are, like how far fetched they are when I'm awake. I think that I dream so vividly because of 1) I write a lot, lot, lot. I have written stories and poems and journals forever and 2) I have to take Seraquel (sp) for OCD. I have noticed that my dreams are weirder since I started having to take that. I hope that I can cut down on it soon. I am supposed to start counseling and behavior modification with the counselor in the near future and I'm hoping that means I can cut back on some of that medication. lol. I am really thinking that I was very out of breath and my mind made a nightmare to go along with it. At times when I wake up I check my BP and it is so darn low and my heart rate is in the low 40's. In the hospital the nurses come flying in there a few times a night because it gets so low like 42 Heart rate.

MrsTee: I love your Koala. Cute. They ar so cute! I think it would be so fun for all of us to meet sometime and get to go "Glamping" together. :) As I told Lynn, dreams can almost "haunt" me all day if they are vivid and realistic enough. I got over this one pretty quickly because my hubby, Joel, was trying to kill me with his brother. lol. That is soooo silly. Joel adores me now his brother..... maybe there is something to that one. lol. Good thing he lives in another state and hasn't ever been to visit us up here :) I almost forgot MrsTee. I love what your tracker says. lol. I know you have a different system than we do over here but I want to go to yours. I wonder what I would weigh on your system? It looks so much better then ours. I weigh 240.5 pounds!!! ugh!

I am feeling so much better today. I shared on the 40+ plus thread that It seems like my medication that is supposed to regulate my heart beat (Coreg) may have been the culprit this whole month of May. I have been off of it per directions of my previous cardiologist to only take it if my blood pressure is 105 on top or higher and my heart rate is 52 or higher. Well, My BP is almost always 105 or less on top and my heart rate is usually low so.... I haven't had to take the Coreg more than 1/2 of the time this month. I have been taking it per my new Cardiologist's instructions since Monday no matter what my BP is and I am already able to do more movement without losing my breath! I haven't met this new cardiologist yet but I will on Friday. I am very much looking forward to my appt. I'll let you all know how it goes. My Joel thinks that he will put me in the hospital for a heart Cath test. I'm not sure if that will be the case or not but if it is I hope they can see what the issue is.

It is sunny here today and it is supposed to rain tonight. I am planning on going to my very first Growth Group with our new Group. We changed groups because our other group met on Thursdays and it was very late for Joel so we go to a different one now, I've not been yet but Joel loves it and says I will too. They meet an hour earlier and get out promptly at 8 p.m. and it is just down the road way closer than the other one. So far I feel like I will be able to go :)

I shared with the other thread also that they are inspiring me to do a POP (I'm not sure of the meaning of this but I assume it means Positively on Plan) So, I am going to try to do POP for 1 week straight without fail and report to you guys how I'm doing and hopefully it will end up being a POP month starting today!!! Anyone want to try it with me??

Hugs and Blessings all,

lynnie923 05-25-2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by dogpal (Post 3864481)
Morning all,

Lynn: Yes, I agree that bad dreams do stay with you. It depends for me how bizarre the dreams are, like how far fetched they are when I'm awake. I think that I dream so vividly because of 1) I write a lot, lot, lot. I have written stories and poems and journals forever and 2) I have to take Seraquel (sp) for OCD. I have noticed that my dreams are weirder since I started having to take that. I hope that I can cut down on it soon. I am supposed to start counseling and behavior modification with the counselor in the near future and I'm hoping that means I can cut back on some of that medication. lol. I am really thinking that I was very out of breath and my mind made a nightmare to go along with it. At times when I wake up I check my BP and it is so darn low and my heart rate is in the low 40's. In the hospital the nurses come flying in there a few times a night because it gets so low like 42 Heart rate.

MrsTee: I love your Koala. Cute. They ar so cute! I think it would be so fun for all of us to meet sometime and get to go "Glamping" together. :) As I told Lynn, dreams can almost "haunt" me all day if they are vivid and realistic enough. I got over this one pretty quickly because my hubby, Joel, was trying to kill me with his brother. lol. That is soooo silly. Joel adores me now his brother..... maybe there is something to that one. lol. Good thing he lives in another state and hasn't ever been to visit us up here :) I almost forgot MrsTee. I love what your tracker says. lol. I know you have a different system than we do over here but I want to go to yours. I wonder what I would weigh on your system? It looks so much better then ours. I weigh 240.5 pounds!!! ugh!

I am feeling so much better today. I shared on the 40+ plus thread that It seems like my medication that is supposed to regulate my heart beat (Coreg) may have been the culprit this whole month of May. I have been off of it per directions of my previous cardiologist to only take it if my blood pressure is 105 on top or higher and my heart rate is 52 or higher. Well, My BP is almost always 105 or less on top and my heart rate is usually low so.... I haven't had to take the Coreg more than 1/2 of the time this month. I have been taking it per my new Cardiologist's instructions since Monday no matter what my BP is and I am already able to do more movement without losing my breath! I haven't met this new cardiologist yet but I will on Friday. I am very much looking forward to my appt. I'll let you all know how it goes. My Joel thinks that he will put me in the hospital for a heart Cath test. I'm not sure if that will be the case or not but if it is I hope they can see what the issue is.

It is sunny here today and it is supposed to rain tonight. I am planning on going to my very first Growth Group with our new Group. We changed groups because our other group met on Thursdays and it was very late for Joel so we go to a different one now, I've not been yet but Joel loves it and says I will too. They meet an hour earlier and get out promptly at 8 p.m. and it is just down the road way closer than the other one. So far I feel like I will be able to go :)

I shared with the other thread also that they are inspiring me to do a POP (I'm not sure of the meaning of this but I assume it means Positively on Plan) So, I am going to try to do POP for 1 week straight without fail and report to you guys how I'm doing and hopefully it will end up being a POP month starting today!!! Anyone want to try it with me??

Hugs and Blessings all,

Do you have sleep apnea? Could this be a possibilty? I take a medicine for my nightmares (PTSD). I hope you find out why you are having such horrible dreams.:hug:


dogpal 05-25-2011 02:49 PM

Lynn: I did have sleep apnea but no longer. Just really bad heart condition. Nothing they can do for it except meds and eventually a heart transplant is what they tell me. We shall see what God has in mind :)

Hugs and blessings,

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