Support - A Cornerstone

  • I've been stalled with my weight loss for the last couple of months (winter, eye surgery that limits my activity, comfort food, bleh). I haven't really gained anything, but its the first time since last April that I've stalled. I know I need to get back into eating healthy and working out on a regular schedule, but I've just been lacking the motivation to do it. I've let motivation/progress get lost in the daily doldrums.

    I've decided that I need forward movement, and tonight I think I found something to move me. At the end of June/beginning of July, there is a Christian music festival in Illinois that I want to go to very much. It's four days of camping and walking in hot weather. Something that would be extremely hard for me to do now because of my weight and fitness level. However, I can use the next five months to get to a better fitness level and lower weight. I want this bad.

    I'd love all the support I can get, but I don't want to make this post just about me though. I'd love for anyone to post who needs extra support, who wants to share what is moving you, or who needs some forward motion too.
  • Hey there,

    are there weekly goals that you can set that will help keep you focused? For instance, week 1 and 2 you will get at least 90 mins of exercise each week? Or you will not eat/drink any '(insert word __)' for 2 days during the week?

    Of course there are SOOOO many other types of goals, it really depends on what your ultimate goals are and what works for your lifestyle/schedule.

    Also that festival sounds like fun! What a great treat that would be for you to be able to attend that AND able to actively participate.

    You can do it!