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Inkedmama98 03-14-2009 06:49 PM

No PeRioDS...NoRMaL???
This has been something has bothered me for several years now. I have consulted 2 Doctors and they both say its fine but something tells me its NOT fine. My periods were fairly regular for years after I had my son (I weighed about 190-230) Then I began to climb up over the 250 mark and my periods vanished! The first year over 250 I had 2 periods that entire year. Then this past year (2008) I had 1 (I think). I don't totally remember having one but I think I may have had one in February. This freaks me out really bad because Im 29 and I want more than anything to have more kids. Should I trust my Doctors? and is this really normal because of my weight?

mags 03-14-2009 07:33 PM

This happened to me, too, and when I did have a period, it was long and heavy. As long as I'm losing weight--I'm nowhere near goal--they're not dissimilar from when I was a teenager and weighed about 120: irregular (usually between 36 and 40 days apart) and long (6 days). Still heavy and (this is new) CRAMPY, which I think is attributable to my age (40, which means perimenopuase). If the scale is not going down and my eating is out of control, I won't have one, no matter how long it's been.

My gyno didn't seem worried about it, either. She said that it was because of the extra weight.

ZedAus 03-14-2009 08:23 PM

I didn't have a period for about 8yrs (if I remember correctly) when I was at my largest weight. A couple of those years I was on birth control injections, which stop periods in some people anyway, but I don't imagine I would have had a period in that time anyway. I had a gyno tell me I was perimenopausal. Now that I have lost weight, my periods have been more regular than since the day I started at 11 years old. I was never someone who had periods approx every month. It was always two or three months apart, at the best of times. Now, unless I am under some sort of stress, I have a period every 4 or 5 weeks.

I would agree with your doctor, that this is normal. But I am proof that it can also get better, so try not to panic too much yet about having a family.

kellie105 03-14-2009 09:24 PM

I had this issue and it turned out to be PCOS related. I had to take a drug called Metformin that they normally give to those with diabetes in order to become normal again and was eventually able to get pregnant with my now 6 month old daughter. I never had any issues when i was thinner.

azcyn 03-15-2009 11:15 AM

This is exactly what is happening to me. Once I got over the 250ish lbs I didn't have a period for a whole year. I had been "fixed" and was freaking out because I was like OMG no period means I am PG. This has been going on now for over 5 yrs. Sometimes I will have them every month somes times I go 3 months with out one and then when I have one oh boy watch out cause it is heavy.

This is what my Dr said. He said it is from teh weight. Now don't quote me on this BUT he said it has to do with your body storing estrogen?? Basically my body produces the estrogen and stores it in the "fatty cells" and releases it at different times. And because of this sometimes I will have a period and sometimes not. He said that is why sometimes I have cramping that month..but the period never comes. I have had 2 dr's tell me this. I don't know how true it is but they said that once I loose the weight that my periods will go back to being normal.

I have thought about getting the depo shot just to not have a period at all. I hate it lol and now that I am done having kids, I hate the bother of it all together.

Genki 03-15-2009 11:36 AM

I had similar problems. When I was young I had clockwork periods - every 29 days exactly. Then I got on birth control for the next 10 years (depo shots, alternating every couple years with the pill). In the meantime I gained about 90+ pounds. After I quit doing b.c. my period did not come for over a year, then I started getting my period maybe every other month. I just thought I was messed up because of all the hormones from all those years of b.c. We're talking about trying for a baby soon, so I went to my gyno and asked about PCOS (my sister has it and it runs in families.) The doc referred me to an endocrinologist who ran all sorts of blood tests, including a fasting glucose test. Turns out I have PCOS and Insulin resistance, so am on b.c. pills again to regulate hormones and on metformin to regulate insulin. It is helping SOOO much with appetite and food cravings. The endo says they're not sure if the extra weight causes the hormone problems or if the hormone problems cause the weight gain, but they are linked somehow. ANyways, I highly recommend you get blood tests to find out if you have PCOS. Especially if you have any of these other symptoms:
- hirsutism (excess facial and/or body hair), alopecia (male-pattern hair loss)
- obesity, acne, skin tags, acanthosis nigricans (brown skin patches, often found on the nape of the neck)
- high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, exhaustion and/or lack of mental alertness, decreased sex drive
- excess "male" hormones, such as androgens, DHEAS, or testosterone, decreased breast size, enlarged clitoris(rare), enlarged ovaries, enlarged uterus, insulin resistance, infertility
I took this from the excellent Sticky in the Dieting Obstacles: PCOS forum, which you should totally read.
Good luck!

Inkedmama98 03-15-2009 06:11 PM

Thank You all so much for the information! I now have an idea of what to discuss with my Dr instead of going in and going I think there is something wrong..lol. I feel so informed! Thank You :D

Vortex_VVV 03-15-2009 07:21 PM

Like Kellie, my periods became much more regular when my pre-diabetes was treated with metformin. I assume your doc has checked blood sugar?

dolfingirl2000 03-15-2009 08:56 PM

I had very irregular periods for a very long time and I went some months where I didn't even get one. (Which was kind of nice in a way ;).) When I got down to 230 lbs. my periods came every 28 days. It was like clockwork. I've regained 40 lbs. and my periods come every 30-31 days. So I would say that yes--your periods are irregular because of your weight. And I didn't have a doctor tell me that. Just another reason for me to continue losing. :)

Inkedmama98 03-16-2009 01:13 AM

I have had 2 of those Loooong blood tests were they take your blood then you drink some stuff then they take it every 30 mins after that for like 2 hours :( I have insulin resistance but the medication makes my stomach hurt really bad. I am not sure what it was called. Its been awhile since I have taken it, I think I only made it a week and couldn't stand the stomach cramps anymore. My Dr allowed me to go off it if I promised to lose weight..OOOPS that was over a year ago. :(

goingdown 03-16-2009 02:52 AM

In some women being overweight can cause irregular periods. I am not one of them...lol I have a text book 28 day cycle, never fails. BUT my sister and cousin who are also both very overweight, have had some issues. They have both been diagnosed with PCOS. My sister would only have a couple of periods a year, and struggled with infertility. My cousin had a period for 11 months straight, and is also struggling with infertility. Don't let your doctor dismiss it because you are overweight. There are things they can try to get you on track again.

looloo86 03-16-2009 04:48 AM

a friend of mine had the same problem and the same answer .i guess weight really affects our periods.
Hope you get better.

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