3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Heather 11-03-2008 07:36 AM

300+ And Getting Fit after 40 #183
This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after age 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.

Heather 11-03-2008 07:38 AM

Morning, ladies!

I got a lot done over the weekend, and feel like I got back on track for eating, AND I exercised Fri, Sat and Sun. So, I'm feeling good today. I haven't checked to see if the scale has been helped. Right now I need to feel in control.

Terri in MO 11-03-2008 09:38 AM

Morning ladies,

One week from today, I will be taking my first shot at the exam. :yay:

I had a good study weekend. I tend to do a lot of weird things when I am under the gun for studying. I cleaned out my dresser drawers to make room for the sweaters and sweats. I finished my back log of ironing. I organized in my closet and threw stuff away that I'd been hanging on to for a long time. I put a few things on Ebay. :lol: And yes, I did get in several hours of study. Those were my break times. :D Too bad I can't be that efficient all the time. I took a practice exam yesterday afternoon and didn't pass. But I almost did so that is good considering I still had not reviewed some of the big auditing standards. As I read through them this morning, I recognized items that I had gotten wrong.

After the practice exam, I gave myself the rest of Sunday off. I watched a movie and just relaxed in the new recliner in the front living room. It was fun as I sat in one recliner, Daisy sat in the one facing me. :lol:

I did do something fun on Saturday night. A friend from church asked me if I wanted to go to the PRB (bull riding) event at the American Royal. She had buy one, get one free coupons. The lady at the parking booth asked if we were there to see the cowboys, we both said, nope, we're here to see the bulls. :lol3: She laughed and agreed. It was fun and it was a good break from the books.

This morning, I was up at 5 am to study. I like it in the fall when the time changes because I'm able to get up early again. I studied, worked on bill paperwork, got a couple of things on Ebay and out the door earlier than I had been. So, next week, I will be able to get up early and start doing morning exercise times again.

The goal for tonight is: go to Sam's with DH, clean the bathroom, stationary bike, study.

Have a good Monday! :wave:

Lilion 11-03-2008 10:26 AM

Barb! :bravo: 50 lbs down since AUGUST? Do I have the date right? That's amazing. You deserve a huge round of applause!

Terri, Saw you say that gas was UNDER $2 where you live? Wow! Wish I was up north!

Okay – I know I was MIA all last week. I was quite upset by my WI on October 25 and just really…well, I don't know. It showed my back at 255. Meaning that in 15 weeks going to WW meetings, I had lost a total of .6 lbs. :( I was in tears at the meeting and really, just depressed. I know I haven't been perfect, but really, I haven't overeaten either. I just feel like I should have done better. This weekend, November 1, was back down 2.5. It doesn't excite me. I've decided two things. 1) I'm not even bothering to change any tickers or personal info until I'm 5 lbs down two weeks in a row. 2) If I'm not firmly in the 240's by Thanksgiving, I'm quitting WW. I can't justify paying $40 per month for nothing.

Two things happened this weekend that perked me up quite a bit. First, on Halloween, I had a couple of work-friends over and we had "ladies night in", watching TV, drinking wine, talking about men and generally being girls. It was a LOT of fun. But in the middle of it all, one girl – 20 years younger than me – I'm literally old enough to be her mother- was talking about hating her photo on her State ID and I mentioned that I really needed a new one since I was over 300 lbs on the old one and don't look anything like it. I made some offhand remark like, "Not that I look great now, but way better than I did then." And she looked at me and said something along the lines of, "I can't believe you would say anything like that about yourself – You are just a striking! You have gorgeous skin and hair and amazing eyes and – you are just a striking woman. I look at you and I think 'That's a WOMAN'!" :o I have never in my ENTIRE LIFE had anyone say anything so complementary about my looks. I'm still somewhat awed by the fact that anyone would see me that way.

Than Saturday at WW, my friend (who hasn't lost either in 16 weeks) mentioned it was 16 weeks and they gave us our charms. I said I hadn't planned on mentioning it since I hadn't actually lost weight! I also made sure to tell the newer folks not to panic, because I'd been following WW since Feb 05 and it DOES work – telling them about my loss and regain when I went crazy at 100 lbs off – but that I'd just been bouncing up and down the same five lbs since starting meetings. Someone said, "Are you sure you need to lose more? You don't look bad, what does your doctor say?" Now I KNOW I need to lose – heck at 250 I'd have to be 7 feet tall to not need to lose! But it still made me feel that perhaps my perception of myself is a little worse than how other's perceive me.

All in all, the two remarks this weekend have given me a boost. It's made me feel better about myself and in turn, given me a boost back OP. I'm doing fine so far. Stayed OP…even with the candy – that's what flex points are for. So I'm looking forward to a better week.

I also know, (thanks to the WW meeting turning into a "how to get Lilion off her plateau" meeting) that I HAVE to start exercising. That's clearly the worst part of this. I'm still finding it incredibly hard to get that done. I worked NINE HOURS on Sunday – so not time then! I would have done a nice long walk to work today, but I had a huge box of office work to bring in! So…

Gosh, I just realized how long I've been typing. I need to get moving and on to work. So anyway, now I've reported in and you know what's been going on here…So I have to run!

BarbPA 11-04-2008 04:05 PM

Hey Ladies! :wave:

Grrr.....I just lost a post so I will try again..... :dizzy:

What's everyone up to? All is well here. I've had a busy but great past couple of days. I have been taking my measurements at the beginning of each month. Today I did it for November and discovered that I have lost SIX inches off my waist...and 21.5" overall. Wow! That certainly made me feel good. Today at work someone that I barely know complimented me on my weight loss. That was surely a boost to the spirits! :D

Lilion - Thank you. :) Yes. You have the date right. I started this journey on August 1st. I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations with WI. Sounds like you had a great night with your friends on Halloween and the WW meeting compliment was certainly nice! ;)

Terri - I hope your studying is continuing to go well! You are going to do great!!! :high:

Heather - How are you doing? Getting back in control?

What's everyone else up to?

I've got to finish up some work, get the boys and then I'm hitting the gym later. Very interested to see the election results later....

Have a great night.

BarbPA 11-05-2008 09:02 PM

Hello....anyone out there? What are my friends doing? ;)

Another good day here. I worked at home and had an afternoon training session. Tonight I made some yummy baked chicken with risotto and veggies. Now I'm just chilling out a big before heading to bed.

I hope everyone is having a great night!

Heather 11-06-2008 07:37 AM

I'm buried under grading again. Should be much better by next week!

Lilion 11-06-2008 09:17 AM

Good Morning Ladies!
Wow Ladies! This thread is moving slower than usual these days!

I'm still here. Still OP. Still swamped with work.

I hope everyone is having a good week and that you all find more time to join the thread. I like to see what everyone is up to, even when I don't post! ;)

Barb, SOOOO nice to see the big differences, huh? When I was first losing and people started noticing, it was the best feeling! I remember it fondly! :) You have done SO WELL! That's just great!

And, as usual, I have to run!!!


Terri in MO 11-06-2008 10:09 AM

I'm still studying and pretty much doing nothing else besides work. But I am so close to being done for this section! :yay:

I think tomorrow night I am going to go to the fitness center on the way home from work. I need to be careful not to fry what's left of my brain over the weekend because I don't have to have a meltdown in the exam on Monday afternoon. Exercise is a must for the next few days.

OMG, I am so looking forward to Monday night. After a workout, feeding the animals, and then myself.....sitting in my new recliner reading while the doggies play.

:wave: to all!

Lori Bell 11-06-2008 10:31 AM

Hi Terri in MO. Reading your post about the American Royal brought back fond memories of my childhood in Liberty, MO. We went to the Rodeo every year. I loved the cowboys more than the bulls back then, but I'm sure the bulls would be more impressive now...:)

I don't usually post in this area because it seems to be pretty close knit and I'm relatively new to 3FC. Hope you ladies don't mind me popping in from time to time.

Terri in MO 11-06-2008 10:44 AM

Lori Bell,

Yeah, there was a time when I like to go to the American Royal to look at all the tight jeans. :lol: Now its about the animals. :rofl:

We're a small group but we're not a click so please, join in. Its all about helping each other. Some of us have been posting here for a long time and pretty much within this group, but we were all new to the group at one time. We love new friends!

BarbPA 11-06-2008 09:56 PM

Hi Gals! :wave:

What's everyone up to? I had a long day, but a good one...worked, went straight to the gym and then to a neighbor's house for a homeowner's association meeting. I just ate a little dinner and am about to go pass out in bed. I have an early session tomorrow with my favorite trainer! :D

Lori - Welcome! Please pop in as often as you'd like. We love new friends! :hug: Congrats on your amazing weight loss thus far! :)

Lilion - Glad to hear you are having a good week! :cool: Yes. I love the differences I'm seeing and people are noticing. :^:

Heather - Good luck with the grading. By the way...what do you teach? :)

Terri - Not much longer....don't forget little study breaks for yourself. :)

Sweet Dreams to all....

BarbPA 11-07-2008 08:07 AM

Rise and Shine! Good Morning Chicks! :flow1:

Lilion 11-07-2008 09:13 AM

Good Morning Ladies!
Lori! :welcome: We are kind of a quiet bunch, but friendly! :D Hope you find a home here with us. From your avatar and post, I'd guess you live on a farm? I grew up on a small farm, although I'm a small city girl now.

A big hello to everyone! Gotta get my day started! :wave:

Terri in MO 11-07-2008 09:36 AM

Morning all,

Beautiful day for a meltdown. Better today than Monday.

The dogs were arguing on the front porch starting at 5 am. :mad: I finally got up at 5:30 to let them out of their crates and put them in the back yard. Except Wiley decided it was the morning for a run and took off. :mad: :mad: I hustled the others into and through the house to the back yard. Fifteen seconds later I realize that Daisy, Danni, and Ruby are having a fight. :mad: :mad: :mad: Since I was right there and able to get to them pronto, Ruby only has a skin tear on one ear and a bite hole on the skin under her jaw. Wiley finally came back and was happy with himself for the run. I cleaned Ruby's wound and taped the ear tear together, gave her pain meds, and antibiodics and locked her in Duke's crate. All before 6:30 am. Then DH decided to rant about the dog fights and how I can't control them :blah: :blah: :blah:. My parting words this morning were one dog escaped, one dog returned, three dogs are in the kennel, three dogs got into a fight, one dog has been doctored, one dog is in the back yard, one dog is in the crate and I don't have time for negative crap as I'm going to work. Geez what a morning.

Once DH gets over being mad :tantrum:, he's going to pick me up this morning so that I can go with him to his first water physical therapy session. The doctor has tried to set this up to see if it will help alleviate his back pain.

And sometime today, I have to beat audit sampling into my brain and be able to write an audit opinion without a cheat sheet.

I am so going to the fitness center tonight. If I don't get to, someone will suffer besides me. :devil: :lol3:

Okay, deep breath.....................ooohhhhhmmmmmmm........ .... and more coffee. :coffee2:

:wave: to all!

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