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Realist 07-15-2008 08:23 PM

Hi all,

Good to see so many folks posting. Quite update on me. TOM is knocking on the door, and although I haven't seen a marked weight gain (I have been at or under 2000 calories for a few weeks now, and working out when I can), I have felt such frustration and anger with everyone around me. OK, mostly co-workers, and yes, they deserve it. But still, anger to the point of rage it feels. Argh, come on TOM, let's get this over with.

I am going to for some personals.

Ratkitty - the naughty FOCUS words, I have come up with some fun ones. Why oh why must my mind go directly there? Oh well, yours went with it. Glad to see you are doing ok, other than work kicking your butt (same here). I have written 3 150 page documents, 1 300 page document, and reviewed another 500 pages in the last 2 weeks. Ack.

Debbie - Sorry to hear about your feet. My father has diabetes quite bad, although he is controlling it better as he got older. But his Drs have told him the won't get better, just worse. And his feet ache horribly, which his Drs say is "good, at least you can feel them". He doesn't find that entertaining. You have done well with your diet, and I really hope to follow suit.

Carol - I would tell you to focus, but I won't since my "focus" doesn't say something inspirational. Sounds like you are getting it going though, so that's great!

Luan - keep fighting the fight. Why? Because that's what we do.

Annie - Any job news? By the way, you look FABULOUS!

Catherine - I am absolutely pathetic when DH isn't here. At work I am harsh (shocking, I know), self-sufficient, etc. At home, I can be harsh :o but I depend on him just to be here. And cook. And love me. He just needs to be with me, and everything will be ok. Or way more ok than without him.

I know I didn't get you all. Sorry about that. Need to eat some dinner, then hop on the bike at some point I think.


DMPLS 07-15-2008 10:13 PM

Thanks everyone for the encouragement! DH is walking as I type right now......boy I wish I enjoyed the treadmill more!

ok so we decided we are going to Louisianna to see his brother & new grandbaby, not to mention a nephew we havent seen since he was 10 and now he is 24 or 25! We are driving down thursday daytime.......getting a room....staying till Sat afternoon for a BBQ they are having....then driving home so we can leave for Cincinnatti and the Ballgame on sunday we don't have to be there till Sunday around 1pm....and it's only 2 1/2 hours away so we should be good to go! Also we wouldn't have to drive necessarily to Cincinnatti since the oldest Son & his fiance plus 2DS's gf will be coming they all can drive the 2 1/2 hours LOL!

youngest DD isn't too thrilled that she wont be going with us down to see her uncle & cousins....but she is committed and new clothes is a huge motivator! LOL Tommorrow she has a dentist appt... so her older sis who is in town will be babysitting for her....and I am taking her to look for a JOB tomorrow after her dentist appt!

Tomorrow I am going to fill my brita water jug and keep it filled I am going to set a new record for me in amount of water in one day! eat a healthy breakfast and MOVE MOVE MOVE those are 3 minoot goals for tomorrow in the MORNING! I will post my afternoon goals tomorrow after breakfast........lets see how well I do this way!

Hugs to everyone.........yes I'm reading........my head is not in the slightest ready to post comments for anyone else who is struggling right now............wish I could be a bigger motivator! At least know my heart is there with you all!

Heather 07-15-2008 10:15 PM

I'm similarly a bit of a mess without hubby. I was single and independent until my mid-30's, and yet I feel like I turn to a bit of goo when he goes out of town. I tend to overeat.

He goes out of town 3 of 4 weeks and sadly, but usually it's just for 1-2 days. I do seem to be getting used to it and don't have the same kind of reaction I used to.

gggirls 07-15-2008 10:30 PM

I don't do well with hubby gone either - I travel every other week and don't mind but I sure don't like it when he is gone.

Tonight I didn't go to my exercise class - BUT - when I got home I did 45 hard minutes in the water - I think I will try to do that tomorrow night too.

Catherine - it's an unhealthy relationship we've all had with food. I would just like to not think about what I can eat, or what my next meal is, etc. Times like this though then have me obsessing over journaling, exercise, etc. A happy balance is what I'm after. I thought about you tonight while I was working in the pool - wished you were here.

Rat - gotta admit that some of the same ideas crossed my mind.

Angie - how great to see you - you're doing well - keep up the good work!

Thanks for all the acronym suggestions - still trying to come to grips with it all.

Annie - how was the interview? Hugs to you.

Hugs to all,

dogpal 07-15-2008 11:00 PM

Hi all,

Interview was great. Sadly they had over 80 people apply for the position! So, now it is a waiting game for at least a week they said. So, I will continue to search.

Carol: I like the focus. I was thinking of face our compulsion until success! lol. Glad you are back on track sweetie.

Johnnie: Hi girl. Glad to see ya.

Dusty: so sorry about the feet problems you are having. It sounds very painful.

Mizm: Hot, hot and more hot for you it sounds like. Stay as cool as you can.

Debbie: I love the skateboard idea. Glad that your Dr report was better than last time.

Catherine: Your tub sounds cool! Enjoy your time with "himself" when he comes home.

Penny: Hi

Anne: My goodness you are a busy little bee! No wonder you are tired.

Julee: Have fun bra shopping. That is such a sweet thing to do.

Luan: Double hugs to you. Do you still have my email address? If you don't let me know and I will pm you with it again. You can ask me anything you want but believe me having gastric bypass or any weight loss surgery doesn't end the fight. It makes it a bit easier and a bit harder. Hugs.

Debi: Yipee for new clothes in smaller sizes.

Bernice: Hope you have a really fun trip.

Julia: Glad you enjoyed the movie. I will have to give it a go.

Rat: Don't work too hard! I think of you every time I ride my bike. I did 8 miles yesterday all at once. Huge accomplishment for me.

Angie: I hope Tom shows up asap!

Well, I think I am alllll caught up for now. Hugs to everyone who is in need of one.

Blessings all,

Bumblebee08 07-15-2008 11:21 PM

Hi All,

I'm kind of just diving in here, testing the waters. Hope you don't mind. I just wanted to pop my head in and say hello and introduce myself. So HELLO!! :D I'm a little overwhelmed with this thread...lots of post on here!...but I'll try to participate more on the next one. Or at least when I can wrap my head around this one. :dizzy:

Take care everyone...I look forward to getting to know you!


M'Chelle aka Bumblebee

Debbie54 07-15-2008 11:36 PM

Carol, how about....

F ~ fulfillment
O ~ of
C ~ creating
U ~ ultimate
S ~ success

worthapenny 07-15-2008 11:57 PM

Debbie - The doctor is glad of your progress with losing weight. That is great. Sorry to hear about the numbness. I like the "focus" you came up with too!

Bumblebee- Welcome!!!!

Annie-glad the interview went well. I always hate the waiting too, I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Carol- Glad that you got some exercise in. Young daughter and I went to the Y tonight and played some basketball and then an hour of pool. She is getting so good. I wish we had a pool, yours sounds nice and I am glad you are using it.

Ratkitten- You are doing well!

Angie- I'm with you I just want TOM to hurry and be done.

Well, Older daughter just came home from work so I will have to go and talk to her for a little bit. Goodnight all! Penny

JuleeCeeS 07-16-2008 12:52 AM

Yeah my FOCUS acronyms all had a dirty word in it too..and thoughts about Chocolate Understanding Sorrow...but that's just me :)

Bra shopping was nice. We also got all sorts of discounts and stuff because the gal at the store remembered my young friend and my mom had coupons in their system...so we cleaned up. I treated her to a bra and bought a few myself. We were at SOMA Intimates, which is owned by Chicos. They have several styles of bras up to 42DDD and they were lovely. I actually got properly fitted and the 3 I got are amazing. I got a $55 strapless for $19 and 2 other that are rather sexy if I do say so myself (hello leopard and lace!).

Luan...refresh me..what's a Gazelle? Does it have to be fed? (kidding) I am so sorry for your heartbreak. It never feels good...even when they "mean well". I once had a man tell me (after a rather intimate weekend together) that I was practically perfect and that if the think girl inside me came out I'd be the one for him. Be strong...for yourself. You are so wonderful and such a fantastic person.

Catherine...I hit the outlets once I think. DH is not a shopper and although he would tolerate being dragged along we aren't going to have too much time so we'll make the trip worth our while. I just don't dig the boat ride and the ponchos and the water....ugh.

Nothing else new here...it's hot and I am trying to not be too lazy each day. My exercise bug went away and I haven't dine anything since my walk last week. BOO. Tomorrow night we have tickets to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and the Manhattan Transfer at an amazing outdoor concert venue and it's my job to bring the picnic dinner. Whee.

princesspuffypants 07-16-2008 02:00 AM

julee - google "tony little gazelle" its like an elliptical.. kinda

as for the gastric bypass. its not just a snap decision i made. ive been looking at information for a long time. i know its not just a snap solution. im sorry if i came off that way.

voodoo1 07-16-2008 03:51 AM

Another quickie..
Debbie so sorry about your feetxxxxxxx Hope it helps you stay OP, even though it's an awful way to have to do it.xxxxx
Luan, if we had the money I'd have lap-band surgery, sometimes we 'need' something to stop us eating so much. I'm sure you will find the right path & if it's surgery then, as far as I'm concerned, go for it! I know you will do the research to get the best surgeon & aftercare. HUGSXXXX Sorry about the guy, it can stay with you a long time, before my hubby I had a 'thing' & the guy thought I was great...except for the fact of my size.... it still hurts now after 13 years with my hubby & 15-16 since this guy told me why he couldn't 'see me properly'. I love my hubby so much and wouldn't swap hm for the guy but it hurts when I think I let myself be treated like that ( I still spent week-ends with him afterwards!!! How stupid id that???!!)xxxxxx
Julee glad u enjoyed the shopping trip I'm sure she really appreciates you.xxxxx
Annie, hope something 'right' comes along soon on the job-front.xxxxx
Anne, your 'rest' sounds like HARD WORK to me!!!lolxxxxxx
Carol glad you are getting focussed again, can I 'borrow' some? lol hugsxxxxx
Well I've been OP since Monday, no formal exercise but lots of walking & gardening. I feel better for it but still very tired as Steve is ill & tossing & turning & very hot in bed which is stopping me sleeping.
Gotta take the boys to school...sorry to miss some of you...no time...

Ratkitten 07-16-2008 07:52 AM

Greetings my chickies!

Realist, omgosh, your week sounds like mine! Only someone else wrote this horrid 374 page document that went out for public comment and it got ripped apart (as it should have been). Now it has to be re-written in 1 week.. wha?? Craziness, right? Your week sounds just as insane.. hang in there! Oh, and TOM is starting today.. UGH. There's not enuff room to hide all the bodies hehe.

DMPLS, please feel better soon. Glad you are going to see more family. I know how much family is important to you!

ProfHeather.. when are you leaving for vacation?? It's gotta be soon.

GGG, w00h00 on going 45 min in the water. I have fun with the FEAR acronym. There's a healthy version and my version. Face Everything and Recover or F**k everything and RUN. hehe.. couldn't resist. I used to play this game online called acromania. You'd be given an acronym and you'd write the best meaning within 20 sec. It was fun and hysterical. People can be so creative :)

w00h00 Annie!! 8 miles at once on the bike! I feel the same way when I ride as you do. It's freeing and I love seeing the stuff people are doing to their yards in my neighborhood and I like being out in the fresh air after being cooped up in cube world all day at work.

WELCOME Bumblebee!!! *hugs* I'm glad you are jumping right in. Don't worry about personals, just tell us about yourself.

Penny, an hour of bball and going to the pool is fabbo! I wish I had a pool too. I still have an advertisement out for a poolboy (hehe).

Julee, bra shopping with your young charge sounds like it was a very very positive experience. I'm glad you were there for her. What a wonderful thing you did!!

Luan, your request for gastric surgery info did not come across as flippant or as a rash decision. I would suspect NO ONE in this group does anything rashly. We are a group of highly intelligent women who have a tendency to overthink and over analyze things. More random hugs to you.

Sharon, I understand why you spent time with that jerk even after he said those things! I've been there as well. Sorry DH is sick and hope he gets better fast so you can sleep!

Hugs to all my peeps!! I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did, it's cuz my brain is mush from work. Special hugs to all my lurkers.


JuleeCeeS 07-16-2008 11:59 AM

Luan...ahhhh the Gazelle. I'd be curious to know your experience with it...or anyone else for that matter. I didn't interpret your comments as hasty either. I know that I have ben in that moment before where nothing works and I want a fix right there and then. I was watching Intervention the other night and I was watching a horribly sad one about a young woman (about 30) who was horribly anorexic. As sad and terrible as it was, I had a momentary flash of "Wow...if only I had a fraction of her willpower."

I have a kajillion errands to run today and tomorrow and then we leave for Buffalo tomorrow night. Happy Hump Day.

CatherineM 07-16-2008 12:35 PM

Julia-You can use anything I say, anyway you want to. That’s what we’re here to do, help each other.

Carol- I like Ultimate for the U. I rarely have immediate successes, but I try to keep my mind on my ultimate goal. And for the C, how about carving? I always think of myself like Michelangelo looked at a block of marble. He said the masterpiece was always there, he just carved away the rock to reveal it. That’s what I’m trying to do.

Debbie-When himself came back from Antarctica, they told him he’d lose his feet by the age of 40 because of nerve damage from frost bite. He’s still stomping around on them. He uses one of those pedicure buffers to keep the dead skin off them, and it massages them too. Losing your feet is good incentive to keep moving.

Angie-gee that’s a lot of writing. It took me 6 weeks just to do the revisions on my 200 page book. I don’t even James Michener could write that much that quick. I want you doing my term papers.

Heather-This is the first time we’ve been separated for more than a single night. It’s been like living in a ghost house. It’s just kind of empty. I’m going to vacuum today to keep myself busy.

Carol-I wish I was in the pool there too. My classes have been bumped for the summer for the kids’ swim lessons. I know that’s important, and I was certainly there at that age. I could go to the 7am class, if I could get my back moving that early in the morning, or the 9pm class if I didn’t mind coming back on the bus that late at night. Who’d mug someone my size, I don’t know. They’d have to be desperate. I’d give them my money, but not my bag. I’ve got my swimsuit adjusted just the way I like it. so they can’t have it. Besides the evening class is full of those go-getter kind of women who have worked all day, got the kids to bed, and then go off to exercise. I might be tempted to drown one of them.

Annie-I hope you find something you like soon. I’m sure there is some cosmic reason you’ve gone through all this, and later you will add it to the stories of your journey.

M’Chelle-Welcome. Don’t mind us gabbing away. You can catch on quick enough. I guess it’s pretty hot right now in North Texas. I grew up in Oklahoma. I’ve got a brother in Carrolton. I am somewhat farther north now. It’s 53 degrees here right now. I hope it warms up some because our version of the state fair is next week.

Julee-My mom gets her bras at a place like that. She’s a 38 EEE. At least she is on one side. She asked the doctor if he would just take both when he was taking the right one. They give you prosthetic ones to fill your bra up with, so you will be balanced weight wise, and hers was so heavy she couldn’t lift it to put it in her bra. I had to make her a foam rubber falsie by sewing several together. That was weird. They don’t make my size either, 46B, B for barely.

Rat-I wish I could ride a bike again. I miss my Motobecane. I’m trying to talk himself into a Gary Fisher City Bike, but he’s afraid I’ll fall off and hit my head and forget who I am or something. I’m going to buy some new walking shoes instead.

4 days down, and 4 days until he comes home. I still have lots of cleaning to do. I think I have touched or moved everything in this condo at least once this week. Mostly to move it to the middle of the room. It will seem strange to not have an audience while folding clothes.

BattleAx 07-16-2008 01:47 PM

Hi everyone,

I have been OP for 6 days now. I also updated my ticker to my true weight. Sigh. I know I can get it back down again and keep going. My daily routine is starting to take shape so I feel more optimistic.

Hugs to all of you.

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