3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Heather 02-18-2008 07:42 AM

300+ Weekly Thread #1146

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.

I know you'll all agree that we are really thankful for the free services here at 3FC. The sisters offer all of this support and information with no charges to us. There are a couple of ways though that we can help out.

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Also, BTW, in case you didn't know it, you can view the message boards "ad free" for a minimal charge. I think it's $15 for 6 months. A very small investment to be rid of the annoying ads and make your pages load quicker.

There have been some concerns expressed by the powers that be about copyright infringement. So please, if you are directly quoting someone else or printing an article in whole or in part, please give credit where credit is due!!!

Ratkitten 02-18-2008 08:25 AM

G'morning all!

Sharon, it's true! Rainbow is contagious!! In a good way, of course.

Battle, yes, it's exciting and scary to get into smaller clothes. You and Nancy are so much braver than I am regarding the dating scene.

Heather.. ROCK CLIMBING?! wow girl, you GO! oh, and Happy bday..hehe. What a cool way to celebrate.. conquering mountains.

I was thinking about Battle and Nancy's dating quests while doing errands... I have hidden from the dating scene for a long time. There have been sometimes that I wanted to burst onto the dating the scene, but fat doesn't magically disappear when I want to "reveal" myself. Most of the time, I've been pretty happy without being distinguished as a female (this is in both mind and body.. there are people who can be overweight and still be attractive to a partner). Obviously, I have other issues. Today, I am on this journey to be healthy and in it for the long term. I see the other issues in the back of my brain, so I feel like I'm not going to be blindsided by them when someone flirts or suddenly treats me like a female.

Anyhow.. those are my brain-fog, lack-of-caffeine rambles of the morning! hehe

Hugs and Luv,

DMPLS 02-18-2008 09:30 AM

Ratkitten- I know what you mean about feeling blindsided when flirtation is thrust upon me. Poor DH is always saying things to flirt with me and in my head Im thinking why/how could you think Im attractive like this? He swears he doesn't see my weight gain, I've been a size 14+ when we first met so I can't say I was "thin" before......even then he was the jock that I would of NEVER gotten a chance to speak to in HS, when we met we worked together & were just "friends" at first, till his best friend told him how I felt and that if DH was looking for a partner for life then he needed to go out with me.....DH was a player at the time LOL still to this day I think Im the "lucky" one in our relationship...........He swears its him LOL
It takes alot for me to feel good about a compliment he gives me or flirtatious remark he says.........I hope that I will/can get through this stumbling block even after I lose weight.

I stepped on the scale today for my weekly weigh-in and was pleasantly surprised to have lost another 4lbs!!!

I am feeling much better except for the cough tinkle thing is still going on......

DH is doing great other than his cough.....we are getting use to the diabetic issues......today I have to work with him on doing a shot because this week at work he will have to administer it to himself....he is ok with needles just doesn't like the idea of giving himself a shot I guess....

Hope everyone has a great Monday! We are off today for Presidents day........suppose to snow.....hopefully we have school tomorrow LOL

jar1965 02-18-2008 09:42 AM

Hi girls! I really do promise to catch up and get back on track soon~! Easter is approaching so fast and my store went from total Valentines to Easter -Saturday! I started at 10 a.m. and finished at 9:30 p.m.! ahhhhh, a ton of work!

Xena2005 - thanks! My daughter is in Beauty School! She graduates in May........so she definately keeps me youthful! I love being her "model"! lol! I get my hair and nails done and pedicures and makeovers all the time~! It's a womans dream come true. My own personal stylist! ***I say that now, but when she is working full time and is established, she probably won't have time for me anymore!:o

Have a great day everyone! Hugs!

sandybar 02-18-2008 09:59 AM

Hello Ladies,
Sorry I've been missing but things have been hectic. Nothing terrible, just life in general. I'm happy to say I'm back under 300, but barely.
I totally went off no refined carbs and man did it make me feel cruddy. Emotionally and physically. And, I still haven't had tom yet. So, I don't know what's going on. Probably just stress and my age. ha ha
Today is Miss Abby's birthday. She's the perfect age of 10. I just took cupcakes to her school for her and have a pot of her fav spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove. We'll have it with whole wheat pasta with lots of fiber and a salad. And, I made a low carb cheese cake for her. It looks wonderful and smelled great while baking. The batter was good too. I'll pass the recipe along if everyone likes it. I've made cheesecakes before and was always sucessful. But this recipe is new. I got it from "Low Carb & Lovin it." I'm pretty excited about having a wonderful dessert that's legal. I'll probably make it again but in muffin pans so I can control portions and take it to work.
DSD has been a nightmare. Lots of ridiculous rebellious stuff. It harder now cuz her mom lets her do whatever she wants at her house and won't "co-parent" with my husband. It's a very bad situation.
Well, I gotta bolt. Lots to do before I leave for work. I'm working a half day today. I just want today to be a special day for Miss Abby.
Hugs to all and will try my best to be back here regularly.

JuleeCeeS 02-18-2008 11:46 AM

Well...as predicted, the MIL is trying to ruin my birthday again. First let me say that I LOVE my in-laws.....but...they can be a little predictable:
1) We had to be at their place at 6 last night for dinner. We were in the car at 5:55 and I told DH to call his dad and let him know we were on the way (because at 6:00 he'd call us). Sure enough, DH calls, and the responses he gets isn't "Hi" but "Where are you?"

2) They borrowed a suitcase from us for their recent cruise. That was a month ago and we haven't made it over there yet to get it. I told DH that it would be waiting by the door for us...and it was...until the second that DH parkd the car at which time FIL grabbed it and made his way to the car before it was even turned off to get it into our car. I did mention that it was a suitcase and not an elephant, right?

And here is the kicker...Thursday is MIL"s birthday and it is also DH's cousin's birthday. So...because it is her birthday and SHE has a birthday coupon from this one restaurant (that I like but she loves way more than the rest of us) we HAVE to go there. It doesn't matter if anyone else wants to go there or can afford it right now...our marching orders were given, and march we shall...straight to dinner. So, last night when we were over there, I commented that for my birthday I wanted to go to a different restaurant and that I'd love to get together there with the family. HER response was...oh....I only get coupons there for a free appetizer....so why don't we have a cookout here and I can make you a nice turkey burger (because I am the dysfunctional one who doesn't eat red meat). Wow...I don't think so.

So thankfully DH piped up and said "that's not what Julee said she wanted to do" and I said "we should discuss this another time." ARGH....why is it always her way or no way at all? The she started going on about the flowers we sent her at work lst year for her birthday and how geat they were. I wonder if she is going to kep going on about that even after we don't send them to her this year becuase we can't afford it right now?

The great part is I will hear all about this from MY mother who gives me all of the dirt and thinks that although my MIL is a lovely person (they are friends) that she needs to butt out and learn her place.

So then we went to the karaoke bar last night and my dear friend Wendy brought all of her leftover birthday candy (her birthday was 2/14) to share with us. I was still fuming from dinner so I dug in. Then I stopped and put it all on the other side of the table and set up the "pink line" with some silly napkins and wouldn't cross it...and then at the end of the night something else happened so I dug back in. ARGH....not what I wanted to do at all!!!

And now on top of all that, I have to work today.

Ratkitten 02-18-2008 12:01 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your MIL and her selfishness, Jul. When I hear about all of ya'lls sweet DHs, I get jealous.. THEN I hear about the crazy MIL/FIL and Stepeverythings.. hehe. *poof* Jealousy gone. Hang in there.

Good to hear from you sandy!! I'm interested in the low carb cheesecake recipe. Could you post it on the recipe thread? pretty pluuuueze? <3

Your haricut is very flattering, jar (as well as your bright smile!). Nice you have a personal stylist (for now).

Dmpls, it's different to give yourself a shot. I give myself monthly B12 shots for a gastric deficiency (I'm missing the fundus of my tummy...it processes the B12 you eat). I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable giving myself a daily one! The one good thing at work is that there's a nurse that will give it to me if I request it. DH might have the same option since he's gov't.

I'm feeling more and more like my old self as the days get longer. We are having FREAKY weather and it's 72F and windy out here. I couldn't stand it, pumped up da tires and went for a bike ride!! It felt really good, even though I desperately need a new seat.

I'm feeling very grateful for all of you here. You continually show me that I can make it thru major funks and continue this healthy journey. I lub all of you!


babybear101 02-18-2008 12:54 PM

Good Monday Everyone!
Well I made it through my 51 hour week last week only to find out I have another 50 hour week.. they "need" me lol. It should not be as bad this week as everyone has already fused about not getting flowers and now we just spend the week fixing it.

I have been a horrible eater now for over a week. I know this I admit this. I weighed Sunday and I am at 285 that is up 2 lbs I am just glad it was not more. These 50 hour weeks are out of the norm for us and it stresses us all out. We did prepare a bit more this week and chose some frozen meals so we could pop them in, and I got me some healthy choice/ww etc. Hopefully this will help me keep from gaining till next week.

And lol at the nibbles will have to remember to nibble DH more and dark chocie less.

Have a good week all. catch you when I can.


Debbie54 02-18-2008 04:07 PM

Sharon, That's a wonderful weight loss you had for the week. Congrats to you!!! And you sound so up, I'm so happy for you. It's amazing the affect the sun can have on us. I love to see the crocus bloom when there is still snow on the ground. I bet it's just beautiful.

Ratkity, I think so many of us or at least you and I have those feelings of being afraid of being treated like a woman. I've never been that feminine my whole life, and for some reason even feel embarrassed by it. Weird, huh? That's probably another reason why I'm fat. Just hang in there though, one more thing we have to reason with ourselves to why we feel that way. I'm glad you got to go out on your bike. I bet it felt so good to be outside and enjoying a good ride. I swear I'm getting a bike this year even if I have to go hungry a whole week!!!

DMPLS, YAY on the 4lbs gone forever. You're doing such a good job! Keep it up!!

Sandy, great news on being under 300, whether it be by alot or a tiny oz, the main thing is that you're there. So don't downplay it my friend, you're doing great!

Julee, sounds like your having a rough time. I'm so glad that your DH stuck up for you though. Hopefully you will all get together and do something you want to do for your birthday. Don't let it get ya down.

Tina, all the little triggers that set us off. Just try and get back to healthy choices which it sounds like you have. LOL had to laugh at nibbling DH more than the chocie...that was cute.

I think from now on while TOM is visiting, I'm not going to weigh. It's been up and down and up again so much since I started that it gets quite frustrating. It almost puts me in a panic which is just plain crazy. As long as I know I'm staying OP, I have to chock it up to TOM. Can't wait for it to leave. Menopause, come on quick!!!!! :rofl:
Have a good one

RealCdn 02-18-2008 04:41 PM

Good afternoon all,

Well I got my exercise out of the way early today so I could colour my hair. It tells me two things. That I can do 90 mins of the treadmill before lunch (along with 15 mins of weights) and that I seem to modify my days around working out. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but just an observation. I'll have to remember that 90 mins in the morning for other days. Tomorrow morning we're going to take a drive to Vineland to buy frozen sour and sweet cherries. Normally we can them, but this winter we're running out. We were just back in the country last year in very late May, so there was just so much to do that the canning suffered.

Other than that, there isn't much going on. The weigh-in this morning was good, which just makes me feel worse about my slight meltdown last week. Oh well, we live and learn.

BattleAx -
I agree completely about the oversized clothing. I know that I tend to see that problem on others though, and not on myself. Luckily we have a family friend who has done sewing and alterations for a very long time. She helped me take in a lot of things when I was down just below 300. I'm so happy she did as I won't have to go out looking for new stuff for a while.

debimitch -
taking measurements is a great idea. Losing pounds can slow while you build muscle and tone up. I forgot to take starting measurements, but finally did it back on the 12th (so I can look at them later).

Annie - going to the mall can be dangerous, unless you leave the credit cards behind. Hopefully you got out though, I completely understand, having a bit of cabin fever myself at the moment.

Heather - wow (on the rock climbing). I'm not sure even if I could do it, that I would. I'm never sure if my fear of heights is legit, or if I just don't trust my balance on top of ladders and chairs.

Sharon - crocus and snowdrops - I'm so envious. Unless things change radically (which it could) I think we're going to have a late spring. Usually in Feb we always get a thaw that at least starts the snowdrops going. Some years we actually get a bloom then. This year, well, they're buried under a lot of snow.

Dmpls - I'm so happy to hear that your husband is doing better. I've always found that people who are around you during the gain don't see it. They might know that you're heavier, but not how much.

Ooops - just looked at the clock. I've got a few things I need to get done before I start dinner, so I'm off. For all who lost this week - congratulations. For those who are holding steady (or even holding a little extra water), stay the course, it will eventually come off.

wennygrrl 02-18-2008 06:57 PM

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the warm welcome. You sound like a bunch of fun, supportive gals. Reading through the last week and this weeks thread I saw so many of the same issues I have been facing. It is nice that others find the humor and the exasperation in the same things. I am feeling a bit sore today as I really pushed myself over the weekend. I am a person who really hates cardio (but I still do it) and enjoys weight training or functional training, but I think I went a little too far. So I am taking the day off today and am planning a longer cardio workout for Tuesday to work out the rest of the kinks.

Battleax, I am going through the same thing with clothes. I really don't like wearing my "bigger" clothes because they make me feel frumpy and not so pretty. I recently had a bit of a "shopping spree" (I had a coupon for Lane Bryant) and I picked up a new pair of jeans and a sweater. I tried on several shirts that I thought were soooo cute on the hanger, but when I tried them on they didn't look right. I've come to realize that I am still shopping for my former body and not my current one (size withstanding). My body has changed. I lost a lot of weight in my upper body and it is coming off at a much slower rate below the waist. But now I have a waist, and I need to accentuate it in order to take advantage of my new shape. I have always been curvy, but now it is much more pronounced. Anyway, I was able to wear a 14/16 comfortable and purchase a pair of LB's Right Fit Jeans in a 4 Blue (which I think is about a 22) Whoooo hooo!

I am envious of all of you describing flowers blooming or warmish days. The winter here has been endless with TONS of snow and frigid conditions. I can handle one or the other, but both are wearing me out. I think I am developing shoveling shoulder. LOL!

Anyway, I am in a bit of a rush so I need to go. I will post more soon. Take care.

JuleeCeeS 02-18-2008 07:52 PM

Thanks to all for the pep talk...I know my MIL is a good person who means well...she just knows how to push buttons and is a control-freak :)

Anne...LOVE LOVE the new picture!!!!

Off to cook some dinner for my poor sick hubby...hopefully this one will be less awful than the one from the other night.



RealCdn 02-18-2008 08:21 PM

Hey all,

I posted this link over in the other thread, but just in case I thought I'd post it here for all of you who love your jobs. :)

The Lost Dr Seuss Poem

Debbie - when I'm around the TOM I can't really count on a reasonable weight for almost a week before and then a couple of days after it drops a fair bit. That's why I originally started the daily weigh-ins (more for curiosity). I probably won't keep them up, but it pretty much tells me that I can't trust my weight for 2 weeks out of 5.

Wenny - we talked here about shoveling a path through the snow so that when it melts we don't get more water in the basement. It's pretty sad when you don't want the snow to melt because the basement is leaking.

Julee - there's always someone who pushes your buttons, isn't there. Oh, and thanks about the picture. I kept meaning to put up a couple on my blog so I decided that today's with nicely dyed hair was a good choice. Next time I'll try adding some make-up and such!

gggirls 02-18-2008 09:24 PM

Hiya Peeps

RK - it's just great to see you posting! You're always missed. Isn't sunshine great!

DMPLS - glad to hear everybody is starting to feel better. Great weigh in!!!

Jeanne - I don't know how you do it around all the chocolate. Do you ever tire of it?

Sandy - hiya - was hoping to see you soon. Yeah on the weight! And a big happy birthday to Miss Abby.

JC - you are handling you MIL so well. I was not always so gracious and wish I would have been.

Tina - sounds like you have a good plan for this week. Remember to rest!

Debbie - have you seen the doc for TOM's frequent visits. Seems to be wearing out his welcome.

Anne - love the new avatar. Your smile radiates. Glad to hear the scale is moving for you - fingers crossed for the same for me tomorrow. Been a good week for breaking this stubbornness - Battle and now you - me next please.

Wenny - I think I'm late with a big WELCOME. You will find so much support here. Keep posting. I look forward to getting to know you.

Sharon - please oh please post a pic of the crocus. I'm so ready for some warmth and a hint of spring.

Plumbing is fixed, laptop working for now, should be able to exercise tomorrow - my trainer will find a sub if he can't make it, and tomorrow is weigh in day. I am really hoping for a loss (big enough to I consider it breaking this stalemate). I was reviewing my weigh ins - I have been in the 310's since the end of November - time to move on.

I think I have stumbled upon the reason I started overeating (as a child) and probably have perpetuated it lifelong now. It is both a burden lifted and mind numbing at the same time. I'm going to try to journal and see if it makes sense.

A big hi to everyone - remember - move your bodies, drink your water and SMILE.


heather_dw 02-18-2008 10:11 PM

I had been forcing myself to feel better about my sister being pregnant. When I was getting negative thoughts like "oh, I'll never have a baby or "I'll never lose weight" I would force myself to knock it off and tell myself "You don't know that! let it go and stop it!" I was doing better and then my mom calls today.

She never calls me to "chat". She does that with my sister. I knew she was tiptoeing around the baby thing. She finally says "so... what do you think about being an AUNT again!?" I tell her "well, honestly I'm trying not to think about it" and she says "oh don't be that way". I tell her that I would be lying if I said it didn't upset me when I found out. I told her I'm sure I would knit her something at some point and was telling her about the baby items I knit one of hubby's workers. She wanted to know how many things I made her. I guess to make sure I make my sister just as many things or more?

She then tells me that my sister had originally not wanted to tell me but they knew it would be bad if I found out way later than everyone or by accident. She then says that whole thing where my niece "let it slip" was planned. They didn't want to tell me so they had my niece do it.

I had been doing better but now I feel full of angst and despair again. I reached for 100 calorie pack and a low calorie popsicle. I can see I was emotional eating, so I poured a glass of hot tea and popped a piece of sugar free gum but I'm still feeling upset. Ugh

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