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Terri in MO 11-26-2007 08:07 AM

300+ and Gettin' Fit after 40 #134
This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after age 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.

Heather 11-26-2007 08:15 AM

Terri -- name change! I like it!

Morning all! I got on the scale this morning, and it's the same as last week! Of course, my husband did monkey with the scale this weekend, so maybe that's why! :lol:

Everyone back to normal-busy this week?

Terri in MO 11-26-2007 10:04 AM

Heather -

I didn't even notice the name change and had forgotten completely about requesting it. When I first read your note, I thought what did I do to the name of the thread! :lol: Too funny!

Lilion - Do you know a "Kelly" where you work? Turns out my lawyer niece that lives in Columbia has a roommate "Kelly" who works in Jeff City doing the same thing you do.

:wave: to all. Must get to work because DH is picking me up at 5:00 tonight. I'm trying to avoid the 6:00 work evenings this week if I can.

Lilion 11-26-2007 04:00 PM

Hey Terri! I do believe we have someone in common! We have a new Kelly here - tall redhead, recently widowed? - and she has a lawyer roommate in Columbia - who's name, I'm sorry, escapes me right now. But I remember her, cute, brown hair, about 5'5". She came to an SCA event in October with Kelly? How small is our world? :)

It's been the usual busy day after a holiday weekend. Too much to do and no ambition to do it! :lol: But I best get back to it!

:wave: to all my favorite chickies!

Terri in MO 11-26-2007 04:43 PM

That's too wild. My niece's name is Linda. Yep, Kelly lost her husband in Iraq. His Blackhawk crashed in the night. He had volunteered to go over there are part of the JAG.

rileydog14 11-26-2007 06:36 PM

Hi friends- trying to begin again - I keep sabotaging myself, I think I'm just feeling sorry for myself. It's a new week, so I can do this!!!


NoLifeWithoutHorses 11-26-2007 09:02 PM

I bought a 3 step mounting block, but haven't broken it in yet. Tomorrow for sure.

Lilion, I've been boycotting the shack for 30 years, although I didn't know the whole reason why till I read your post. I'm good for another 30 year boycott! They sold me a $600 stereo system that NEVER worked. Never made good on the warrentee. How much would that $600 be equal to in modern day terms?

Doing well at the moment. Didn't bother holding back too much on TG, but since then have done well at re-focusing. My step-mom put chips, bread (really amazing good cranberry pecan bread) white potatoes, corn, etc in front of me my whole visit up there, but with restraint I didn't let myself get crazy. I had my new 3-step block sitting out in my car the whole time, and I happily pondered what it was for, and the day when the 2-step would be quite enough.

Bill's still home, so I even made a decent dinner tonight - baked fish, squash, spinach, SF chocolate pudding cup.

Bed time. Can't stop :yawn: :sp: yawning. Bill's had a chance to warm up a spot in the bed, so I guess I'll go push him out of it. :D

:wave: Everybody!

RedHeadLongLegs 11-26-2007 09:48 PM

I got on the scale this morning and lost another 1.5 pounds. First time ever in my life right after Thanksgiving!
I started a new job today and all is well with the world I'm in!! LOL!

Lilion 11-27-2007 09:27 AM

Hello Ladies! Just a quickie again today.

Bev - Welcome! Glad you've done well over the holidays.

Patti - I'm still eating my 10 pt pie!!! I'm ready for the Thanksgiving food to be gone. I make a darn good pie and I don't seem to be able to let it go! :no: You are right! We CAN do this!

Valerie - I'm really mad at myself over the whole Radio Shack thing. I keep thinking, I should have demanded a manager, Heck - I should have gotten the pissy little creep's name! I didn't! I just want to scream! I should have raised HOLY:devil:****! I know I shouldn't have said a naughty word...but JEEZE! It was the poor customer service that made me that upset! I still am considering writing the general manager.

Terri - Just confirmed with Kelly that Linda has an "Aunt Theresa". I can't get over what a small world it is! :lol:

Got to run....:wave:

Iwillbe 11-27-2007 11:18 AM

Good morning ladies, I bet you thought I had gotten lost! Not really, just bogged down in company and Thanksgiving doings.

I wasn't so very good Thanksgiving. I ate a lot of stuff I shouldn't have and have been trying to get myself detoxed! LOL! It sure isn't easy to stay on or get back on program. I know I would be better off if I never strayed from it. I can't believe I was so commited to WW for a whole year and never cheated. Where the heck did that self control go? The older I get the more nutty I get!:rolleyes:

Terri, I wondered who the new Terri from Mo was. LOL!

Lilion, Loved the dress. You looked great! That little twirp from RS needs his nose twisted, or something twisted. How rude! We had a bad experience with RS and never go there.

Val, have you used that mounting block yet? I think it is great that you and Terri love those horses. Come get the two next door to me. LOL! They are pretty, but have no business being in the city. I won't get into that.

Patti, you don't have to tell most of us about sabotaging ourselves:rolleyes: It is the story of my life lately. Here is something for all of us:dust:

:wave: To anyone I might have missed. Hope you are all having a great day.

:love: Ruth

Heather, good for you! I wish I could say the scale stayed the same. I am not looking!

RedHeadLong Legs, You actually lost weight during Thanksgiving. Wow! Send me some of that will power!:)

Terri in MO 11-27-2007 09:49 PM

Hi girls,

I thought I had posted this morning but must have only dreamt about it. :lol:

I was up early this morning and got in my 40 minutes of exercise. 30 minutes cardio and 10 minutes on the big green ball. I need to get my cardio a little more intense.

The day was so nice that I decided to leave at noon and come home. I've had bulbs that needed planting and decided I better get it done before the weather turns crappy again. I tried to plant earlier but we are so behind on rain that the ground was just impossible. I planted tulips, hyacinth, allium and lilies. Hope something grows next year. 80 bulbs. What idiot ordered all that? Guess that would be me. It was nice to be home before dark. DH got a big bale of hay for the horsies. That's always a chore to get it out of the back of the truck.

For my evening exercise, I walked doggies. They loved it. I did a little bit of training on our walks. I need to get better control of the wild banshees. I finally figured out how to keep Dixie and Daisy from wrapping around my legs from different directions. I just twisted their leashes together so that it forced them to walk side by side. They prefer walking together than alone. I tried to have Duke sniff out Spanky's horseshoe that he lost across the road. I think I will start teaching him the game of "search and find".

DH made a huge, huge pot of cabbage soup today. I am going to take that for lunch and eat a bowl before dinner for a few days. I want to do this to help get focused on healthy eating and offset the special holiday meals. I can't do a complete cabbage soup diet because well, no way, am I eating that for breakfast. :lol: I can use it as an appetizer to help fill me up and to get in extra veggies while I have lean meat on the side for protein.

Ruth - Good to see you. I had to chuckle at "twirp". That's not used very much these days but used to be one of my favorites. So you were bogged down - did you have a good time with family?

Lilion - Its not too late to write the letter. There was no excuse for that twirp.

Bev - Not sure that I welcomed you to the group but :welcome: ! Congrats on losing over Thanksgiving. That is awesome. Good luck with the new job. Keep us posted because we're nosy!

Val - Woohoo for the 3 step! I am so excited for you to be riding your boy. We need to be working hard this winter to get some weight off because there's lots of riding to be done next year.

Patti - The first step is admitting that you may be sabotaging yourself. Yes, you CAN do this. Anything in particular that is causing you to sabotage? If so, sometimes it helps just to recognize it and figure out why.

Heather - At least DH didn't monkey with the scale and make it go up! That would have been rude.

Biggest Loser is about over. I'm not really enjoying the people as much this season as before. But they've done amazing work. Gads, the commercials drive me nuts. Way too many.

I'm going to head off to bed. 'Night all! :wave:

Iwillbe 11-28-2007 06:53 AM

Rise and shine!
Good morning ladies, Time to get the old body moving, mine that is! 3 days op and working on the fourth.:carrot: Dang I hate dieting!

Terri, my Mom was always careful about saying bad things. When she would get really aggravated with a fellow, he was always that twirp! LOL! I would have thought of a better word for Lilions twrip, but that is what came to mind.

Have a good day ladies. See Ya later, Ruth

Lilion 11-28-2007 09:13 AM

I assure you ladies, I had more inventive names for him after I left the store. He thought BS was bad! :lol: My DH actually called and spoke with the regional manager by phone yesterday and they are going to contact the district manager. I just wish I'd have had the presence of mind to get the twirp's name. :rolleyes:

Hey Ruth! Three days OP? Good for you!!! I would say I'm getting back on track today (the pie is gone) but I have NO idea how many points there is in my turkey & noodles I made yesterday.

Terri, I need to work on my dogs training some more. The little stinks have decided that when I say "NO" or "HERE" or "LEAVE IT" they get to do what they are doing one more time before they obey. That just won't do!

Time for me to get to work!!!

Terri in MO 11-28-2007 09:41 AM

Morning ladies,

I was up early and did my 40 minutes of exercise. Gads, my body is stiff and sore from yesterday's work outside. What a wimp.

I've got my soup and a Kashi frozen dinner for lunch and yogurt, nuts and a string cheese for snacks. No excuse to hit the vending machine.

Better get to work!

Ta ta!

NoLifeWithoutHorses 11-28-2007 12:57 PM

Lilion, If you can, go IN and see a manager. That way you have another chance to get a name, and the jerk can't stand there and claim you were cussing him up one side and down t'other. I come along and back you up. - OH! I see your DH is kicking some RS keester! WTG Keester-kicking DH!!!

BEV, WTG on losing weight in SPITE of a pesky food holiday! This time of year has destroyed my momentum in the past, but this year we'll BOTH make it different! Good luck on the new job, too! I hope you like it as much as I do mine.

RUTH, Bill just fixed the axle on my hoss trailer. I'll hook it up and be right over to pick up those free horses. You did say FREE horses, right? Maybe not.

TERRI, YUP! I used that 3-step last night. If the pesky horse would hold still it would be easier. Bill went along and held my stirrup again last night. What a sweetie! Then he took me to dinner where I was a really cheap date - a bowl of totally OP chili, and the waitress didn't even offer me crackers, which would have annoyed me, but she was actually saving me from myself. Bill, on the other hand, got a lovely looking little loaf of bread. A whole loaf. I didn't touch it. OK, so I stole ONE lousy, cold french fry, but that beats eating a cracker.

Riding Gabe last night went amazingly well considering it's the first time in 3-4 days, due to the holiday. The other girls were working their horses too, but they have saddleseat horses. To make the horses livelier, the lunge them with cans of rocks attached to the saddle or surcingle. You can imagine the noise made by a couple of pop-rock cans bouncing with every step the horse takes. Gabe got used to that noise while I was still lunging him, and they stopped their horses when I got on so that he wouldn't dump me. Very thoughtful of them! It went great, and I even trotted a little a few times. He was acting goofy about stuff at both ends of the arena, so I don't trust him a full lap at a trot yet. One step sideways with that much momentum would leave me hanging in space without a horse between me and the distant ground. ANY way, I survived another ride, no bones broken!

Eating is going well again today. I'm suffering a lot of carb cravings again, as I did yesterday, but I know they'll pass if I don't give in to them. As long as I'm riding at night, I dont' even think about food. You're right TERRI - There's a lot of riding to be done next summer, and I want to shed more than my winter coat, come Easter!

back to work...

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