3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Shiffysmom 01-18-2007 09:34 PM

What type of diet do you follow?
There are so many diets out there who knows where to start?!
On Mon I started the Sacred Hearts diet and I just can't handle it. Even tho you can eat all the soup you want I was hungry a lot. So I have decided to stop that. I have decided that I will cut out all eating out, no breads, beans, pasta, all that stuff. I will bake any meat and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. I will drink at least 64oz water a day! I am going to get on the Gazelle and exercise.
If you have any suggestions or tips please tell me. I do need all the help I can get. For you ladies that have lost a lot of weight, am I headed in the right direction? What would you do different? Any information is greatly appreciated. :hug:

Heather 01-18-2007 09:54 PM

Shiffysmom -- I don't think there's one diet that's right for everyone, but I believe that you need to pick something YOU can stick with. I don't see this as a diet so much as a change I am making for LIFE. After all, my ultimate goal is not to LOSE the weight, but to keep it off forever. If that makes sense to you, it might help to think about any plan in that context.

Lots of people make their own plans starting with that info above, or modify existing plans for them.

futurediva 01-18-2007 10:40 PM

Hi shiffysmom:)
I totally agree with Heather about making changes that are for life. Every time i have sucessfully lost weight has been when i ate healthy and sensibly, excersised, and drank water. Everyone has different ways of losing wt, but for me the best way is to count calories and follow a weight watchers type diet.
I lost a lot of wt, remained at a stand still for awhile and am losing again, so hopefully i can take my own advice, lol
Whatever you decide, we will help you by encouraging you and being here to listen. I know you have the power to make it happen:)
Welcome to the boards.

Mami 01-18-2007 10:57 PM

Sounds like you're switching to whole foods, and IMHO that's a good idea. I'm not sure why you're cutting out beans though (unless you're cooking them in fat)..they are extremely healthy and filling. I honestly believe the only thing that works is calculating your calories every day and knowing how many you're having so you can adjust you're weekly total if you're not losing (the number can vary every day if you wish as long as the weekly average generally hits your weightloss target). Good for you!

LostBombera 01-18-2007 11:15 PM



I am with the others, I am NOT on a diet, just changing my choices in food and the way I feel about food and how it makes me feel. I have only been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks but things seem to be moving in the right direction . . . and more importantly I FEEL BETTER and have more energy than I know what to do with . . . and that feels so good.

For me, I cut out sodas, I never used to drink them, made sure I drank 64 oz of water a day, did crunches and made healthier choices of food, more fruits, vegies. After one week I added in some exercise then we will see how it goes. I also watch portion control and eat until I'm full, NOT until the plate is empty. I have HUGE chocolate :devil: that visit me everyday, and I eat chocolate EVERY DAY, not a lot, but just enough to keep me from going overboard . . . it works for ME

and I think that is the key, you need to find out what works for you, which will take some trial and error . . . maybe make some small, simple changes first instead of trying to change everything at once or maybe you are the type of person that needs to change everything right away . . . that is up to YOU.

I just try not to cut out anything I can't live without forever . . . not to say i am never, ever going to drink another soda in my life, but living without soda just doesn't bother me.

So get settled in, relax, have a good time and do it for YOU

Shiffysmom 01-18-2007 11:48 PM

Thank you all for your suggestions.

rockinrobin 01-19-2007 12:31 AM

It is a huge decision to lose weight. Once you really and truly decide that you want to lose the weight, there is a huge commitment on your part. And that's what you need, first and foremost, the commitment to change your lifestyle. And it is so very possible. There's nothing to stop you. Nothing. This is something that you DO have control over. You can't change your height, your eye color or the weather. But you most certainly can change your weight in a positive direction. So for me the most important part of my new "diet" was the commitment factor.

Okay, having said that, everyone needs to decide for themselves what is the best plan for them. This is something that you will want to do forever and ever. I for one, couldn't live on mainly soup, although I do love the stuff.

I chose to count calories, eating mostly low fat proteins such as white meat chicken, fish, soy products and non fat yougurts. I eat tons of veggies and fairly low carbs, trying to get in a decent amount of fiber. The proteins and veggies keep me satisfied. I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, every 2 -3 hours so that I never get hungry. I also drink a lot of water. Every now and then I allow myself the occasional treat in moderation, so that I never feel deprived.

The first 2 -3 weeks were the hardest for me. Stick to your plan any way that you can. Once the first 2 -3 weeks are gone, you will be feeling much better, your cravings will practically stop, you won't be feeling as hungry and you'll see a drop in the scale. All these things will propell you to go further. And you will get accostomed to your new lifestyle. It's all good.

I also added some very simple exercise to my day, such as walking, dancing, sit ups and leg lifts. I started out s l o w l y and increased as I felt better.

Instead of looking at it as what you will be depriving yourself of (the unhealthy, high quantity food), thing of it as what you will be gaining - a more healthy and fit and active you. A better life. The chance to be the best YOU that you can be. And it is so very worth it. I've since become more addicted to the weightloss and what it brings with it, then I ever was the food. Good luck to you!!!!

Nightkatt 01-19-2007 02:34 AM

Hiya Charlene

Great going on your journey decision ... like the others have said the most important thing is that it has to be something you can stick to for life! This is not a diet .. this is a journey for a new, better and healthier lifestyle. While initially no exercise in any plan will lose you weight .. it really is important .. even starting off at 10 minutes a day .. or walking 2 blocks or whatever ...

I started with Jenny Craig for one month ... I needed that to teach me to eat all my meals again and serving sizes etc .. from there I went out on my own (with the help of fitday.com) and counted calories, added in varying exercise dvds .. but I never actually denied myself any treats .. I was only allowed them at the end of a day if I had calories free for my daily intake.

Another thing you need to keep in mind if you are going to count calories is to set yourself a daily target of calorie intake ... remember you can use programs online to work out what would be the best for your size etc to start with. As you go down you will lower your calories so it pays not to start too low or else you have no room for manouvre (sp?) when you reach those points on the journey when you stall.

Another thing .. DRINK WATER!! Plenty of it! Cut back on the salt as well, and limit how much processed foods you indulge in. Please dont wipe out things you enjoy, just work out a way to have them incorporated in your eating regime where they keep within your limits, this way it doesnt make you feel like you are missing out on anything.

My big thing is chocolate .. and I have some every day! Or an ice cream lol (as its getting pretty hot here now).

So for me .. and my plan as it stands now:
Count calories - between 1800-2000 calories a day
Exercise - every weekday 40-60 minutes
Drink Water - Minimum of 3 of my 750ml bottles
Treat yourself - Every day!! Maybe not to start with (I didnt add in my treats for about a month after I started to get the build up out of my system).
Set Reward Goals - I have a reward in mind for every goal I set .. its a long journey and you deserve something nice for every milestone you reach :)
Positive Thinking - I try to find something positive in every day ... not so much focused on food tho, as the rest of the plan is so food focused .. if you can set yourself a target of 5 a day.
Learn & Start Over - If you do slip (or feel you have) dont beat yourself up over it, think about why it happened or what triggered it, and try to learn how to cope with it next time it happens. Set trigger guards .. something that will distract you when you are triggered. If you do give in to the craving for something you say is a naughty food .. DONT KICK YOURSELF!! Make sure if you are cheating you really enjoy it .. otherwise it really is a waste.
Be good to yourself - Dont rely on others to congratulate you on something you have done .. congratulate yourself and remember to pat yourself on the back .. while we are all in similar boats only you are walking in your shoes so only you know how much of a difference it is making to your life.

Love, Light & Laughter Charlene ... enjoy the journey

Shiffysmom 01-19-2007 05:44 AM

Thank you rockinrobin and Nightkatt for the encouragment.

Nightkatt, I just read the link from Zelma you have in your siggy. I want to thank you for having it there otherwise I would have never read what she wrote. It's like she was writing about what I feel. There are so many things that I don't do because of my weight that I know if I weighed less I would definately be doing them. I copied what she wrote and put it on my desktop so I can read it everyday. Thank you so much!

rockinrobin 01-19-2007 07:39 AM

Well now I just read that post, the gift from Zelma. Wow!! Thank you so much for pointing me to it.

Shiffysmom, I just want to add that I started this journey at 287 lbs at a mere 5 feet tall, I'm exactly 1/2 way to my goal, in other words I've got a looong way to go. But that's okay, I knew this was going to be a long journey.

I wanted to let you know that you don't need to get all the way to goal or anywhere near to start seeing benefits. I ALREADY, and have been for quite a while in fact have seen some of the "freedoms" that Zelma speaks about.
I now fit in EVERY chair, seatbelts - no problem, clothing shopping 95% improvement - I'M NO LONGER IN PLUS-SIZED CLOTHING!, moving around and energy level - already greatly, greatly increased. Socially, OMG, I'm so much more outgoing and on and on and on. My point is I don't want you to think you have to get to your goal weight to start reaping the benefits, they will start happening way, way before you get there. Which in turn propells you even further. Good luck to you. Please remember you absolutely can do this, there's nothing to stop you, it's all within your power. :hug:

jillybean720 01-19-2007 08:23 AM

I work with my own "plan." No author of a book or researcher can possibly tell me what is best for ME and MY body and lifetsyle, so I gathered up my knowledge (from research, magazines, posts on here, and my own experiences) and figured out my own guidelines:
  • no more than 2000 calories a day, with a daily average for the week of 1800 or less
  • exercise at least 30 minutes a day
  • get in at least 100g protein each day
  • drink at least 3 liters water each day
  • keep an eye on sodium (I don't count it, per se, but I do take note of when I've had a lot so I can cut down for the following meal or day or whatever)
  • plan out my food the morning or night before
  • keep track of everything in Fitday
I adjust my guidelines as I go along (for example, I started with just 30 minutes 4 days a week for exercise), and I can keep everything exactly right for my own personal needs (for example, not everyone needs to drink so much water everyday--I just like it for myself).

Lilion 01-19-2007 12:31 PM

Charlene, I have to agree with the first response you got from Heather (Wyllenn). All diets work if you stick with them. The problem is, when you lose the weight and go back to eating like you did when you weren't "on a diet" you gain the weight back! In order to be successful at this, you have to find the thing you can do FOREVER! CAN you cut out all eating out, no breads, beans, pasta, eat only baked meat and fresh fruits and vegetables forever? If so, then that's the right plan for you.

I personally love Weight Watchers. It's basically simplified calorie counting when you get down to it. But more than that, it's taught me HOW to eat pretty much whatever I want in moderation. For me, moderation is the key! I know I will always eat out. I know I will always want treats. I know I will always eat breads, potatoes, pasta and rice. I know I will sometimes want to eat a greasy hambuger and fries. What I had to learn was that I CAN do that...but I need to do it occasionally and in small quantities. I don't need a double quater with cheese and biggie fries. I can cook chicken parmesan with a teaspoon of olive oil instead of a quarter cup. I can make chocolate brownies with pumpkin instead of oil and they are great! Heck, I can even make a reasonable facsimile of alfredo sauce with lowfat cheese and skim milk...but more importantly, I can eat the real stuff every once in a while and enjoy it...I just can't do it every day.

So the point is, find what you can live with, stick with it and you'll be happier, healthier and slimmer! Good luck!

Shiffysmom 01-19-2007 01:01 PM

Thank you rockinrobin, Jill, and Lilion. You all are so great with sharing your advice and stories. I appreciate it so much! I see that I have come to the right place for the support that I need. My husband and kids support me but they don't understand what it's like, what I face everyday! Every one of ya'll understand. Thank you.

Nightkatt 01-19-2007 04:10 PM

Just wanted to say youre welcome for the link to Zelma's post. That is the reason I added it to my siggie .. it was just such an incredibly inspiring post .. but its true .. you dont have to reach your goal weight to enjoy the effects of some of those things .. you get to enjoy them on the journey .. more and more .. its just when you look back to the beginning when you reach the end that you notice all those things you never got to do because your size may have been an issue (or your self-esteem!).

Just remember this isnt a diet .. its a lifestyle change .. it doesnt have an end date ... its a lifetime journey. Sort of like alcoholics/drug addicts, once you have been overweight for a large chunk of your life .. it will now be a life time battle with one day at a time thinking. Just like an alcoholic or drug addict can slip back into it so can those on this journey, so thinking about it ... the biggest thing to help on your journey ..... isnt counting calories .. it isnt your exercise routine .. it isnt even the great support network that you have access to on here (or closer to home if you are lucky in that way) ... it all has to start IN YOU .. in your mind and in your heart ... you cant do this for your kids .. you cant do this for your partner .. for your family .. for your friends .. for your job .. or even for your community. It has to be done FOR YOU! And only when you have that concept firmly planted in your mind can you continue on this journey for a lifetime.

A few years ago when I thought of dieting and weight loss I did start .. but I said I was doing it for my family .. esp to be there for my daughter ... and I FAILED!!! With family stress I thought whats the point .. why should I put myself on this path for them when they arent supportive and just stress me out. It wasnt until I saw a photo of me and saw what I had done to myself that I realised I was hurting no one but me. Sure, they were a little ashamed to be seen with me, and my daughter would get teased about her fat mum ... but it didnt affect ME. My health was fine so even that wasnt an issue. But then I noticed that I couldnt walk far .. even having a shower I wanted to sit down to do it ... here I was in my 30s and another decade was gonna go by with me missing out on life ... I was existing instead of living. It was only when I reached this point that I realised what went wrong with all those other diets .. I couldnt honour the diet cos I wasnt interested in honouring my life.

So ... long story shorter lol .. (I do tend to babble dont I??) ... whatever eating and exercise plan you set up ... be sure you set your mind and heart FIRST and foremost on this journey .. or else you will find that it will be a hard road and one which you will have a hard time keeping interested in.

Love, Light & Laughter.


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