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LBH 05-23-2004 10:12 AM

Week of May 23rd
Hi All,

It's looking beautiful here today, but it's supposed to start raining late this afternoon. DH is going to help out at his parents house and I'm going to meet my mom and g-parents for lunch, then go back to mom's house.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

KarenK 05-23-2004 12:38 PM

Hi guys,

Alex slept in his crib from 9:30 until 6:30!!! I only had to go in twice and put him back down. :dance: :dance: Now, someone please tell me why I am tireder (is that a word?) with 6 straight hours than I was with the interrupted sleep I was getting.

The sandals that we got for him will not stay on. I wanted some from Stride Rite but they didn't have his size. We ended up getting some from Gymboree and they have to go back.

I hope everyone is having a super great day. We are off to the mall to return the shoes.

Rabbit 05-23-2004 04:25 PM

hi all! Great day here - got a lot of landscaping and yard work done. Tonight we plan to try out the hot tub.

Scuttle - the graduation sounds fun - enjoy!

Karen - atleast you sold the bed - I'm always happy when I do that. I sold a waterbed a couple of years ago and was so glad to see it go.

have a nice Sunday.


RoadRunner 05-24-2004 07:30 AM

Good MOrning all!!!
Spent the day in the pool yesterday..My brother was on a cruise soo I took his key and we had a picnic and swim party all day...THank Goodness for 45 sunscreen..DH set up a canopy soo the girls didnt burn(including me!!!)Of course, kind of blew it in the food department at times, but skipped supper and lunch soo maybe it made up for it!!! ;) ;)

Karen-Bummer about the shoes!!! I find I am more tired when Kaylee sleeps all night becuase I tend to wake up thinking about how she is doing???I dont know..She was up all night last night with the nasty nose and cough...Plus, I forgot to rub her gums with the Benadryl so I had to get up and get her some MOtrin for the teething pains..

Lauren-Hope U had a good visit..Did U tell your mom yet??

Rabbit--No kids at home???Try out that hot tub the "right" way!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Jackie and Scuttle--Good Morning!! Hope ya'll had a good weekend!!!
Hello to all others!!!!
Off to dress little bit and get to work!!

LBH 05-24-2004 12:19 PM

Hi All,

Had a nice time yesterday, but boy was I beat! Peter was exhausted too...he fell asleep on the way home from mom's...about 5 min. from home. :( So I decided he was too tired and let him go to sleep in his crib. DH sent me to bed around 7:00, because I wasn't doing anything productive, just talking about it! :lol: So I did and I slept all night...mind you it wasn't good sleep! Ugh, I'm just glad the night is over.

RR, cool that you got to spend the day at the pool! Yes, told the family on Mother's Day.

Rabbit, I like RR's suggestion...not sure how comfy that would be though! :devil:

Karen, WTG ALEX!!! Now, if only mom could relax and sleep!! :) I will have to look at the sandals I got Peter, they are adjustable in the back too, maybe that would help?

Stomach is still feeling iffy these days, on and off throughout the day...should be good for weightloss, but I maintained this week.

Have a great day all! :wave:

tikanique 05-24-2004 01:10 PM

My son was up twice during the night as well. First time I didn't even open my eyes, just yelled for him to quit blabbering and go back to sleep. Second time I told him if he didn't leave me alone, he was gonna get it. It worked.

Oh, I guess I should add that my son isn't a baby, he's 12 and he was complaining that he was hot. Against my advice, he went to bed with PJs, sheet, blanket and comforter on. When i got up in the morning, he had stripped to his shorts and ditched the blanket and comforter and was sleeping like a baby. Moral of the story - they NEVER really sleep the whole night through ;)

LBH 05-24-2004 04:49 PM

:rofl: Thanks for the cold, hard dose of reality Tika!!

RoadRunner 05-24-2004 06:00 PM

Hello all!! Hmmmm...never sleep the whole night???hahaha what a thought!!!
Well..my precious angel pulled a pic off the wall and now I just finished cleaning up the glass..She can lift and move chairs(not push, lift) she has emptied the clothes basket in the bathtub of water, emptied the tupperware, carried a full 3 liter Dr Pepper into the bathroom and pitched in the tub with me in it..OMG..she is 23 lbs of terror...I am thinking that being the only female in daycare is not a good thing?????? :?: :?: :lol:

Well, I am feeling good again..finally can put an end to that rotten chapter..I went for a repeat pg test and since all is negative, dont have to have a D&C..I even told my mom what had happened..She said she knew something on Mother's day but couldnt put her finger on it..THey are soo smart..Hope I can be soo good when Kaylee is grown up!!!

Ok..diet wise...On May 10--I weighed 145.9..May 17th-139.7, May 24th 132lbs..I want to knock off 12 more and I will be set again..Of course, DH wants to try again for a baby..but I am thinking about it..It is ok to talk about that "stuff" again..I have survived and can talk about my little Angels in Heaven...

Well..off to deal with a Whiner!!!!

KarenK 05-24-2004 07:06 PM

Hi guys,

Whew. What a day!! I tried to post twice but SOMEONE had other ideas. :) I had to wait for DH to get home. Well, we got the new shoes and am I glad we did. We put them on in the store and he walked every step we did in the mall, even out to the car (pushing his stroller). We were going to buy him one of those cars with the long handle so they can ride while you push. We got to TRU and DH found a go cart for 1-3 y/o. Guess what we came home with. I gotta admit it's cute. There's only one function...go forward at a very slow pace. He hasn't figured out the concept yet. I went back today and got the FP trike that is a "rocking" trike, a trike with a long handle and then a regular trike.

Now, after all the walking yesterday he slept from 9-5 WITHOUT ONE PEEP. I took him out with the trike today. The loop in front of my house is .7 mile and he walked almost half of it (pushing the trike). He rode back and looked SO darn cute. I'm hoping we have another good night.

RR: {{Hugs}} I think you are a very strong person. I'm glad your Angels had you for a mom. Is twelve more pounds realistic for you? Just trying to make sure you stay healthy!!

Tika: Oh thanks so much!! Maybe when he's 12 mine will let his dad get him to sleep. Sometimes it sucks being the only one who can do bedtime.

Lauren: I hate this weather we are having!! We tried to take the boy out for another walk tonight and got rained out.

OK. Here's my question for the day. I stopped the bc pills (Micronor) on Thursday. I "think" I might have had an extremely light AF last Sunday/Monday. Should I start counting from then to know when to expect the next AF?

Hope ya'll are having a great night/had a great day!!

LBH 05-24-2004 08:11 PM

Hi All,

Karen, yes, you should count Sunday as CD1. Are you going to chart? Have you charted in the past? Wait, that was a stupid question...Alex was a surprise!! DUH! :lol: If you're interested, you can go to Fertility Friend and sign up for free. It's really easy to use, and very interesting to see how your body works. All you need is a regular digital thermometer that goes .1, .2, .3, etc.
Yeah, the weather is weird, I thought we were gonna have a rainbow, because it started to downpour and the sun was still out! It was supposed to be a thunderstorms, but I didn't hear any.
It's amazing how once they start walking, they sleep soo much better! :cp:

Vicki, you're a very strong woman and I admire you. Glad you don't have to have a D&C. Keep us posted on your decision!
That's too funny about Kaylee!! Peter loves to push stuff around here and daycare. He hasn't tried to lift any chairs yet though!! :eek: He does love to dump stuff into the bath though! I have to keep my eye on him constantly when I'm filling up the tub!
Same as Karen, just watching out for you, that's a lot of weight in a little time, are you sure you're being healthy about it? Just care about you and making sure! :grouphug:

:wave: Everyone!!

KarenK 05-24-2004 09:21 PM

Me again!! I meant to tell you guys that we tried the WW meal(s) at Applebees. We had the Terriyaki shrimp and it wasn't bad. It was 5 pts and DH and I shared it. The bad part is that we also shared coconut shrimp :). Hey, at least we shared!! I weighed today and it was NOT pretty. I weigh more than I ever have in my life. Sigh. Such a stupid thing to do. I've been doing pretty good on not snacking and not having bad dessert every night. I have been having Healthy Choice fudge bars.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled program!!

RoadRunner 05-24-2004 09:57 PM

Lauren--Probably 10 of that was pg weight with the fluid and everything..and no..not too healthy about it..I did 12 days of almost starvation but I am back eating healthy and right again...After the first day of barely eating...it got easier...I am back now on 3 meals with yogurt and fruit snacks..I on doing only 1 portion --no seconds..no junk snacks, no "clean ups" no tasting etc etc..I am getting the attitude of not saying diet just healthy eating...

Karen--Yeah on the shoes..I saw that little trike at TRU this weekend and thought about it..I liked the idea of pushing it without bending...

Ok..off to bathe..Kaylee is soo snotty, teethy, coughy, sneezy, irritably etc etc...She fell asleep and I am going to relax!!!
Take care all..Thanks for being patient with my craziness last 2 weeks!!!

Scuttle 05-24-2004 10:27 PM

Okay, mini-rant of the day: low carb craze is driving me mad. I don't mind at all if people eat low-carb, of course, but the constant stream of low carb advertising is driving me nutty. I can't walk down the aisle at the grocery store without seeing low carb this, and low carb that. There are now low carb breads and low carb bagels. Bagels! Will the madness ever end? And I swear some of the snacks I like that happen to be low carb, like soy chips, have gone up in price because of the craze. Maybe low-fat was like this when it first started and was new and seemed to suddenl take over, I don't know.

Karen -- nifty on the WW meals at Applebe's, I didn't know that! Are they new? That's pretty cool. I swear I think restaurants sprinkle calories on their food before serving, normally. Well, oils and fats, they probably do. It's nice having clearly defined choices, though, to make better choices. It's frustrating when I'm on a business trip and I want to eat something light but I literally can't tell the difference between a 500 calorie restaurant meal and a 1500 calorie meal from the menu descriptions.

JackBlack 05-24-2004 10:59 PM

Good evening all...............................Wow, a lot of posts this week! I am trying to glance over them all while I type.

RR: I am so glad to hear your doing much better. You are doing a good job with the weight loss too. Little ones have so much energy, it's a shame you can't bottle it up and sell it.

Lauren: When is your 1st Dr Appt? I will keep my fingers crossed that you do not get a bad case of morning sickness.

I must confess that all this baby talk really makes me want to have another one. So for now since that's not possible, I'll just join in and be happy for all of you.

Karen: I hope you have another good night.

Well, I have got to go for now. I worked tonite and DH is complaining that I was gone and now on the computer. So I have to go and pamper him some. :lol: Men!!!!!! Gotta love them.

Take care and hello to all I missed. I will address the rest of you later.

LBH 05-25-2004 08:17 AM

Hi All,

Jackie, my first appt. is next Tuesday, 6/1. I asked her (the new MW) how many U/S she does and she said 1! :( I was like, ONE?! I'm an U/S junkie!! So she said they'd find a "reason" to do more. :) I told her to just blame it on the fat!! :rofl:

Scuttle, I hear ya'! We're having a sales meeting here last week and this week, and when we were planning meals, my boss insisted that we make sure at least some of them were low carb friendly.

RR, glad to hear you're being smarter about things now!

Karen, I saw something about the WW meals, they sounded yummy! Good for you guys, sharing, even if you did share some "bad" stuff too!

Have a great day! :wave:

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