Motivation Monday!! What motivates you?

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  • motivation:

    the man I love doesn't want me anymore, we are still living together, but not romantic at all, and I want to combat all of the negative feelings that plague me by doing something good for myself.

    His mother looks way better than me at 50 something....

    I want to be a "hot" nurse and not a fat nurse.

    I had a baby 2 months ago, and lost a good deal of that weight--now I'm done with kids for a while, and want a body! Tired of looking like Mr. Koolaid in the mirror.

    my 15 year old's girlfriend reminds me alot of me at that age, and I was very fit despite battling eating disorders. I worked out alot.
  • The thing that is motivating me to keep going right now is the silhouette of my body in the little box on my Zumba Kinect game. I'm soooo not the hour-glass shape that I had convinced myself that I was, like these giant boobs magically make everything better. lol But that silhouette was a serious reality check. It is there during all the songs and I am like "wtf? When did I turn into a frumpy blob?" It keeps me going. I can't wait to see my shape change!
  • Skinny jeans, the summer skimpy clothes and the tyre around my tummy motivate me!
  • Man, I'd love to say "health!" but largely it's because I want to be attractive. I know that's against everything I tell the young girls at school on a daily basis and that it's "not what's on the outside..." But I want my outside to turn heads before they get to know me on the inside.

    Sometimes, I get so angry at myself for "wasting my 20s.x I was so heavy for most of them and I misses out on a lot because I was ashamed of my looks. Now, I'm motivated to be that hot 30-something in the bikini on a cruise this summer or the woman who can pull of dresses from the Misses section that fall (gasp!) well above the knee. I just want to feel beautiful for once and go one day not comparing myself to everyone I see.
  • Motivating things for me...

    When the scale trends lower.

    When my pants are fitting great.

    When someone says I look skinny.

    When my torso feels light, comfortable, not bloated, not restricted.

    When I'm getting my exercise in and feel excited and happy to be moving around.

    When I calculate my average weight for the month and it is lower than last month.

    When I realize that a piece of clothing that fit last fall is now so big that it looks funny.

    When I am out in public feeling happy, smiling at random strangers and they smile back.

    When I see someone's awesome before and after pictures and feel so happy for them, and think "me too!"

    When I go to bed at the end of an On Plan day and feel great.

    When I leave a restaurant after a great on plan meal and skip out to my car feeling perfectly full/content (not stuffed like my old habits).
  • My motivation is that my husband went through a gastric sleeve surgery and lost all of his extra weight plus some more, and looks super hot. And I don't want to be the "fat one" of the couple. I want to look just as hot standing next to him!

    That's my motivation.