Here we go again!!!

  • Welp, here I am again... Almost into 2012 and I've gone and gained back every pound I lost with 5 more besides. Talk about adding insult to injury! And speaking of injuries I've added a few to the ones I already have. *sigh*

    After being sick for 2 months back in February, I thought I could get back on track. Yeah right. I'd lost my motivation for being healthy... Mainly because I'd found out my fiance wasn't coming home in May like we hoped he would. Then they said they'd be home in December. Not gonna happen. He's on two weeks' leave in Germany then they're right back out there until May of 2012. So the wedding is on hold until 2013 at the earliest. *another sigh*

    Add a strained trapezius muscle in my right shoulder and a potentially permanent injury in my right elbow... And you have all my reasons for wanting this rotten year over with.

    I'm also revamping my weight goal... No 160 for me! I'll be happy with being under 200 when Robbie comes home from Afghanistan. (That's my fiance.) And my final goal will be 170, which is what I got down to after my son was born about 12 years ago.

    So here we go again... And here's hoping 2012 is a better year than 2011!
  • MisfitRycher - So sorry to hear all of the rotten things that are happening to you. Planning a wedding and getting in shape for it can be rough enough without having injuries and deployed fiance! Keep your head up! Now you have enough time to look AMAZING for a 2013 wedding! Since your shoulder and elbow are hurt you will just have to start working those legs like crazy! Have you tried the couch to 5k program? It is something that has worked wonders for me in the past...