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ja2ma6lee 12-10-2010 01:58 PM

Success Beyond the Scale
I wanted to start a thread where we could share our "Success Beyond the Scale." What did you accomplish this week beyond your weight loss? Sometimes the scale doesn't move enough or in the wrong direction or not at all, but we should still share and celebrate our other acheivements from the week.

I'd plan on doing mine for the week ending on Friday. This way I can see all the great stuff I did and avoid undoing it on the weekend. I'd really like to hear from others about their success beyond the scale.

Week ending 12.10.10

1. Took the train everyday to work. Saved gas, avoid traffic/parking tickets/being booted.
- Walked more from taking the train
- Made it to work on time and left on time (tues - fri)
2. Took my vitimans and complete greens drink everyday.
3. Increased the amount of fruit :cb: and veggies :carrot: I was eating
4. Stuck to my diet
- Was meat free for 4 days
- Soda free for 4 + days
- No processed sugar :cookie: for 4 + days

tattoodles 12-10-2010 03:27 PM

Love the idea for this post! I think it's great to celebrate the small victories in whatever form they come in. :)

I did much better at eating veggies this week. I could probably live off of fruit, but am not crazy about vegetables. I always thought I didn't like green beans (canned ones make me feel sick) but I discovered this week that I LOVE fresh green beans, just plain. So I've been chowing down on those.

I was also at a company Xmas shindig and did a good job of eating very moderately. Another awesome thing at the party is at my table we were discussing weightloss and I showed one girl my "before" picture and she said one of the best phrases you can hear: "You don't even look like the same person!"

ja2ma6lee 12-11-2010 10:04 AM

That is awesome Tatoodles. Last night I had a dinner with my friends and I avoided the free bread and butter. That was a huge accomplishment for me. :dance:

I had a minor hicup but other big wins of the day out weight that. ;)

Skittles22 12-14-2010 10:57 AM

My accomplishment is that I have found a fun way to work in my excercise. I am one of those types that get really bored with excercise unless you disguise it as something fun. I bought Just Dance this weekend and played for six hours sunday and two hours yesterday. I can't seem to get enough of it. Also because of the game I have increased my water intake, I go through about three or four 32 ounce glasses of water everytime I play. I can't wait to get Just Dance 2 and We Cheer 1 and 2.

kittycarlson 12-14-2010 11:11 AM

I stuck to my food plan and actually had smaller portions of the allowed carbs and other foods.

ja2ma6lee 12-15-2010 09:32 AM

I'm going to have to look into this Just Dance game. I pulled out my Wii and set that up again. I started back at the gym this Saturday and hope to get in 3 days a week (always a bonus when I can go more).

Matilda08 12-16-2010 12:47 PM

I can fit into a size 18 old navy pants and thats huge for me because I am a curvy gal and their pants never really fit me!!

ja2ma6lee 12-17-2010 09:30 AM

Week ending 12.17
My successes Beyond the Scale this week were

- Took the train everyday. Even figured out how to get to my friend's in Jersey City using public transportation
- Packed my lunch and snacks every day this week
- Limited myself to one office dessert (so far). Today is our office party so I'm going to just do some portion control and hit the gym hard this weekend.
- Broke out the Wii and have been using that more frequently.
- Walked more this week

I didn't see my scale move this week. So I need to focus on how I'm feeling better and still sticking with eating healthy.

Martina 12-19-2010 12:48 AM

OOOhhh!! I love this!!!

This week we got our Yule tree
~My bedroom was cleaned and organized
~We passed our apartment inspection (they inspected all the apartments)
~I had 3 days of eating nothing but healthy foods. We ran out of food and money at the same time, thats why it was only 3 days
~I ate breakfast every day this week

ja2ma6lee 12-21-2010 10:35 AM

Martina - my bf keeps saying that we need to do a day of cleaning at my apartment and make it puppy proof. I'm hoping to get to cleaning over my winter break. I will have to follow your lead with cleaning the bed room and remember I can add it to my success beyond the scale.

stacygee 12-22-2010 09:59 PM

I didn't exactly accomplish it but today a girl I did not know came over to me at the gym. She said, "I just wanted to tell you that I have noticed how good your doing and you are looking great!"

WOW- that made me feel good!

RienQueNny 12-23-2010 12:59 AM

Oohh this is a great thread!
This week I am away at my partner's family home for the holidays and there is a RIDICULOUS amount of delicious foods around; assortments of cakes and squares and cookies, fresh baked bread and cinnamon rolls, etc etc... It's very hard to stay away but I've been able to so far. I have until Monday to be strong, after that I'm back home in the relatively healthy and reasonably portionned food.

So this week my victory is to have kept myself on plan despite all the temptation. It might get a bit harder on Xmas dinner where there will be my favourite ever... mashed potatoes & gravy. I could eat a bucketful. So let's try and stay on track!
Congrats to everyone, we are all working hard on our weight loss but we need to remember we're doing this FOR US, and there is MORE to us than just our weight so let's not neglect the other areas of our lives!

ja2ma6lee 01-04-2011 12:08 PM

RienQueNny - I hope everything worked out for the holidays. I know I didn't diet but made sure to keep things in check (well kind of).

Stacy - That is def an accomplishment. Sometimes we can't see how well we are doing, but others do. I fish for compliments from my family (which hasn't been working). It is obviously true since someone you didn't even know went out of their way to tell you. That is AWESOME.

My accomplishments over winter break were def beyond the scale. The scale was stable so I'm happy with that.

- Went to 2 nutrionists and found one I really like
- Got new shoes for the gym
- Got 2 games for the Wii to work out with
- Rearranged my bed room
- Put the gazelle in the living room and actually used it
- Got my Lasik surgery done and followed the post care instructions
- Did alot of things for myself and less to worry about going into the new year.

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