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milliondollarbbw 02-22-2010 01:18 AM

Babies and weightloss
So, as a 30-something, I am realizing that aside from allowing weight to put a hamper on certain things (like finding clothes I like in my own size, etc.), my weight may be putting a damper on having kids. It is already hard finding a partner at my size (I have had people ask me if I was being honest about being morbidly obese), and I don't want to also risk having problems with being able to conceive and childbirth and all of that.

Is anyone here also trying to lose weight so they can start a family?

Mollz 02-22-2010 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by milliondollarbbw (Post 3165261)
So, as a 30-something, I am realizing that aside from allowing weight to put a hamper on certain things (like finding clothes I like in my own size, etc.), my weight may be putting a damper on having kids. It is already hard finding a partner at my size (I have had people ask me if I was being honest about being morbidly obese), and I don't want to also risk having problems with being able to conceive and childbirth and all of that.

Is anyone here also trying to lose weight so they can start a family?

That would be me! I don't want to risk doing something wrong before, during and after pregnancy and I want my child to have the best possible start and best possible role models in his or her life (I really want boy/girl twins, got the names picked out an everything!). My BM, DM, DSM and DF (best mates, darling mother, darling stepmother and dearest father) can't wait for me to get up the duff. DH and I are starting to talk seriously about it now. He's certainly not getting any younger (40 this year) and neither am I (31 this year... yeah, I married an old man!).

I've got pretty severe PCOS where I don't ovulate by myself at all; I only ovulate on birth control. The last time I ovulated by myself was nearly 15 years ago in high school. When I lose the last of my weight, I expect that I will ovulate normally again. Probably at the beginning of next year, I'll start trying to get myself up the duff. :D

lauralyn 02-22-2010 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Mollz (Post 3165286)
can't wait for me to get up the duff.

Thank goodness I have a friend from England who also says this...I would have seriously been wondering what you meant otherwise :D

milliondollarbbw 02-22-2010 02:52 PM

When I saw the goal weight of 65 I was shocked! then I realized that you are probably talking about kgs. Ha! I was frightened for a second. :)

Papillion Mom 02-22-2010 02:58 PM

My husband and I are both trying to get healthy before starting a family. I just turned 30 this month and he will be 30 in April. We have been together since 18 and have grown up (and out) together :) It is now time to start looking at having a family and we want to make it as safe and healthy as possible. I am a type 1 diabetic so I need to get my A1C (3 month Blood Glucose test) to a 6.5 (haven't been under a 7.2 in like 6 years). So eating healthy and losing weight will help with that as well as actually conceiving.

We were both larger kids growing up and don't want that for our children. We have begun eating well and trying to be more active. DH is down about 16 lbs and I am down 22. We want to eat more healthy and take care of ourselves before we have kids. This way we can teach them healthy habits as they grow.

Aiming for next year to start our family. Going to the diabetes educator today to get my lab work ordered. Hoping to see a lower AIC!

milliondollarbbw 02-23-2010 02:15 PM

I think that I would be a good mom. I sometimes wonder how other people seem to have babies so easily. I wonder if I will meet someone who will want to swap genes with me. :)

ShylahEQ 02-23-2010 03:10 PM

I weight 274 lbs when I got pregnant with my first son. Luckily, there were no complications and I had a really pregnancy. I'm ready for a second child, but I don't want to get pregnant until I'm down at least 70 lbs.

You can do it and you'll love getting pregnant / being pregnant when the time comes, mostly because you'll know how much you've wanted and worked for it.

Mollz 02-23-2010 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by milliondollarbbw (Post 3168463)
I think that I would be a good mom. I sometimes wonder how other people seem to have babies so easily. I wonder if I will meet someone who will want to swap genes with me. :)

I've been told the same thing... if I treat my kids the way I treat my pets, then I'm going to be a great mom.

However, I can't stick the kids in the kennels when I'm going away for the weekend and I can't lock them in the house. Bugger. ;)

milliondollarbbw 02-25-2010 11:35 AM

It seems as if everywhere I turn, more and more people are having babies. I know this family and the son is somewhat young (like under 25), and he is married to another young lady (who wears a ton of make-up, and looks like she is the former cheerleader type), and they are talking about putting having a baby off for a few years as they are newlyweds. Things like that make me feel a bit behind---people are on their 2nd baby, and now I am starting again from scratch in trying to find a soul mate. I know that a lot of women may be upset at me for saying this, but I think some of us feel it in our soul to be a parent. I really feel like not having children would make part of my life so unfufilled. Some days are better than others when I am surrounded by babies and babies-to-be. My friend thinks that once I find the right person, then I will have a baby super fast. Who knows? I am thinking about getting that home test to see if I am fertile. :dizzy::dizzy:

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