30 Somethings Daily Chat Monday 11/2

  • Morning all!

    I weighed yesterday and had a 1lb loss for the month. Not great, but not to bad either. Baby boy is starting solids so I can hopefully reduce my calories a little more. I want to get out of the 200's by the 15th of the month. I started a thread for those of us who are pushing for Onederland. We can stay accountable and post our game plan.

    I had a seriously stressfull weekend. I went to my Mom's 100 miles away on Saturday with 4 kids in tow and spent the day cleaning her house. Then yesterday I spoke to our landlord (my brother) and since we aren't buying the house, they said I may not be able to continue my daycare. Something about insurance. This is very serious - because it means that I have to go back to work, put the kids back in public school and put the little ones in daycare.

    Yeah - trying not to think about it.

    Anyway - how's your girls' week starting? How was your weekend?
  • A loss is a loss--good for you! I can't imagine trying to lose weight and change my eating habits while taking care of a family. Talk about stress!

    My Monday started out with a not-so-good surprise on the scale and a renewed determination to finally change my relationship with food and lose the weight for good. So, I joined this forum.

    This weekend could have been so much worse for me and my sweet tooth. I managed to stay away from the candy, but ended up grazing for hours on heavy dips and breads at my sister's party (not to mention beer and shots of mom's homemade red-eye). Then yesterday I binged on donuts. Not exactly my lowest point (unfortunately, I've been much lower), but enough to say "ENOUGH!"

    I'm only a few hours into the day, but so far, so good. I had a healthy breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda, and just finished snacking on raw veggies. I brought my favorite tea to work so I can keep my tummy feeling full and my body hydrated, and hopefully keep the cravings at bay. Brought my lunch, too, so I won't be tempted by the fast food drive-thru.
  • Not a very good weekend. Have you ever heard the old say when it rains it pours?... My FIL had a stroke Friday and is paralyzed on his left side. He is not doing good at all. DH just called and said they had taken him back for a test and then called the room to say he was in surgery. Not sure what they found or what is going on at this point. DD is very upset as this is her "Paw". She is their only granddaughter. They've had a special connection since she was born. He is 64 and has been in farily good health until this.

    Needless to say I have been very stressed but through it all I have not caved in one time. There have been moments when I could eat a whole carton of ice cream and binge on chips but somehow I am finding the willpower to stay strong.

    Scale says I am down 5 lbs as of this morning. I am shooting for onederland by Jan. 1st.
  • I had a good day yesterday, I can't say the same for Saturday. OMG saturday was a disaster. My son and I made sugar cookies and seven different colors of frosting to frost them. I made a double batch and ended up with 40 cookies. I think I ate a solid 15 of them. The recipe, first ingredient, 1.5 cups of butter. Straight to my arse.
    So of course yesterday had to be a good day after that. Although, I did not make it to the gym. I am having sinus issues and my head alternates between feeling like it is going to explode to not being able to open my eyes. I hate colds and I really hate sinusy things.

    MP: Sorry about the prospects of having to join the workforce and all that comes with it. Why on earth can you not babysit? In our town you can have up to four kids and not need to be licsensed.

    NoDak: Welcome! Its always nice having new faces around here, but sucks that your here for the reasons that you are.

    Squeak: It is true that when it rains it pours. Sorry to here about your Paw. My son has the same kind of relationship with his Grandfather, I cannot imagine what your daughter is going through. Give her lots of hugs today.