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Wifey 07-15-2009 08:01 AM

30 Something's Daily Chat: "Hump Day" 07/15
Hey ladies! :wave:

Thought everyone could use a good smile at our thread title today...I hope Lauren doesn't have to change it! :s:


I feel like I need a big swift :kickbutt: this morning! I came into work, grabbed a muffin and ate it for breakfast. I've been craving one and trying to resist the urge... Now I'm :mad: at myself...ARGH!

I REALLY need some :dust: today...let me tell you!

Anyone else having this sorta day?

Rebound - the salad is totally yummy...I hope you like it! :wave:

Happy "hump day" everyone! ;)

Eumie 07-15-2009 08:41 AM

Hey there. I know those days! All you can do is jump back at your next meal or snack, right?

Today was my weigh in day and no weight lost. I could got through the "at least I didn't gain" speech, but I'm still fresh off the weigh-in and disappointment is the predominant feeling. Oh, I'll get to the pat on the back for not gaining...I'm just not there yet.

I'm getting my hair cut today! I wish I knew what I was doing with it. Heh.

Have a great day!

SamanthaJubilee 07-15-2009 10:54 AM

:coffee:Good Morning! :sunny:

Hope everyone is having a great day! :flow2:

I went to the gym last night and my daughter decided to sign us up for the spin class. :ebike:
Now, I am known for having a ghetto booty (JLo ain't got NOTHING on me!)...but no matter how "thick" it is...I have a boney butt! And those bicycle seats...they KILLED me! I can barely sit down at work. It hurts!
The instructor kept saying "we will cool down on the next song" and then when the next song came on "one more, I know you can do it".
This being my 1st spin class...I was dying!!! I stayed strong for 45 minutes, but after 20 my right calve kept cramping up (I get LOTS of charlie horse's in the leg) and it felt like it was about to ripe apart. After the 4th "one more" I had enough and got off. I felt bad...I kept telling myself "Jillian wouldn't let you quit"...LOL

Anywho...I am now determined. I will do the class once a week (they only offer it once a week at the later time). Hopefully I will be able to work it into my schedule to make it there twice a week, but right now my schedule is too full and I just can't get there at 6.

rileyozzy 07-15-2009 12:01 PM

Spin? You are brave. I have yoga right after a spin class and I can hear the instructor yelling one more minute time and time again. Yikes.

I did get up and ran early this morning. YAY!!! :carrot: I am trying to change some bed time and wake up times in our house. I have been letting the kids stay up late and sleep in, but it's killing me and my husband. We need our night time quiet time. So, last night we had the crying and screaming from both kids when I tried to put them to bed earlier and this morning I had to wake them up. Tonight should be much better and tomorrow morning they get up early on their own, hopefully!

Rebound 07-15-2009 12:45 PM

Wifey, I snuck a taste this morning and I love it! I think I put in too much onion. It's enough for ME, but I really like onion. I'm hoping it mellows out a little so it doesn't over power anyone else. Actually, on second thought, if no one else wants it there's more for ME! It was so easy to make, too. Apart from the dressing I didn't measure anything. (Hence my over abundance of onion.) And there was plenty of dressing. I probably could have added even more broccoli and it still would have been moist and delicious!

Eumie, I'll pat you on the back if you're not ready to do it yourself yet!

Samantha, I know what you mean about spinning. I took some classes when I was fitter and they were so hard! Remember, though, you can always sit back down and recover at your own pace for a while and then see if you can join up with the class again in 5 minutes or so. And why is it that with all our extra pounds we STILL have bony butts and get cold in the winter?!?! Not fair!

rileyozzie, congrats on the running! I used to be a big runner but now I'm just preparing myself to begin the Couch to 5k program. Good luck on getting some quiet time!

I've decided to do something new and get some exercise videos. They should be arriving from Amazon today and I'm super excited! I got the 30 Day shred and three of the Biggest Loser workout DVDs. A yoga one, a cardio max one, and a power shaper (?) one. The three BL ones were a package deal. I'm excited to give them a try!

5 minutes into my walk with the dogs this morning, the one dog started limping :( so we came right back. I went downstairs and did 30 minutes on the elliptical to try and make up for it.

Today is my Pizza Picnic that I'm organizing. I'm planning on eating a TON of my broccoli/grape salad, one regular piece or two 1/2 pieces of pizza (all these exotic gourmet pizzas, so they are actually WORTH the calories!) and then 1/2 cup of homemade liquid nitrogen ice cream.

And that will be ALL that I will be eating!!!!!!!!!!!! (But there is going to be SOOOOOO much good stuff there. I must stay resolved!)

SunshineCA 07-15-2009 01:33 PM

Happy Hump Day everyone! :)

mortonpixie 07-15-2009 04:45 PM

Wifey - I hear ya with the Will Power. I have been SO hungry this last couple of days. I really try not to grab "a few" crackers here and "a handfull" of whatever there, but it's been hard lately. It's not even stuff I like!!

Eumie - :cp: Yahoo for maintenance! I could really relate to your post this morning. Bless your heart - it's deflating when that scale doesn't budge.

Samantha - The "ghetto booty" comment cracked me up this morning. :hug: Hope your bum feels better.

Rileyozzy - sorry your kiddos were crabby last night. We recently instituted an earlier bed time as well for our older children. Homeschool started again and I like to get it done by 2 so we need to start by 9 at the latest. I feel your frustration!

Rebound - could you message me that recipe? Yum! Also, I lost 85lbs about 5 years ago by using home exercise DVD's and tapes. I ordered them off of eBay for cheap. Some I liked, some I donated. You can also check them out from the library to try them out.

Sunshine - Hi back! I just love seeing people pop in, even if we don't have time to type anything. :D

I had an interview this morning with a new daycare client. The baby is 2 months old, Mom is a teacher - so that would be a nice referral network to get in on! Here's praying that she chooses me - I would only have to take the one baby and a part time child to make the $$ we need. :^:

It's been sort of an "off" day. I didn't get up and exercise because the baby was up at 5:00 instead of 6:00. The kids have been RESISTANT of schooling all day. My 2yr old isn't feeling well (tummy trouble, apparently) and I just feel drained.

It's times like these that a trip to Dairy Queen sounds good in place of supper. But it won't help, it'll just make me feel worse afterward. :(

So glad to have a place to come and talk with others in my same position. :grouphug:

LBH 07-15-2009 08:00 PM

Hi All!

Guess what?! I got a job!! :D Start tomorrow. It's in the same complex I used to live in, which is really close to home. I'll keep ya' posted how it goes!

Beck 07-15-2009 08:17 PM

I did well with eating today- I'm doing Slim Fast for a while to jump start my weight loss, so had a shake for breakfast, chickpea salad and cherries for lunch, apple and another shake for dinner (and a Luna bar when I got hungry in the afternoon).

I just came back from a 20-minute walk and overheard a girl say to her mom, "She has a big bum." Yep, I do, and I know it, but it's never good to hear it coming from someone else.

I'm going to hop on the exercise bike for 25 minutes (trying to exercise at least 45 min. a day), and chug some more water.

niekka 07-15-2009 08:42 PM

yeah hearing it from someone else seems to be more depressing. I think what got me most is when my 8 year old son told me he wished I was thin and healthy. He didnt mean to hurt my feelings but he just wanted me to able to play with him more. Today I did good got out and excerised and actually feel really great however I could do without the sweat...

mortonpixie 07-15-2009 09:29 PM

Lauren - :bravo: Yeah!! Can't wait to hear all about the new job!!

Beck - I'm so sorry you had to hear that hurtful comment. :( You just let it roll right off your back, wow. I wish I was that strong - I would've stewed about it and felt bad. You go!

Neikka - Way to go getting some movement in today! :carrot: One day at a time, and before you know it your son will be saying "Mom, I'm glad you are thin and healthy!"

SunshineCA 07-16-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by mortonpixie (Post 2828350)
Sunshine - Hi back! I just love seeing people pop in, even if we don't have time to type anything. :D

:lol: Better to pop in than not at all. ;) Whatever works to keep me accountable. :)

I love reading all of your stories. Sometimes I only have time to read. I don't want to intrude too much. ;)

Looking forward to a terrific Thursday. :)

SunshineCA 07-16-2009 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by LBH (Post 2828549)
Hi All!

Guess what?! I got a job!! :D Start tomorrow. It's in the same complex I used to live in, which is really close to home. I'll keep ya' posted how it goes!

Congratulations on the new job!! :)

SunshineCA 07-16-2009 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Beck (Post 2828566)
I did well with eating today- I'm doing Slim Fast for a while to jump start my weight loss, so had a shake for breakfast, chickpea salad and cherries for lunch, apple and another shake for dinner (and a Luna bar when I got hungry in the afternoon).

I just came back from a 20-minute walk and overheard a girl say to her mom, "She has a big bum." Yep, I do, and I know it, but it's never good to hear it coming from someone else.

I'm going to hop on the exercise bike for 25 minutes (trying to exercise at least 45 min. a day), and chug some more water.

Good luck with your getting your weight loss back on track, Are you doing the milk based or juice based shake?

Having a big bum is not a bad thing. ;) With the exercise and weight loss you'll have an even better bum soon. ;)

SunshineCA 07-16-2009 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by niekka (Post 2828590)
yeah hearing it from someone else seems to be more depressing. I think what got me most is when my 8 year old son told me he wished I was thin and healthy. He didnt mean to hurt my feelings but he just wanted me to able to play with him more. Today I did good got out and excerised and actually feel really great however I could do without the sweat...

Kids say the darndest things. It just goes to show that he cares about you. Soon you'll tire him out. ;)

Wishing you the best. :)

SunshineCA 07-16-2009 12:49 AM

My day went well. I picked up some nice clothes while out shopping. It was a great feeling when I tried on a few things and they were TOO BIG!!!! I love it! My DD said, "Mom, that just means you're not Plus Size anymore." I told her I wasn't in the clear just yet but thanks for saying that. I was so proud! :yay:

Wifey 07-16-2009 07:52 AM

:congrat: on getting the job Lauren! That's awesome!

Rebound - glad to hear you loved it...yeah, when measured it makes a lot of dressing as well. I usually make one big and one small container with just that one dressing recipe.
I'm also with you on the onion...so good! Red onion is one of my favs! ;)

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