Waaah! What should I do when injured?

  • Good morning! Being my graceful self, I slipped on the floor yesterday, turned off of the high heel that I was wearing, and fell down on the floor. (So embarassing!)
    I have pulled/strained something in the inside of my foot. The way it feels, I should be (better be) back to walking with a bandage by Saturday or Sunday, but today I am feeling sorry for myself, and wondering about "sitting down" workouts. Do you have a good one, or should I just walk on my crutches as much as I can?

    Darn it all...I am training for a half marathon and doing p90x...this better not de-rail me! (I actually cried about it last night...silly, I know!)
  • I would stay off of the foot. You don't want to risk injuring it further. Just do some crunches, push ups from your knees, leg lifts... that sort of thing.
  • IMHO - Definitely rest all you can. I injured my back in January cross country skiing in -40 weather and rested for only a few weeks. Then I tried playing soccer and injured it further. My season is done I've had to go to physio twice a week and I'm confined to the pool until the summer season. I hate the idea that I could be playing if I hadn't been so eager to push it too soon.
  • I agree.Rest>this is what professional athletes do when injured.I have also pushed too far too soon and ended up in physical therapy for ten weeks with back injury.Yikes!!!!!!!!
  • Agreed. It stinks and it's so hard emotionally when you're injured. Can you do some pilates or core work that doesn't involve putting weight on your foot? You could also possibly do some upper body strength training if you sit down while doing it. And maybe swimming if you have access to a pool.
  • Same as everyone else - rest! Give your body time to heal before pushing it again. Then start light when you think you're ready (I waited until my strained calves felt a "stretch" and not "pain" when I would put weight on them - then walked just a fraction of my usual workout) And keep stretching, keep moving in gentle ways so you can bounce back better!

    Also - and this is most important - make sure that your nutrition is impeccable. Go back to the basics, eat lots of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins and whole grains. I cut out desserts and processed things while healing, and also started taking a multivitamin (which I should do anyway) - your body needs good food to fix itself I guess we're always watching that, but it's even more important when recovering from an injury. Sigh.. wish I was 17 again and bounced back in two days
  • Its not silly that you cried about it- I would have done the exact same thing! I have Plantar Fasciitis in both feet. I've had the dang thing for a year now though it's getting better as I lose weight.

    It's very frustrating to have a physical problem slow you down BUT the thing I learned was that if were careful with eating, I could STILL lose even if I couldn't work out for awhile. Don't create self-fullfilling prophesy. Instead, decide that this is the first major challenge to your resolve and show yourself how you intend to overcome it. You might actually be GLAD in the long run that you had this challenge because overcoming it (still losing while being unable to do your regular workout for awhile- I'm not telling you to do something you really shouldn't) will make you feel just that much stronger.
  • Hi meredethann,
    if you have some dumbells, you could do upper body/arm strenghtening and toning.
    Also, you could look up some yoga poses that can be done sitting or laying down. You might even find one that will help your foot feel better. Plus the stretching will make you feel rejuvinated so you can relax and heal quicker.

    is there an indoor pool nearby? you could swim or tread water.
    thats how i ended up taking up swimming. knee pain caused me not to be able to run much

    good healing!