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pmasci 02-26-2008 01:03 PM

Sheila, welcome back!!!

Jen, not an erotic bakery, lol. Actually, it was a woman from my son's school and she was so embarrassed to ask me. She works with a bunch of guys and it was their idea. At least she didn't ask for the other female anatomy..I'd have to turn her down...

Alicia...yup, I got them cut out...had to use a Rotozip...what a mess!!! I hot glued the straps ($ store ribbon) to them, so they're ready to be decorated. I'm almost ready for the party :)

happy2be 02-26-2008 02:19 PM

HI everyone!

Sorry for all of you who are experiencing bad weather, here in S.CA is beautiful.

Sheila how are you? I have been thinking where is that girl!!! Dr. Sheila :lol: Welcome back!!! are you still doing the short workouts?

GG Portland is a beautiful place, but I can only go visit, we tried living there and just couldn't do it!

Pam did you finish your cookies?

I am here, can't find the motivation to get to the gym, I have been stuck in the s%$#$% computer, trying to figure out how to download a movie to my ipod, so I can watch it while I am on the stair stepper at the gym, literally it has been a couple of hours trying to leave and also the phone has not stop ringing.
I have to get there, I know!!!
I also have to run a few errands, we are playing bunco at my house tomorrow night, have to go buy a couple of cart tables and wine and beer. I am not baking anything or cooking anything, it feels so weird, the group is set up that the host just provides the beverages and the rest everyone brings something. I am thinking maybe I will make a chocolate fondue, just cause I feel like it.
I am going to try to make it to the gym I will see you later!


DaDuck 02-26-2008 03:36 PM

pipes were cleaned today!!! Sushi for lunch!!!! Radio show!
Chicken for dinner! Now I am going to bed so I can get up and hit the gym tomorrow!!!!!!!

I just breezed through the messages in the thread and saw cookies and chocolate fondue and completely started salivating so I must leave;)

Hope everyone has/had a great day!

Delta Dawn 02-26-2008 04:58 PM

Jasmine - hope that your day was ok with all of the chaos.
Alicia - we need to get on the stick about painting here again...what are you painting today?
Pam - I have been alternating a couple of DVDs this week as I needed a change from Fittv...I have a step video, Self magazine DVD and a WATP. Sounds like you are all ready for the party - should be alot of fun for the girls.
Hi Sheila - looking forward to getting to know you!
Hi Lauren!
Jen - how did the strength session go? Are you doing it at a gym or at home?
Hanna - did you get the ipod working? Isn't technology wonderful?? Is your hubby feeling better?
DaDuck - see you tomorrow!

I need to check laundry soon. We made a trip to the store - but DS wanted popcorn chicken that was already made & for sale? Guess who ate some???

Have a good evening everyone.

CCmomof5 02-26-2008 05:50 PM

ARRRRRG! Just lost my whole post!!!!!!!!!!! I hate when that happens.

I just caught up on everyones posts from the weekend. I think its this crazy winter making us eat crazy. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it! I'm doing okay, I had two bad meals the last two days (ate Mex. on Sun. and Mon. for lunch), but all my other meals for those days were pretty good and I exercised still.

Jen, are you doing the TransFirmation workouts? I got mine a week or so ago and I Love Them!! Really kicks my butt. Can't wait to see if I get results in 10 workouts like they say. Actually I can tell a difference.

Hanna, I was looking for a recumbent indoor bike. I found one on Amazon today that had really good reviews and came highly recommended. I'll have to wait a little longer for it than if I went and bought it at Dicks but thats okay I think I'm getting better quality. Hope DH gets well soon.

Alicia, Love the :goldpot:, I'm sure you don't spoil her at all. Painting again?

Chunk, girlfriend I feel for you. I was begging my Dr. 2 yrs ago for the same surgeries to fix mine, he and my DH talked me out of it. I left my job,which was what caused the whole problem to start with, and gave my body some time to heal. I'm not perfect but I do feel a lot better. Exercise is almost a cruel and unusual punishment but I hate how I feel if I don't so thats why I'm getting the Recumbent bike, it should keep me from torturing myself. What kind of bed do you have? I bought a Tempur-pedic, best $ I ever spent. I hope you'll get to feeling better soon.

Duck, We live just east of Washington IN if you know where that is. Yes, 3 months to paint their basement and I let them pick the colors. I don't know what I was thinking cause when they are both gone in 2 yrs I'll have to go down there and paint over it all. Half the basement is the brick looking concrete wall and those are a doozy to paint. They have about 900 SQ. foot down there. I hate to paint!!!

Hi to everyone else!!!!!! Anybody hear from Rooster lately?


sheila1971 02-26-2008 06:31 PM

Hey there ladies~

ok so here was the deal I am still doing the 4 min rom but haven't been for a while since I have had phemonia. I was trying to do herbalife with it, I lost the first month 17 inches. But the herbalife was making me sick. So I have not gone to the club in several weeks and the reason being we have a rapist out in our little community who watches women with patterns and I know how I am once I start going again I go at the same time everyday. So I am shakin it up a bit. I do my eliptical and bike at home for now. Just getting back into the swing of things since choc and peanut butter have been my buddy for about 6 weeks. So I need to get off my %$#@* and get with it. "Dr. Sheila" haven't heard that in a while.

The hubby and I went out to dinner sat night it was nice. We had a great time. Things are getting better:carrot:.
Oh my daughter and I are planning a trip to disneyland in July. Just finishing up the little things. My dad is just furious that DH would let me and my daughter travel alone. I would imagine we would be fine.

Anyway the son is adjusting but his girlfriend is the "girlfriend from ****", she always finds something wrong with us and recently wrote to our son telling him he needed to divorce his family. I have a few choice words for her *&%$#$%^&*((&%$#$&*(. Anyway she is bothering my brother and folks about info about DS and I am not saying anything to anyone of them about him. The military stopped all his phone calls to anyone but us. Mainly the girlfriend. Anyway big mess. I am so glad to be back. Where the heck is MO? Hey Hannah and Joan and Miss Lois Lane. Everyone I will get used to you, trust me~


sheila1971 02-26-2008 06:33 PM

Oh Delta Dawn....I know that song!! No seriously I had to say that I thought tanya tucker immediatly. Looking forward to getting to know you.


lppennington 02-26-2008 06:40 PM

Sheila!!! Welcome back!!!! Was that the same girlfriend that he had before going in to basic? Glad to see you back.

I can't talk much today, I need to get the laundry downstairs to the basement so we can work on it. I think I will be going to bed early tonight too.

:wave: to everyone else.


sheila1971 02-26-2008 06:42 PM

Hey Lisa........
Laundry I would think you were busy or something....How ya doing?

dangergirl 02-26-2008 06:59 PM

Hey Lisa, I was wondering if you know the mountain in your avatar picture.

lppennington 02-26-2008 07:04 PM

Sheila, was I working when you stopped joining us? If not I am an entry level manager (department) for a department store in town. I started as a part-time evening person and have moved up through the ranks since last July. I am currently being groomed for the next step up ~ so that is good. Pay is decent but not great. I love the people I work with so that helps.

danger, not a clue. :lol: I got an email with all these cool pictures and decided to put this one on. It is about time to change my aviator though. thanks for reminding me.


sapphireheather 02-26-2008 07:27 PM

Gatorgirl-we had that nasty storm this morning. Woke me from a dead sleep all that thunder and lightning plus the sideways downpour of rain! Yikes! Calling for snow tonight! It was 64 degrees here today and tomorrow we'll have snow? That's crazy!
Pam- A boob cake eh? lol Sounds like fun. Do you make cakes for a living or is it a hobby?
Karen- it was laundry day here too. Still got one load left drying in the dryer. 5 loads done today. I've been slacking this week lol.
Dawn-Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Jasmine-I hope you made it through your day with as little stress as possible.
Dangergirl-take it easy, hope your soreness subsides soon! Those treadmills can be evil lol.
Alicia-who is the new dvd you ordered by? I'm always looking for a new video to add to my "collection" of workouts lol.
Jen-hope the soreness goes away soon. I used to hate lunges and squats and now they are my favorite exercises!
Hanna-Bunco is so much fun! Have a great time!
DaDuck-I'm a couple days behind but what a hottie of a boyfriend you have there :)
Fighting to lose, Moobunny, Sheila, Lisa, any one else I missed... hello!

Been a busy weekend, once again. Did some more geocaching, 3 days in a row and all that walking, my legs felt really tired when I got up this morning. Thank goodness it rained today so I could rest as if that ever happens lol! I got to take my dd to playgroup, then I had my PT session at the gym this afternoon. She certainly cracked that whip today! lol I'm sure tomorrow I will not have the ability to move my legs since they were the focus today. OUCH! Then it was off to the post office and grocery store. Oh and I also got 5 loads of laundry done too. I've been slacking in the housekeeping department the last few days, though, in my defense, it is difficult to do housework when you're dh is making you spend all day out of the house for 3 days! Have a great night everyone!


GatorgalstuckinGA 02-26-2008 08:49 PM

i had a horrible drive to work. It normally takes me 15-20 mins to get there..however, lights were out everywhere, and trees were down and lanes closed...it took me over an hr. Work was ok. Just still having stupid employee issues. Trying to get those resolved. When i get one person fixed up, then there's an issue with someone else. I'm really getting frustrated but hopefully it will work out. I did make it to the gym tonight and do 30 min of intense cardio

Sheila - welcome back. Glad to see you back!
hey to everyone else..time for dinner

happy2be 02-26-2008 09:23 PM

hi everyone!

GG sorry for the troubles at work and for the commute, that stinks!

HI Heather, take some vitamin C it is really good for inflammation, specially after a good workout (after not doing it for a while) all thought it is a great feeling!

Trish enjoy the bike, I am like you, very inpatient!
I want it now!!!

Sheila how are things going w/your sister in law and you dmil, I would try anything to keep the "girlfriend" away from them. I am glad you and DH are doing well, did he take the big job offer? Let me know when are you coming to CA. I love Disneyland, we can meet there!

For me was a productive day after all, I did get to the gym, NO I was not able to download the movie to my ipod, I did downloaded to my puter, but I had spend too much time trying to figure out how to do it, so maybe tomorrow I will try to figure out what I am suppose to do. I guess on Thursday I am going to have to pick Sean up from school so he can clean the class room, he decided to make a mess of it, so he is going to have to clean it up! DH went to work today and he just got home, exhausted, but he did work all day. He is probably going to go to bed very early, I am going to watch Biggest Looser and go to bed, I have to get the house in order for tomorrow night. Not to much hassle, thank G-d! I am going to go in the AM to get fresh flowers, how I wish my roses would be already in bloom.

OK I will see you guys either later today or tomorrow!


lois lane 02-26-2008 10:30 PM

Chicago Jen, I know what you mean about feeling the muscles you didn't know you have. I have to say lunges are my least favorite. But man you sure can feel them...

Trish, I love the avatar with all the kiddos and the snow. BTW, rooster is on Facebook and he is doing okay.

Dawn, I don't think you were here when I showed pics of my house. Well, the rooms were awful colors. Today I was painting the hallway and DD's room. They loooved green, lol. Both were Hunter green (very dark) I have a purple wall in the kitchen too, I haven't got to it yet. If they were white I probably wouldn't be so crazy about it.

Heather, I ordered a Denise Austin video its called Power Yoga Plus. Supposed to be half yoga and half pilates. Niether of which have I tried before so it will be something new.

Hanna and Lisa, hey ladies.

Nite everyone

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