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pmasci 02-15-2008 08:19 AM

30 Somethign Chat Fri. Feb 15th
Good morning All!!

Slept until 8:00 this am!!!! The kids don't have school, so I allowed my self to sleep in...I'm usually up by 5:30, 6:30 on the weekends, so this was a treat fo rme!!

Hope everyone had a lovely V-day!!

GG, sorry you had a bad work day...you too Lisa. Hope today is better for ya gals!!

Okay, so today I have to make 50 cupcakes & a small cake...this is the big cupcake tower I was talking about a few weeks ago. Have to deliver it and set up tomorrow morning. Also want to take the kids to get soccer/baseball cleats, as they are on sale til tomorrow, and on top of that aI have a coupon!! Just add laundry to that list and you have my day in a nutshell.

Off to have another cup of coffee, then an Ab workout date with Tony Horton...I just love him:D



GatorgalstuckinGA 02-15-2008 08:46 AM

morning all. Today is a day off... which i'm thankful for otherwise if i had to work after yesterday, i'd probably go off the deep end. I think i'm really having issues with work partially because of the customers but partially because of all the crazy cliche and "he said she said" crap that the employees are playing. I'm also a little frustrated by the other dr. A few weeks ago before i left for my onfernce, she has a problem with 2 of the employees gossiping. She said she wanted a meeting, i told her to set it up..and i'd make it there. Then, she said a few weeks later that she just decided to talk to the employees on their own. Come to find out that she never talked to those two. I actually pulled them to the side to discuss the gossiping issue and told them "i know dr X already talked to you about this" but i also want to remind you about how gossiping is detrimental. They said that Dr. X never talked to them. So she's mad at them but yet....doesn't address the problem. How are we ever going to fix issues if we never discuss anything. This clinic has worked like that for years...so now i'm trying to make things work better, but its hard to make changes if the other dr there is not cooperating. Very frustrating...but oh well. Sorry just had to vent. I'm really tired and pissed off at work right now. I think i'm also PMSing which doesn't help LMAO. But i figure the only thing i can do is lead by example and either people will follow or leave.

pam - have fun with the cupcakes.

i forgot who asked about face wash yesterday...I use Origins skin products and HIGHLY recommend them. When i first started working out, I was getting bad pimples and blackheads. My skin is very under control now. I use a face wash daily, a toner twice daily, 2-3 times a week i use a microdermal scrub, and 1 x a week i treat my face to a mask. I love their products. If you have one near you...go talk to an associate...they can show you all the products. They have different one for different skin types.

today for my day off...i'm going to ride my horse, then i'm going hiking with my dog. My personal trianer said she might want to join me. It should be nice.

Delta Dawn 02-15-2008 09:08 AM

Good morning!

GG - sorry about work - hopefully, things will improve soon. Have fun riding the horse today.
Pam - You'll have to post a picture of your cupcake tower! Glad that you had a chance to sleep in - 8 a.m. sounds wonderful!!

I walked on the treadmill this a.m. - DS is getting better at playing with toys in that room while I walk. I am still hoping to do a workout with Fittv this morning too as I won't have a treadmill, etc. while we are out of town.

Happy Friday everyone!

sapphireheather 02-15-2008 10:00 AM

Good morning everyone! I didn't have a chance to check in yesterday.. .busy day with playgroups and baking, no computer time.

Pam: enjoy your date with Tony! Ab ripper is awesome! :) Glad you got to sleep in, I always feel more refreshed when I get an extra hour or two to sleep!

GG: enjoy your day off. Horse riding and hiking! Sounds like a fun and fitness filled day! Have a great time! Sorry you're not having fun at work. What kind of work do you do?

Dawn: Have a great trip!

I graduated to Slim in 6 Burn It Up today. WOW! What a workout! I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow. I think the hardest part was that it was a long, quick workout. Meaning it's a 60 minute workout, but the moves are really quick. I found by halfway through that I was losing my stamina to keep it up, but I pushed through, which is guaranteed to make me sore tomorrow! lol I also finally got the new WATP videos I ordered and yesterday did the 5 mile walk! WOW! Now THAT is a workout! According to my HR monitor, I burned over 700 calories! YAY!

We have a weekend filled with geocaching and family time. Hope you all have a great weekend! :)

beachmomma 02-15-2008 11:01 AM

heather - Congratulations! I haven't walked 5 miles yet.. time is becoming a problem for me but I'm working on prioritizing :-)

Dawn - Happy Friday! Glad to hear DS is getting better :-) I'm going out of town but not long enough to affect my workouts. April will be harder, I'll be gone for 5 days. i need to start thinking of a plan soon.

GG - sorry to hear about work. something about office problems makes them tend to carry over into all aspects of your life. It's so hard to leave them at the door. I hope things work out soon! Have some fun today!

pam - Good Morning! Congrats on sleeping in! that is such a treat! I slept until amost 8 day (that's sleeping in for me...) but when i sleep in - I always wake up with a headache. I think its my self conscious punishing me lol

Well... I took the plunge! DH and I joined Golds yesterday afternoon. I'm still in sticker shock and hoping we can pull it off with him just getting back to work. But - I had an awesome workout for 45 mins this morning! I know I wouldn't have done that at home. Some of the machines are torture! I love it! Now I just have to make sure I stick with it!

We are headed to MD tonight for a party up there. DH is going with me and my mother is keeping the kids. So we are getting a hotel room and celeberating a belated Valentines :hug: I'm super excited!

have a great day everyone!!

lois lane 02-15-2008 11:32 AM

Mornin everyone.

Just want to say hi. I have to jump in the shower. DD's friend called. She wanted me to pick her up "within 30 mins". I said how bout an hour?

Hopefully I'll get to walk at the track today and my leg wont give me a fit.

GG enjoy your day off. You were talking about not having any girlfriends, maybe you and your trainer will hit it off. Not a bad friend to have?

Beachmomma, let us know how you like your new membership, congrats. BTW, have fun this weekend with DH!

Pam, Dawn, Heather, have a good one girls!

I'm off to shower, talk later everyone!

CCmomof5 02-15-2008 11:49 AM


Well DH and I didn't go to Starbucks last night, but thats okay, I think we're gonna try to get away for a bit this weekend. I was totally bushed and I made my version of fried chicken and mashed taters and gravy for them all as their gift. I suppose I could have made the real thing but I just can't bring myself to really fry it, I told them I love them too much to treat their hearts with such contempt. They'll thank me when they're 35. Sweetie and I sent kids off to their rooms and watched Survivor and Lost in our room for our V-day, which is cool with me we were only disturbed a few times through 2 shows which is quite frankly a miracle.

Pam, congrats on the extra Z's, love to have a cupcake right now.

Alicia, maybe its time to see an orthopaedic Dr. about the leg?????

GG, girl you are my hero. You are absolutely correct to lead the way at the office, somebody has to.

Beachmomma, I miss my membership at the YMCA, I have weights and a treadmill here and plenty of videos and soon I'll have a bike, but when you have to drive there to do the work its like you want to make the most out of your time and money. Not to mention for me it took the kids out of the equation, they were either at school or at the sitter that the Y provides downstairs and I didn't have to deal with that while trying to get in a workout I could just do what I needed to do. I Really Miss IT!!!!!!!!!

Tonia, Welcome!!!

Heather, Delta, glad you're up and going already today with your workouts I got some walking in today not much, the phone kept ringing, I don't normally answer it but the caller ID showed it was the school. One kid after another calling, I forgot this and I forgot that, blah, blah,blah. They're not even home and they're driving me up a wall. Gonna try to get back on it later when they all go to the game tonight.

Have a great day and I'll try to check in again, but who knows . Trish

GatorgalstuckinGA 02-15-2008 01:44 PM

well i had a great ride with my pony. he was such a good boy....didn't act up at all. The weather has warmed up some, so its nice. In about 30 min i'm going to meet my pt for a hike with the mutt. The mutt will love it. She hates the car ride...but she loves hiking. And yes aliia, maybe Erica (my pt) and i will hit it off. I really do miss having a gf. I thought maybe i would get along with the other dr i work with when i first moved here...but after a while, i realized she is a very negative and bitter person. But god is she a brillant veterinarian...that's why i don't care she works with me since i know she is very bright and her medicine skills are excellent, but she's def. Some one i wouldnt want to hang out with after hrs. I always try to have people in my life that are positive and uplifting.

sapphire- good job on the workout. make sure tomorrow you work the same muscle group but very lightly and stretch..that's the one thing my pt has taught me..it really helps with the soreness. when you simulate the muscle to work out the same move, but at a lighter weight band/amount..you help get the lactic acid (what causes the soreness) out of the muscles. also stretch tonight, tomorrow am and pm. Also, thanks for the words of encouragement...btw..i'm a veterinarian so not only do i have to deal with life/death issues but i have to deal with people who work together not getting along.

beachmamma- you are right...i usually try to leave work at work..but lately i've been having a hard time with all the crap. I just can't quite figure out how to fix it all. Wish i could just fire everyone and start from new LMAO...no not really..that wouldn't help...but i do wish more people would learn to not be so witchy and stop forming silly little clicks...oh well. btw good job for joining a gym and good job working out

cc - thanks for the praise...i know someone has to be a positive leader but somedays i feel like i'm working an uphill battle.

off for my hike soon...got to get changes and my camleback filled..and get the mutts' portable water bowl. We are planning for a 5 -8 mile hike

KarenK 02-15-2008 01:52 PM

Hey guys,

I didn't fall off of the earth again. We've all been sick and jury duty thrown in has really messed things up. My DD is not taking it well, so on top of missing her mom she's been sick. She is velcro baby to the max. If I even look at the computer she has a meltdown!

I hope everyone is doing well and I will try to get caught up this weekend!

BTW, I was curious, is anyone here on DepoProvera? I had to take a shot this AM (21 days and counting of Aunt Flo!!!) and on the way home I started wondering how it would affect my wt loss.

OK, Velcro Baby is screaming!! I miss you guys!!

happy2be 02-15-2008 02:43 PM

hi everyone !
oh my G-d you guys are going to have a good laugh, I ate a couple of cookies yesterday and Oh my G-d I had the weirdest dream last night I have to tell you guys: Lauren was mad at me cause I ate cookies instead of logging my miles which by the way I didn't participate in it! GG kept telling me I had to go on a hike or I wouldn't be able to ride the horse oh! news to me, I love horses but I am not riding them, I am afraid of them, Alicia kept telling me I had to share them and I didn't so she was mad at me.

GG so sorry about all the crap at work. Have a great day today! Pamper yourself!

Karen you are funny! I love "velcro baby" that is good!

Trish I am glad you had a nice time w/DH did you call the Dr.? I am checking up on you!!!

Tonia :welcome3:

Lisa I am sorry about your day yesterday, :hug:

Julia have a great "privet time" you deserve it!!!

Heather great job! isn't it a great feeling?

Hey cupcake lady! good luck w/all the baking. I am sure happy V-day is over, I am glad to be done w/the baking here!

someone asked about face creams yesterday? I love Chanel line and Lancome, I also like line that they sell at Sephora and saw it for the first time at Saks the other day it is called Fresh, I buy their face scrub, they call it face polish it is wonderful. I was thinking of trying their face creams when I run out what I am using right now. http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/main/...=1203104556570
well today is a relaxing day, I can't go knitting Sean is not feeling well and I don't want to call the babysitter, I am afraid to leave him w/anyone, since we can't figure out the seizures, we don't know when they are going to happen or what is causing them, we are seeing the neurologist the first week in March, I can't wait! I am going to cook for tomorrows V-dinner, we have 5 couples coming, I am excited! it will be a lot of fun. I was browsing the inernet earlier and I found great paper napkins, I am going to order them to have for different things, I even found a design for bunko, "bunko queen" and since bonko is at my house on Wednesday I am going to order them. Look at the site it is pretty cool www.giftaria.com
Sean wants me to take him to El Pollo Loco to have lunch, so I am going to only go to the drive through he wants chicken drumsticks, can't complain is better than asking for McD!

See you all later


Delta Dawn 02-15-2008 03:25 PM

Hi again - I wanted to get my miles in to Lauren quickly as I won't be around my computer tomorrow - I am 18 miles for the week. Thanks!

Hannah - your dream was way too funny. I hope that Sean is feeling better soon.
Karen - sorry to hear about the jury duty being tough on baby girl. When is the jury duty over?
Trish - hope that you got a break from the kids this afternoon!
Beachmomma - have fun in MD!
Hi Alicia and Heather!

Have a great weekend everyone! Maybe I will be able to check in early next week....

jessiebug 02-15-2008 05:12 PM

Hey I am back sorry I haven't been around for a few months. Last month of the year had some big up and downs for me and my family. I'm back and will try my best to check in at least once aweek.

gurlzlikefootball2 02-15-2008 05:59 PM

Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome!

Sounds like you guys have gotten to know each other very well. I'll give the personals a try though . . . how else will I get to know everyone! :)

Pam - the cupcake thing sounds pretty fun. Is this a hobby? I love to bake but don't do it much anymore since I tend to lick the bowl a bit too often.

Gator - don't you love the office politics? My office sounds a lot like yours. Amazing how some of these people still act as if they are in junior high! I'll have to try the Origin's line of face products. I've been looking for something for a while. Enjoy your day off!

Delta - I've done a few workouts from FitTV. Some of them are pretty fun. Going on a trip soon?

Heather - WOW! Sounds like you are kicking butt with the workouts. What is Slim in 6???

Beach - congrats on joining the gym. I'd like to join a gym again, but we have a treadmill, weights, etc not to mention more workout videos than I could ever get through. Guess I'll save the $'s for now. Have a great belated v-day!

Lois - hi! Hope you were able to get your walk in today.

CC - thanks for the welcome. Hubby and I love LOST and Survivor too. I haven't seen the first coulple of seasons of LOST so I'm hoping to buy the DVD sets and get caught up.

Karen - never have taken the Depo shot but some friends of mine have. It didn't seem to have too much of an effect on their weight loss efforts. I hope you have the same experience.

Hanna - thanks for the welcome as well as the facial product recommendations. I'm going to have some fun at the mall trying everything out this weekend! What a weird dream . . . had to be the cookies! :)

Jessie - hi!

OK, hope I didn't miss anyone on my first try at the personals! :)

I snuck away from work a bit early today to get a couple of errands done. Hubby and I are supposed to go out for dinner tonight but I have no idea where. I'm wondering if there will be major crowds tonight with the late v-day celebrations. Maybe there will be a spot at the bar where we can enjoy a glass of wine while we wait . . . we've been really good this week with diet and exercise so I won't feel too guilty about having a treat! :)

Have a great night everyone!

GatorgalstuckinGA 02-15-2008 07:18 PM

hey all...had a great hike today. Erica and i did 5.5 miles...it was an awesome hike. My poor mutt is worn out...she's passed out on her pillow right now. But she enjoyed herself. I had a great time...it was nice to get out.
hannah -lol man what a great dream..now get out and hike LOL. No more cookies for you.
karen- not sure of the depo...i think it can cause some wt gain..but not sure. hope you're feeling better.
gurlz - enjoy dinner.
welcome back jessie

lois lane 02-15-2008 09:04 PM

Hanna, funny dream! You know a few weeks back I think I had a dream that involved the group too! I've never heard of El Pollo Chicken. You're V'day dinner sounds like fun, have a good time tomorrow, don't wear yourself out!

Hey Jesse.

gurlzlikefootball, welcome, you did a great job. Hope you and the hubby are enjoying your dinner tonight!

I didn't make it for my walk. Unfotunately, Spencer has come down with what his sis was ill with. DD said half her class was out of school sick yesterday. Hopefully he will recover over the weekend.

Hope everyone is enjoying their evening and have a great weekend!


dangergirl 02-15-2008 10:09 PM

I finally chose an avatar! I picked this one (it is my little booboo dog trying to get under the sink) because alot of days that is how I feel. BTW that is my WHOLE Kitchen.

Sounds like some of you had a really fun V day. My Husband is Moose hunting. Yes- you heard me right! I have been left alone in the artic wilderness!
I just lit the stove. Now before you have romantic thoughts of a cozy wood stove... Lighting my only source of Heat involves a propane torch. We have a Deisel Drip stove. It is either on or off, no thermostat. I will say this for my cozy cabin- I turn that stove off in the morning when I leave for work and the cabin will stay above 55 degrees inside when it is 20 outside. Then when I get home, I light it up for the night. My Hubby did a good job on this little place. We also have heat in the floor via hot water, but it is not very effective on wood floors, needs carpet to radiate the heat.
I ate pretty ok today. Too much bread. I had it for breakfast and lunch. I try to only eat one bread per day, but it was a matter of convenience.
I also had to go out in the snow and feed horses and the barn kitty and walk my dogs. And, if it keeps snowing, I am going to have to plow! ugh, I hate plowing!
I think I am going to takes me a nice hot bath. I am going to post some pics of my pets on the pet page if any one wants to see them.
Hope y'all have a great weekend.

dangergirl 02-15-2008 10:20 PM

well, I just noticed there is no pets page, So I will just post on the pics page.
Sorry for the confusion

happy2be 02-15-2008 11:19 PM

we had a nice evening, DH brought dinner home, nothing special but it was really good, he went to Pat and Oscars and brought a great greek salad, chicken and pizza, it was delicious, I didn't eat pizza though! I don't like pizza

GG how nice you were able to take your girl for a hike and take your mind off work! You are right no more cookies for me!

Alicia that is too bad the kids got the what ever it going around from each other! Isn't it funny how dreams are? Yes I am looking forward to tomorrow night, I am cooking a roast tomorrow and I ordered some flowers, they should be here tomorrow AM, I love to have fresh flowers, I don't do it to often, but I felt like it!

DG it is to cold to go out!

Girlzlikefootball enjoy your eve w/DH. Have fun at the mall, I am not going near the mall right now, I can spend a lot of $ when I go, so I am trying to be good, I was at the mall this last week and I did pretty well, I didn't have a lot of time to be there, that was a good thing!

Jessiebug :wave: good to see you again, see you soon!

I am very excited, I almost finish a knitted jacket, I am putting it together right now. I am going to relax w/DH knit and watch tv.
see you all tomorrow!

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