It's About Time!!!

  • Well I finally lost my first 10 Lb's!!!!! I never thought the scale would ever move again, it's been over 2 months since it's moved, and the ironic thing is that I've been eating crappy lately! But I've been doing alot of walking, and such. Hopefully now I can keep going downwards.... I can really tell a difference in my clothes....they are falling off me now! I also found out that I've lost 4 inches on my waist!
  • What a milestone! Keep it up!
  • Well Done!

    Isn't it a great feeling to put your lost lbs into the double figures And 4 inches - That's fantastic!!!

    What a great motivation to keep on losing
  • Great Job!!!
  • That is awesome! Congrats!
  • Thanks girls! I feel like I've finally accomplished something! Now lets hope I can keep it up!
  • Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for you!
  • Well Done!!!
  • Wo hoo! Keep up the fab work girlie!

  • Well done you!