Portion Control...GRRRRR

  • Okay so I'm going to complain for just a second on how much portion controld sucks! I get all motivated and excited to lose weight because it's really time that I do. So I get ready and here I go...it's like day.....15today that I've been really trying to watch what I eat....and I'm sick of the portions that I have

    BUT....I will not complain too much because I know that it will all be worth it! It is just kinda depressing when we see just how much food you can and shoudln't have! Like in the pasta thread...I LOVE lots of pasta...but you can't have LOTS of pasta when you diet! I want LOTS of everything!

    OKay..I'm done now I just HAD to stress how much portion control sucks sometimes! Hope everyone is doing great on their goals!!!
  • I totally feel your pain girl, especially with the pasta thing! Pasta is my weakness! I'm having a hard time with it as well. I went and saw a dietician today and it REALLY helped answer some questions I had! Very helpful and informative, and signed up for a class about healthy eating. Yay Me! Time to get this under control!

    Hang in there girl...it's all worth it in the end, right?
  • I hear ya Jamie, portion control is one of my biggest enemies! I have no willpower...if something tastes good then once I get started there's no stopping me 'til it's gone...it sucks!!

    Good luck to you, I know you can do it!!
  • Extra helping for all of us!!!
  • I feel ya too! Sometimes I'd almost rather not eat at all than have this infant sized portion of a yummy food. I mean how in the heck are you supposed to have a freaking quarter cup of ben and jerry's? It's meant to be eaten in it's entirety. (haha, can you tell I am hungry right now?) I try to eat foods that I can have a lot of for few calories, it helps mentally sometimes. Of course some days are better than others. Most of the time if I remind myself that if I eat more than my portion it could mean no loss for the week, that stops me.
  • Ha! Thanks guys!!! I'm glad that I'm not the only one annoyed!!! Thanks for all your words of encouragement! You all are great!! Good luck to all of you as well....we can do it! Damn food....
  • Quote: I totally feel your pain girl, especially with the pasta thing! Pasta is my weakness! I'm having a hard time with it as well. I went and saw a dietician today and it REALLY helped answer some questions I had! Very helpful and informative, and signed up for a class about healthy eating. Yay Me! Time to get this under control!

    Hang in there girl...it's all worth it in the end, right?

    Amanda I almost forgot to say congrats!!! That's awesome that you signed up for that class!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!! (I just love this carrot!) And yes, it's time to get it under control for me too!