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spillthebeans 10-31-2005 10:29 AM

Weekly Chat 10/31-11/6
:lol: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Good Morning Ladies!

Is anyone doing anything neat for halloween? Did you dress up for work today or going somewhere tonight?

Do tell.

I didn't, but just because I'm broke right now, and couldn't get into the spirit of things. I will try and not indulge in sweets today, or at least be moderate in my choosings.

Have a Great day everyone! Muuuuuu Haaaa Haaaa :lol:

jennie934 10-31-2005 12:00 PM

Hey everyone, eeek its halloween. I'm scared of all the treats. My son is trickortreating and I"m sure he will bring home a huge load of goodies. I'm in such a pissy mood today, I think PMS. I started to cry when I spilled my coffee this moring. I'm sure if I'm not careful, I could totally binge on the fun size treats. What do you guys do to stay away from Holiday treats, not just halloween but all the holidays are coming?

jaelsne 10-31-2005 12:15 PM

Halloween treats
After watching James Frey on Oprah last week, I have decided that the only way to get through trials such as Halloween is... to force myself to get through it. I'm going to repeat his mantra--HOLD ON--and focus on the fun of watching the children enjoy the evening. I had thought about treating myself to one piece of candy, but I did that yesterday and it turned into a mini-binge.

So--I'm not going to use Halloween as an excuse to eat stuff that is bad for me. I'm going to consider it a holiday where you get to see young members of the community having fun! :)

LockItUp 10-31-2005 02:04 PM

Hey all. I dressed up as a Vapiress and went to "The Fear Farm". I had a horrible weekend food and workout wise. I don't know how to get through the holidays, starting with Halloween. This is about the time I feel off the wagon last year and gained back all I lost plus more. I am just going to have to buckle down and be strict like I was when I started all this, back in the begining of August. I have come too far to backslide and I feel like I already have. We'll see what the scale says Thursday morning I guess.

Hope everyone has a great halloween!!!

Megan1982 10-31-2005 02:48 PM

Hey all,

Oh I feel sh!@#$ today. I'm either getting sick or going on BC has totally changed how I 'feel' PMS - ow ow ow is all I'll say. TOM just started and after FREAKING out about a 5-lb. water gain last month, I've realized I just can't have my weekly weigh-in during TOM, so I won't weigh in tomorrow. Even though I know it has to be water it's too stressful. The weekend was ok food-wise, but I did go over calories by a few hundred Saturday from alcohol. The local bar had its big Halloween party then, so that was my celebration. Exercise was not where it should be though. Yesterday I made a big pot of (lowfat) chili, some homemade bread, and cleaned like a maniac. I overate a little bit at dinner between the chili, bread, and pasta but since I hadn't eaten much earlier since I felt so crappy I still stayed well under calorie limits.

Saturday was fun though. The local bar had its big Halloween party and a group of friends all went. I made a jellyfish costume and it looked so bad I just couldn't wear it. All I could think of that I had at hand was a black widow spider - black clothes and a red hourglass-shaped cutout pinned to my stomach.

I'm going to go running after work, but then I'm going to curl up on the couch and watch TV or a movie and go to bed early. Ow ow. Ow. Stupid TOM. Stupid BC.

How is everyone doing with Halloween temptations? Good luck ladies! I know it gets hard this time of year with the cold, time change, and holidays, and I'm hardly one to talk, but let's keep each other motivated to eat right and exercise throughout the winter.

skinnyjeans 10-31-2005 03:48 PM

Hey everyone. Whew its been a tough month for me at work. I know its the first day of the week but I just feel big relief to be moving into a new month. Everything we do at work cycles on a monthly basis so the last week is all tense and rushed and the first week is all relaxed and slow. (Hmm..need to start planning better)

The weekend went OK, but not great food and excercise wise. I managed to avoid the big bag on Halloween treats we bought, and limit my alcohol cals at our events Fri and Sat. But I still went over my cal limit a little. No binges and still lost 1 lb for the week though. I was expecting more, but think water retention might be involved. Oh well big loss next week then.

Saved up some cals during the day by being extra good at breakfast and lunch so I have room for a candy bar tonight. I'm going to work out right before the trick-or-treaters come. I will eat dinner later that way and not be tempted by the treats until later.

Also going to try and save my treat for the end of the night. That way I don't have to hold myself back from seconds. We will see if this works. Hmm any holidays tips would be great. This is the time my diet tanked last year as well between lack of motivation and bad food choices.

Sorry about all you PMSers what rotten timing. Hope y'all feel better tomorrow.

healthyme05 10-31-2005 04:01 PM

:) :)Hello everyone! :) :)

:m: Unfortunately I wont be doing anything Halloweeny...I have to work tonight. But I guess that's good because if I don't go to any party then I wont indulge. Besides I had two social events this month and it was really tough foodwise. So thankfully I will be locked up in the hospital tonight. :chockiss:

:m:Of course, when Thanksgiving and Christmas comes along...now that's a while different story. :chockiss:

:m:Who came up with the smart idea to lump all the holidays together anyway?!? Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's day...All of that screams candy, pies, and drinks.:chockiss:

:m: Be good tonight everybody! Remember all things in moderation or nothing at all! :chockiss:

spillthebeans 10-31-2005 04:21 PM

jaelsne: I just got done reading "A Million Little Pieces" What did you think about the book? I just passed it off to a coworker, so I don't have anyone to chat w/ about it.
Did you read and did you like the book? I am looking into reading the book James Frey read in rehab...the Tao Te Ching.

Halloween Update: I have eaten __ cupcakes today. I feel really guilty about the number. So this will be my cofession, and I'm done for the day....going to forgo dinner and workout tonight, to make up the difference....Yea, it's that bad. Chocolate on chocolate cup=cakes! I dislike Betty Crocker, yet I love her! ARGHHH

trnsfrmnreplace 10-31-2005 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by jennie934
What do you guys do to stay away from Holiday treats, not just halloween but all the holidays are coming?

I always go by my own rule or eat whatever you wish, but instead of having an entire piece of pie or cake, eat a bite or two. It usually helps to not serve yourself an entire portion of something. Example. Keep the candy away, and if you want to treat yourself, get up, get one, and put the rest away and walk out of the room and eat the one you have.

It doesn't work for everyone but it helps me. Even when i'm eating chips, i grab a handful and put the bag away. I do it with everything.

Halloween... Not sure what i'll be doing tonight, my lover has work all day from 7 am till 9 pm tonight. We might take his little brother trick or treating. I want to carve a pumpkin so bad though! :) i love halloween, but seems like each year something gets in the way of celebrating it.

Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone! :lol3:

jdoggmartin 10-31-2005 05:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Happy Halloween! :)

Well, my weekend was a disaster eating-wise. Way too many calories wasted on alcohol. Both Friday and Saturday were terrible. I haven't drinken that much in one night in a long time, and then I did it two nights in a row! :eek: I also haven't taken shots in a long time, and I did quite a few both nights. I did have a lot of fun, though. :devil:

Saturday was pumpkin-carving time. I've done one for as long as I can remember, so it's a must every Halloween. Then, a costume party. It was so much fun! I love seeing everyone dressed up. I was a snowman. Well, snowwoman, I guess. I'll attach a picture of me and my friend, the puppy.

After the costume party, BF and I and another friend went to another party. Unfortunately, this one wasn't a costume party, but we were all still dressed up! Oh, well. It's a Halloween party! People should really get in the spirit.

At least I got in some exercise this weekend, and I really hope to be back on track this week.

Hope you all have a great week, and a happy Halloween!

Take care,

trnsfrmnreplace 10-31-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by jdoggmartin
Happy Halloween! :)

Well, my weekend was a disaster eating-wise. Way too many calories wasted on alcohol. Both Friday and Saturday were terrible. I haven't drinken that much in one night in a long time, and then I did it two nights in a row! :eek: I also haven't taken shots in a long time, and I did quite a few both nights. I did have a lot of fun, though. :devil:

I was a snowman. Well, snowwoman

Yeah i've had quite a few drinks this weekend also, since it's my birthday weekend as well. But it's okay! :)

You two look soooo cute! I want to dress up!

WastedThermos 10-31-2005 06:55 PM

Helllooo everyone!!
I'm still alive, I've just been bogged down with insanity at work and school and being a bum. Today I think I've finally gotten everything under control and I'm feeling "back on the wagon" for the first time in a lonnnng while.

Jennie - Crying over spilt coffee? That sounds like the ugly pms monster. I knew I had it bad when I started crying about not being able to find matching socks one day. :lol:

Megan- I always avoid weighing in around the TOM... It is misleading and when you`re already feeling crappy, it just adds insult to injury. What kind of lowfat chili do you have? Homemade or packaged? I love it, but I dont really know how to make it without a ton of fat. Hmm some to think of it, maybe that is why I like it.

I avoided the candy at work today... a major source of temptation. They even had Halloween themed Peeps. HMmM. Yum. I wish I was the kind of person who could have just one of something but I dont seem to have a lot of self control. I better off just getting rid of tempting food or avoiding it all together.
I'm lucky that I don't have trick or treaters or anything to have to buy candy for because that could be dangerous!!
Hm.. this has got me thinking. I need to formulate a plan for the holidays. It actually works better for me than this time because there is less going on with school and work which means more time for me to get in exercise. Oh well, I have a little more time to think about it.

Hope everyone has a safe a happpppy halloween!!!
I won't be going out tonight because my friends and I had a costume party Friday night. I was a sexy nurse. :lol: or something...
So I will be celebrating halloween in kickboxing class!! woohoo.

paperclippy 10-31-2005 07:27 PM

Oh man, I ate a lot this weekend. Okay, not too much, but nothing healthy that's for sure. My parents were in town so I did get some exercise walking around museums and stuff, but we also ate a lot. At least they didn't take us out to breakfast, so I ate my cereal like usual, and they are "on a diet" (not a healthy one, but I can't talk them out of it -- they are basically eating only dinner! But the food they eat for dinner is unhealthy!) so we didn't eat huge lunches. Saturday I had stuffed Quahogs (local clams stuffed with sausage and stuff) for lunch, which was good.

Saturday night my parents took out my fiance and I to a fancy dinner at a French restaurant. It was SO GOOD. OMG. I about died. First was yummy bread, then I had most of a bowl of sugar pumpkin soup (I shared it), and I had escargot for the first time ever (it was suprisingly good). Then I had some sort of roasted pheasant for the entree with potato and it was soooooooooo good (I ate the leftovers for lunch today). Of course we EACH got our own dessert, OMG, dessert is my weakness. I had an orange spice apple tart that came with maple ice cream, and of course a good number of bites of everyone else's desserts too including a delicious chocolate hazelnut mousse thingy. Plus wine. That meal must have been 2500 calories itself. :faint:

Sunday we went to Salem, MA! Being the home of the Salem witch trials, they have a huge Halloween celebration. We went to a museum there (not the witch museum, the line was too long!) and wandered around taking in the atmosphere for a while. After spending an hour trying to get out of the city in all the traffic, we ended up at the Cheesecake Factory in Lexington for dinner. I got the same thing I always get and ate half of it (the rest is in the fridge) and mercifully we evaded dessert.

So in summary, I ate like a pig, but it was sooooo good. I ran extra laps this morning, I think I will have to run extra laps all week to make up for that. Next weekend we're going to New Hampshire for a "weekend getaway" but hopefully when it's just me and Ben we can make better choices for ourselves. The weekend after that more friends are visiting = more FOOD. Maybe they will let me cook for them. Then we're going to Ben's parents' house for Thanksgiving. The food never stops! Will I ever get to goal??

AmberM 10-31-2005 10:49 PM

HI ladies,

Wow I feel like a lump the past couple weeks. I've been SO sick and haven't exercised in something like 2 weeks. So I totally failed my challenges for this month. It started off with a simple cold and it went straight into my chest. I was even sick on my birthday last week *pout* but we carved pumpkins anyway because I promised the kids. I just don't feel like I can take a deep breath. I've been in pretty good shape (compared to before) because of all my exercise and now I'm out of breath from moving laundry from the washer to dryer. So I finally went to the doctor and she apparently thinks I'm sick too *smile* She gave me TWO breathing treatments in her office, a steroid shot to open my lungs up and a prescription for an antibiotic and an inhaler! I've been on the meds since Friday and it's helped me sleep at night (not coughing the whole time) but I still can't breathe very deeply. It just sucks. I did lose around 5 pounds the week I was really sick because I didn't feel like eating or anything more than sleeping. I'm not going to officially put it down until I feel 100% and know it's not all going to come back. I'm just ready to get back on my regular schedule! I'm trying to get my water intake back up to par and keep my food intake down since I can't exercise yet.

Ok, enough whining. Weekends are just killers for all of us, aren't they? I survived Halloween (so far at least, you should see all the candy my kids brought home but the good thing is that it's mostly suckers and gum and not chocolate). I hope I can survive the holiday seasons coming up. I think I can. I'm going to the in-laws in December and I want to be in the low 140s by then. We will see. I'm at 151 right now so I think I should at least be 145 by then...we will see.

Good luck ladies!

jillybean720 11-01-2005 08:27 AM

Sorry to hear so many of you had tough weekends food/exercise wise, but glad to hear everyone had fun at parties and stuff! I had a pretty good food weekend--stayed within reasonable limits and kept track of everything in my fitday (even when we eat out, I try to find the closest thing I can in fitday so I can count it).

Of course, the stress of the week had me going crazy enough (if you've read my off-topic thread at all, you know what I mean). Then, to top it off, I started my TOM this weekend, so stress + hormones = crying, blubbering, upset Jill! It was a rough Sunday, but I never once turned to food for comfort, so I am happy about that. Even yesterday, I added up all the candy I had, and I still stayed at about 1800 calories for the day, so not too bad at all, considering it was Halloween! :^:

I hit the gym yesterday morning for 30 minutes. This morning, I had cramps, so I only set the timer on the elliptical for 20 minutes, but when I hit minute 19, I added another 5 because of thoughts of fitting into my maid-of-honor dress for my sister's wedding in April :dizzy: So I still ended up doing 25 minutes.

A few months ago (May, maybe?) I had bought tickets to King's Dominion (amusement park) to use by the end of the season as a reward for mysel for losing weight. Well, this past weekend was the last weekend the park was open, and I chickened out. I mean, I have lost a little over 30 pounds, but I'm still really big, and I would just DIE if I had to get kicked off a ride because I didn't fit in the seat/restraint. So we didn't go :( NEXT YEAR, I will go!

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