
  • does anyone use instagram as a motivational tool or anything? i just started a weight loss journey only instagram that i think i'll post photos of food/workouts/progress on (since 1. i'm not comfortable posting them on my personal instagram and 2. i don't think all of my personal instagram friends want to see what i'm eating [however i wanna post it because i think that it'll hold me more accountable to eating clean more frequently]).

    does anyone else do this? i'd really love to follow you if you do! throw me your user names!
  • Yes! I love IG and it keeps me constantly motivated - @strawberryblush I post my recipes and progress pics as well as search out super inspirational people.
  • I'm mhill0823 on there. Most of my IG is my day to day life with family and friends but I would love to follow people who post motivational stuff!
  • lindapalomalove I want in on this!
  • just joined then and followed you all! mine is @emmyfirst
  • How do I have a private instagram album? I have it but I don't use it but I would if I had a reason like this lol