~* February Chat Thread *~

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  • Kawaii: Ugh...I wish I'd known that...we were debating between the two, then a guy who was supposed to DJ later in the night approached us from Club Asia, so we took a shot with him (yeah, we were being classy and pre-gaming in the street) and went to that club instead of Atom. They had coin lockers, but I think we got there at the same time as the salarymen (though I have no idea why they came to a club given that they all just stood there nursing their drinks, not dancing, and not able to converse all night...I wouldn't pay the cover for that), so there was a huge queue to get to them and we decided that it would just be easier to hold our stuff.

    Congrats on the shirt! I don't understand how Japanese men have such narrow shoulders. It makes me sad. I have a size M fleece-lined hoodie that I grabbed in the men's section because I wanted an outside shirt that actually went all the way down to my wrists and it's massive on me everywhere except in the shoulders. The shoulders are a little looser now than when I got it, but still...I'm a girl. I'm not supposed to look like a linebacker when I stand next to Japanese men! TT^TT It's even worse because I'm taller than a lot of the men that work at my schools (my theory is that they purposely hire smaller guys so that they're less intimidating to the little kids...I'm about average guy-height on the train) so they make me stand in the back row for photos and I look even more massive and out of place. And feet...one day the vice principal was bored at the copier and happened to notice that my feet were bigger than his...so naturally he polled the entire school and determined that my 28cm canoes were the biggest. *Bangs head against the wall* I'm absolutely not sized to live in Japan...

    Sick as a dog today...so glad that schools are closed tomorrow, so I get an extra day to recuperate. I think I'm going to take a nap and hope that my sinuses don't succeed in their mission to suffocate me while I'm asleep. My boyfriend called on skype this morning to show me how much snow had fallen (those not in the US may or may not have seen, but New England is getting mauled by a blizzard atm...3.5 feet and counting at my house) and I looked like death on the camera. I was so embarrassed. And spaced out on cold medication. When he told me that he wanted to cuddle me and make me feel better, my reaction was "Noooo, I'd drool on you. I get drooly when I'm sick." Yeeeeah. Smooth, Rachel. He laughed and told me that would be okay and told me to make some tea then go back to bed. I haven't gone back to bed yet. I should. I'm still very out of it. I'm sure this is probably incoherent. Banana for scale.
  • You guys in the East...i'm SO jealous QQ! I hope I can travel there someday.
  • hotaru: yeaaaah, Atom is the sh*t! you shoulda gone lol, my bf actually has quite wide shoulders, he's built like a swimmer. he always complains that clothes are too small for him and often buys M or L sized shirts (which in Japan, isn't saying much...) just to fit his shoulders in, even though he has a tiny tiny waist and should probably wear S for that. he's also really tall. mwaha. can you tell that i am totally infatuated with him? did i mention he has abs?? lol. your bf sounds sweet! i'm sure he wouldn't mind a little drool! lol. you can see him soon! yay!

    kalaya: you should come! it's a party here!! (although don't go where Hotaru lives... lol)

    poop. i meant to wake up early this morning, to regulate my body to be ok with getting up even earlier on tuesday, but i slept right through my alarm... gah! water weight came down a bit after cheat day so that's good. i'm gonna go do my body revolution, and hopefully drag myself to the gym to swim. i have been soooooo lazy with the gym since i started working out at home! i feel bad like i'm throwing my money away... *sigh*

    other than that, not much to report. happy monday everyone!
  • When the opportunity arises, I'M SO THERE!

    Hotaru, which area are you in that I must avoid? lol
  • Good to see everyone doing so well! I figured out my problem with my stagnant weight loss, which can be completely contributed to too much sodium and underestimation of my caloric intake. By tweaking both of those things, along with continuing P90X, I should start seeing the scale move some more. Work has been crazy the past few weeks but everything has adjusted and calmed down again this week, so that might help a tad too.
  • kisskiss Sounds like you had two really awesome dates, both successful in that one, you made a new friend and the other sounds like the potential for a great relationship Congrats!
  • Silverfire : both guys were good guys.

    and you're right, I hadn't thought of it like that, but yes, they were both successful in some way
  • Kisskiss - the last time I had a first date where they had to kick us out of the place was with a guy I ended up being with for about 3 years...so that's saying something! I'm happy that you had great experiences with your dates.
  • hi there laaaadies! little busy in my world, so i’m playing catch up.

    kiss kiss: yaaay! poor guy a, since it seems like he’s into you, but yay guy b! i’m excited to hear more...

    pink hurricaine: yep. salt bloater over here too. hope the tweaks work out for you, and the scale starts being kind.

    kawaii: did u make it to gym? i’ve done that too... i got a membership to online yoga classes, and went a good 6 mnths paying the fee and doing like 1 class/month. silly. at least you’re working out in some capacity though!

    hotaru: girl, i hope you’re feeling better!! talking about drooling and dancing bananas, hah.
    I didn’t weigh in this week. I’m doing well, and clothes are relaxing their vice like grip on my rolls, so i can tell i’m losing a bit, but i get all obsessive-y about the number, and i don’t want to get discouraged. so. maybe i’ll weigh next week

    i’ve been doing lots of yoga and running, and it’s getting easier! 1/2 marathon here i come!
  • I'm back! And I'm married, fully honeymoon-ed and now just sorting things out before I go back to work on Thursday. The wedding was absolutely fantastic, I cant believe it went so smoothly, but it was pretty much organised with military precision! Even the weather played ball for us. Now ready to get on with the rest of our lives lol

    Peach- when is your half marathon? Good luck! Especially if it's your first!

    kisskiss- its totally ok to get excited! How often do you meet people you get excited about??

    Pink hurricane- well done on figuring out your hold up, salt is such a tricky one! Hope your scale moves soon

    hotaru- sorry you're sick! I hate being sick, especially colds, so I feel for you. Is it winter in Japan at the moment? Have some tea and stay in bed!

    kawaii- a marathon without training?? Thats crazy! I'm jealous of him too! I hope it kicks his butt :P
  • kisskiss: he said he did well, but somehow they're not gonna give him his time till next week?? weird... but whatever... sounds like guy B is a winner!! i would just follow my heart, and seriously, i cannot be with 2 guys at the same time, i just can't... i was once in a situation like that though, where i flushed the "nice guy" i didn't feel any sparks with, for the cool boy who made my heart flutter, and said cool boy ended up dumping 2 months later, in the unclassiest of ways so... beware!

    peachflesh: yeah, i went! oh man, i did worse that that before... where i used to live, i was a member at the gym but it was too far for me to bother going... even to cancel my membership... i ended up paying the fees for over a year without even showing my face!! lol. that was embarrassing... that's great about your clothes getting loser!!! i'm the same though, i just wanna see that number go DOWN! even though i look and feel better, i just wanna see a lower number! lol. we can do this!

    Icon: super mega congrats!!! and welcome back
    yeah, he had a "practice" run 3 times over the last 2 months. that was his training. lol. hate him... apparently he did well. and all he was like after was "i'm sleepy. gonna go take a nap"... wtf?!? seriously, life is so unfair. he can stuff his face full of junk and remain plank-like, he starts working out for 2 weeks and develops abs, and can fall asleep anywhere at the drop of a hat... gah!

    hey guys! well, i'm just about to go to bed. had a loooong day. we're doing speech tests at school and that's boring, and then after school i had to go to the offices of the company that hires me to discuss some stuff, and it's a bit far and i stayed there chatting to the guy for an hour, so i didn't get home before 7pm, then dinner, then finally my workout. i'm tired. I hope I see a lower number on the scale tomorrow because i was really depressed by the random - totally uncalled for - increase this morning. i've been a good little girl and so scale should go down! not up! meh.

    hope everyone has a good day.
  • I'm not feeling well today! My tummy is hurting but I weighed in today and I am down 3 lbs!

    It's funny how that scale can make you feel 10x better! I feel like I can actually reach my goal of onederland by my birthday. It would be a wonderful birthday present to myself. I will be the big 21!
  • Hotaru: I have a few tiny man friends. They are all shorter than me at 5foot7inches tall and all weight about 135pounds. It makes me feel like a giant. I completely understand. Hope you're feeling better!!

    Kawaii: I am trying to wear more of my heals too. But it's kind of difficult because if I am going out somewhere I am normally out with my bf who is about a half inch shorter than me. And he kind of frowns everytime I try them on. hahaha! No male ego there!!

    KissKiss: They both sound really great!!

    Peach: Go you!!!

    Icon: Yay!! Congrats! Glad everything went perfectly!!

    SoftSpeaker: Yay 3 pounds.. sorry you aren't feeling well!


    Well, I have had a very.... unproductive weekend. Didn't get much of my pile of homework done and didn't get to workout very much at all. My bf's birthday was Thursday and Friday I had a huge pile of hw due. Saturday he begged to go iceskating (he's soon to be in club hockey) . I haven't been iceskating in years and was very uncomfortable. He could tell I was not happy and kept saying if you don't want to be here we can leave. And at that point it's kind of like, ok, I just paid $20 for this, we are freaking staying the 2 hours. And it got to the point that it was either tell him to shut up or lose my concentration and faceplant and then lose a finger because someone skates on it (is that an irrational fear, am I the only person that happens to?) So he huffed off leaving me in a dust of iceshavings and I stumbled to a corner to cry. lol Got it together and got back out there and had a lot of fun after we conversed. This relationship **** sucks! I didn't fall once, he fell twice bruising his knee and taking down a 12 year old. I learned you burn about 800 calories an hour iceskating so I didn't ruin the entire weekend. Though I probably did with the food!!! I snacked a lot and we had a lot of meals out(Outback/ Chinese/ somewhere else?) and I had donuts with him to replace his bday cake. blahh! And my wii batteries died and I kept forgetting to get new batteries so tomorrow morning I will know the end result. : ( I def. don't feel any lighter.
    If I wasn't having surgery Friday I would def want to go iceskating again this weekend before losing the skill I picked up. Oh!! I bought Just Dance ABBA!!! Going to try it tomorrow. I am very excited! Hope everyone's nights are swell!!

    **Checked my weight this morning. And I have gained 7 pounds. I am so mad at myself. Because I knew it would happen and I did it anyways. Having my period is probably also contributing. But I am still very not happy. So. I am 236.some pounds. I am going to the gym and I am going to try not to punish myself. But this is why I need to check my weight every day and not once a week.
  • kisskiss~ Sounded like a fun weekend! How did your date go last night with Guy B?

    peach~ I am the same way, I start obsessing so I might cut back to only weighing in weekly because my weight fluctuates SO MUCH day to day. Also are you currently traing for a half maratho? I want to do that once I get a 10K under my belt!

    IconisedGhost~ Congrats on your marriage! You said military, are you or is he in the military, and what branch? My husband and I were married in September and then had a full ceremony with family and friends who couldn't make it to our JOP in December. We are taking our honeymoon in the summer. And yes, the number on the scale can make quite the difference in your day!

    This week is going really well eating wise and exercise wise. I have been pushing through week 2 of P90X and really working hard. I can tell I am retaining water like mad though thanks to Mexican last night, I stand under my caloric goal but I know that food was loaded with sodium. Regardless, this week should prove to be a decent loss, and I hope consistent losses in near future. We shall see!
  • beahawkins : I hate iceskating! I also have that fear of having my finger cut by a blade if I fall (so does that mean it's not irrational if there are two of us?). All I remember from ice skating was the cold, and how I kept trying to concentrate so I wouldn't fall. 7 pounds? I think may be water weight, especially since ice skating can be quite the workout...

    Pink Hurricane : I typo'd that, our date is on Thursday not Tuesday. V-day. But we both said we are not putting all that pressure of v-day cause I mean, it's only a second date. But omg I'm excited!!
    yay on getting through p90x, that's tought ;0. yum, mexican food....must not think of that...

    Iconised Ghost: Congrats on your wedding/honeymoon! how exciting!

    Softspeaker: are you feeling any better?
    how is everyone else doing? I'm still walking on a cloud...