Oh. My. God....pants!

  • As some people know, I gained a whole schwack load of weight over the first 8 months I was living with the fiancé. This means that all the clothes I had before I gained weight is smaller. Tonight I was feeling particularly tiny, so I grabbed a pair of capris I wore to the carnival August of last year. They fit! There's a bit of a muffin top but with a loose shirt it looks fine.

    Stupid scale isn't going anywhere but I'm definitely shrinking...by the day! I have picked out another pair of pants that I'm gonna try to shrink into, maybe by the end of the month *fingers crossed*

    This is phenomenal! I can't believe how quickly these inches are coming off, I remember not being able to get these things over my bum in the end of May
  • awesome!! I love it when old clothes fit
  • congrats! its such an awesome feeling to be able to wear clothes that were too small for you (: