Did you not notice the weight gain???

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  • Quote: I gained the bulk of my weight while pregnant and just assumed that the weight gain was pregnancy related instead of what it was - fat! I must have known subconsciously because I never gained that much with previous pregnancies, but I cut myself some slack. After I had the baby and only lost about 10lbs, I again told myself it was due to nursing and hormones. I was at least 60 lbs overweight. After I stopped nursing and still didn't lose anything, I think I just ignored it until my fat clothes didn't fit me anymore. When I could no longer fit into size 16s, I finally weighed myself to find that I was over 200lbs! I had gained even more weight by ignoring the problem. After that I went through a long period of self loathing. I wanted to lose weight, but wasn't willing to alter my diet (food addiction/bad habits). After trying exercise alone and finally resorting to extreme dieting - none of which worked - I just stopped everything. I wore the same stretchy clothes in my closet and I didn't even go into clothing stores. I pretended I wasn't fat. I never took a good look at myself in the mirror - I got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair each day with my eyes averted from the mirror.

    Finally, last April 2011, I had a major family event to host and I went into a favorite department store for a new outfit. I couldn't even get a size 16 to fit over me, much less zip it up. I was crushed and mortified. There wasn't even anything larger than a size 16 in the store. I ordered a horrible 16W outfit online and prayed it would fit. It did. I looked like a house. I was so embarrassed to face lots of people who I hadn't seen since I was thin. For the first time I "saw" the fat me through their eyes. The rose colored glasses were off. I promised myself that I would make a change. I couldn't live one more day in my body the way it was. I started with the approach of modifying one thing at a time in my diet and just kept going very slowly.
    I hear ya I gained 25lbs when I was pregnant... I contributed all of it to being pregnant when I knew some of it was probably from eating... once my doctor told me I had gestational diabetes and put me on a diet I lost like 10lbs... yea while pregnant so I knew as well... after I had him I lost 10lbs (give or take) right away but then gained tons... not proud of that..
  • Mine was pretty awful... I noticed the weight gain, but was too out of control with my eating habits to do anything about it. I had 3 breakups in college, and each breakup came with about 10 lbs of weight gain. I turned to food for EVERYTHING, both good and bad. I remember changing my "cap off" weight too.

    Like, I went to college at 125 lbs, and after my first break up happened I would be like "okay, once I hit 130, i'll change." Then I'd hit 130, and go "okay, once I hit 135, i'll do something." This pattern basically continued until I hit 158.6.

    That was the highest number I ever saw on the scale, but I KNOW that I went into the 160s after my 3rd breakup, and I might have been pushing 170 but i'm not sure. I stopped going on the scale because I couldn't stand the thought of looking down at the scale and seeing 160something.

    Long story short, I ultimately gained control, and now i'm here trying to work off the weight!
  • before i started i was at my heaviest weight ever, have been basically on this journey 14 months..
    what i found the scariest was that i put on a stone over dec and that i thought i was being conscious of the gain.. i was determined to get the gain off.. i have now 12lb gone, i tried on my jeans and they are still tight...
    i avoided wearing or even trying them on while i was gaining......

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk its a slippery slope for me... so easy to fall into old habits...

    if i stay checking in here even if its only once a week.. it helps
  • I was actually thinking about this before I saw when you first posted this! I didn't notice it unless I went to buy new clothes....I "wore" a size 16 even when I should have probably been wearing a size 20....I refused to go up. when I hit my highest point I CRIED. I now am a true 16...and on the lower side...it annoys me b/c I feel like I haven't dropped a pants size at all, but then I remember that I refused to go up so I may have dropped a couple of sizes. I can fit into a 14 now...would I wear them in public? That would be a h*** no! but I can get into them!
  • I honestly had not noticed that I was gaining weight until my boyfriend at the time to me "not to kid" myself and I had "gotten fat". At the time I had only gained about 15lbs. It had been a year since I weighed myself and after he said that I looked in the mirror and wanted to both cry and then die. I had no idea.

    I'd buy new jeans in bigger sizes and not really even notice. Power of denial, I suppose. When I bought my first pair of 17s I pulled out my old 11s that got buried in my dresser. They were so little compared to me. I couldn't even pull them up over my thighs. By that time I owned a scale and I knew I was 207, which was 50 maybe even 60lbs away from where I was when I wore my 11s. 40lbs away from when my ex called me fat and I wanted to die. That's when I noticed for reals.
  • well like me i honestly think i truly blocked it out. I remember being 200-220 after graduation year from highschool. but before that i can only remember being 130 in middle school. I know i go to the dr regularly but i literally dont remember all this weight coming on. i kknew i was fat but i didnt realize how fat. i always gave myself excuses. Then suddenly last year i was at 255!!! wwhen i saw that on the scale, i was like ok now your fat its time and its like everything finally clicked. : D

  • I think i was always aware that I was gaining, but it happened so slowly that it didn't seem to matter at the time. I'd fluctuate over 10lbs within the year, but that 10lbs fluctuation would get higher and higher.

    Looking back, I remember when I was 14/15 and I wanted my naval pierced, and my mum said I could get it done if I got down to 10 st 5 lbs (145lbs) by a certain date. I remember managing to get down to 147lbs, and giving up. I think that probubly accelerated my weight gain.

    I put on a pair of UK size 18 jeans, which i had comfortably fit into for over a year, and have them feel tight. I jumped on the scales after a term at uni and 195 popped up on the scales. I was determined not to reach 200 and made the choice that THIS year would be the last one I would be overweight.

    So far I've managed to get my bmi down into overweight from obese. I've got a while to go, but this is the longest I've stuck at it, and this time I will
  • Nope. I've always been hyper-aware of my weight, but have mostly felt powerless to change it. I've probably spent about 4 months of every year in the past 10 years 'dieting.' But the remained of the year was enough to derail me and keep me within 30-40 pounds of where I am now.
  • Kinda sorta...My jeans would fit and then I would slowly gain and not notice but then they suddenly wouldn't fit at all one day. I would move up a size and the story repeats itself. Weight is always on my mind and it always has been so I didn't play it off as anything else besides what it was...I was getting fatter. Half the time I let myself keep growing because I just didn't have it in me to change and and the other part of the time I just didn't care for some reason and let excuses be my friend.
  • My problem was that I already had bigger clothes since I had gained and lost so much through my pregnancies, that I didn't really click with me that I was pulling out my bigger clothes to wear instead. I honestly didn't realize how big I had gotten until at a family gathering my Grandmother asked me if I was pregnant again. Gee, thanks Gram...
  • I didnt notice. I remember being 69Kg(152 Lbs) in Junior High or High School. (Not sure). After that I remember being 74Kg-80Kg (163Lbs - 176Lbs). I've been between 74Kg and 80Kg for so long, that I never really thought about how much I actually gained or weighed. I think I might be in denial still. But atleast I am doing something about it, and hopefully I'll feel great when I reach my goal.
  • I noticed that my clothes weren't fitting as well as they used to but I let myself go with it for awhile because I had started a new ultra stressful job that hit me with work crisis after work crisis. It was one of those great opportunities with an ultra steep learning curve and a high likelihood that I just might crash and burn.

    I was in the office on the weekends and late at night. I wasn't sleeping well, didn't have time or energy to work out and so I started relying on quick energy, sugary high fat foods to keep me going.

    Of course that is a vicious cycle as the sugary foods keep me from sleeping, the lack of sleep means I don't get up early enough to workout and then I don't have the energy I need so addictive soft bakery chocolate chip cookies here I come...

    Over the past couple of months I've started to get a much better handle on the job. I've worked through many of the crises, fixed a lot of things and now I've been working to put my own health back on the front page of my life because it would be so easy to continue the cycle and will be so much harder to break it the longer it goes on.

    So I noticed it but didn't prioritize it and realized over the past couple of months that if I continue that way, my health will really suffer.
  • I've been gaining and relosing the same 30-40lbs for the last 6ish years...I am fully aware of when I'm gaining, as the pants get tighter and tighter. I had to overhaul my entire closet at one point and put away a trunk full of clothing for "when I lose the weight". Hoping for a miracle of some sort, I thought the weight would just come off on its own if I just tried to eat healthier. Not an easy task when you use food for comfort, and binge and such. What finally did it for me was not being able to fit into my scrubs (for school), and having only 2 pairs of jeans, STRETCH 14s that fit me..oh, and a pair of sweats (which were also getting tight!). Being a nursing student, I am well aware that weight loss is simply calories in-calories out, and that if I dont change now, I might end up with these habits for the rest of my life, leading to long-term health issues such as type 2 diabetes (which runs in my family). Sooooo calorie counting and exercise has been helping me now! Religiously logging everything I put into my mouth and getting active is going to finally get the weight off, for once and for all, and transform my lifestyle into a healthy, active one :-) Next mission, quit smoking, STAT!
  • I definitely didn't notice mine very much. I put all of my weight on gradually through out college. I was serious about my studies, so I wasn't super concerned about what I was wearing most of the time. The sweatpants and T-Shirts didn't seem to fit any differently! Hah! But now that I'm in the job world, I can definitely tell the difference. The professional clothes I have all need to be replaced, as I can't fit into them anymore.
  • When I was obese I did and didn't notice the gain.

    I rarely looked at myself in the mirror so I didn't have a good grasp on how I looked but I noticed clothes getting tight, not being able to fit in places, being sweaty and uncomfortable in general, having a hard time moving around.

    My (sick) solution to clothing was to wear the baggiest clothes possible, which became my safety net. I loved winter because I could add another layer of a baggy jacket to my outfit.

    It's scary how easily we can be in denial about ourselves. When I hold up size 24 or 26 pants I can't believe I used to be that size and how back then I had little idea of what I looked like.