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Riestrella 02-09-2012 05:32 AM

Hi ladies!

Today I'm having my bikini wax before I go on holiday to see my boyfriend in America. I've never had one before...and I'm having it all off! I usually have it all off, but I used this cream but it didn't really work that great. I hate tending to my lady garden, I feel like I have to be a yoga pro to get it all off! So I decided that I would wax it off and be nice and smooth for 2 weeks instead of having to maintain it all the time, I find it grows back super quickly. Sorry for the information overload ;p.

Later on I'm hanging out with my good friend, we're going to get a meal at an Asian restaurant, which was DELICIOUS the last time we went so I'm looking forward to that. I've been lazy/not eating well because of the prep for leaving. I'm going to try my best to get a Pure Cardio Insanity workout done today so I feel a bit better about the meal later!

Tomorrow I'm working 12:15-6:00, then I'm going for another meal at a Mexican with my parents, then I'm going to finish packing and then go to bed for my travels on Saturday. I've been spying on all the flights leading up to Saturday and so far they've been leaving on time...so far. No doubt I'll walk in the building and things will go wrong!

Sorry for the repetitive post, I'm just in travel planning mode right now!
I feel bad because last night I was supposed to Skype with one of my American friends, a few days ago I said "What time are you thinking?" and she never got back to me. She ended up appearing when I went to bed and said "I'm here for the rest of the night." Apart of me feels guilty but the other half just thinks "well if you would have given me a time then I would have made sure I was online." Anyway, I sent her an email saying when I'm in America the time difference wont be as horrific so we should try and Skype then.

I reached 156 yesterday, so that's awesome! Months ago I was hoping to be 150 by the time I got to America, but then life happened and I stalled for a long time. I tried to set my goal for 155, but 156 is close enough! I'm going to try and do my best to keep exercising in America and eat better (around all the junk I'll no doubt have!) so maybe I'll lose weight there too? He lives in a high altitude state where all the athletes go to train because it improves performance, maybe my metabolism will speed up with all the extra work my body needs to do to adapt?! Haha, I can only hope!

philana 02-09-2012 06:18 AM

I'm all excited for you.

Waxing sounds so painful, lol. Goodluck with that. Haha.

Be safe and hope to hear how awesome it was!

LindsB 02-09-2012 06:32 AM

Rie- I posted this in the weigh in thread, but I'm dying to see before/current pics! I bet your BF is going to be shocked! Safe travels to the US. It sounds like you have a long trip ahead of you.

I was SO sore from New Rules of Lifting for Women the past 2 days! I had to take one day for light cardio and one day completely off. I was back at it this morning. It feels good to lift. I really hope it helps transform my body. My appetite has been completely OUT OF CONTROL since starting....I'm trying to keep a handle on it, but it has been very hard. Just trying to make sure that if I do eat it is as healthy as possible. Lots of fruits.

candice1022 02-09-2012 11:44 AM

LawGirl: Welcome back!
Nothing surprised me when it comes to weight… the amount a person can gain in one day, overnight or in an hr…. but good for you for getting back on track. J What did you hate about law school? Do you plan to go back eventually? Lucky girl!!! If I worked in a gym id be there working out with the kids just to get some time in! hahaha but that’s great that your doing something you love. Sounds like a great and achievable goal!!! We look forward to hearing from you no matter what time of day it is!!! J

Riestrella: OUCH!!!! I am too afraid to get a bikini wax done so I continue to try and do it myself haha I say try because like you it grows back quickly and it ridiculous to maintain. Mmm Sounds good enjoy your meal with your friend!! I love Mexican!!! I could live off Mexican food haha perhaps an insanity workout today would be good to work off all those calories ;) Fingers crossed your flight is on time and runs smoothly. Congrats on 156!!!! I hate setting goals for myself because any loss is a win to me but if I don’t set goals I don’t get anywhere lmao and here hoping your body adapts and drops the lbs haha

So not much to report this morning… its absolutely beautiful today outside the sun was shining I was actually sweating… a little nip in the air but just gorgeous… Aiden and I did 3.5km today…slowly increasing our distance everyday/week and still making trips to the park for him for putting up with mamas boring walks everyday lol. Im hoping to get in a cardio workout later as well as the ab sculpt video after I get all my cleaning done around the house….

Purchased a pedometer online a few weeks ago and should be in any day now… kinda excited to start keeping track of that and keeping a daily goal for myself. Lost 1lb since yesterday…. But I didn’t eat very much yesterday (wasn’t in the best of moods) so I only had a bagel with peanut butter and glass of orange juice for breakfast … I believe I had a small bowl of salad for lunch and for dinner I had some whole wheat pasta with a low fat low cal homemade spaghetti sauce I made and had froze… it was delicious… J I don’t know whats in those bagels but it seems like every time I start eating them I start losing the weight lol…. ( I switch from a week of bagels to a week of fibre plus/fibre 1 cereal).

I had a really weird dream last night that I found a lottery ticket on the ground and it was a $45 million winner :0 yea I know right I wish… but regardless I brought the ticket to Toronto got the money came home built a house (yes I have a dream home) and moved in with my son and his father. Set up school funds for my neice and my son. Gave my mother and grandparents 2 million each to pay off debt, homes etc.. promised my teenage brother and his girlfriend that I would buy them a house and set aside university/college money for them if they decided to go (but only if they showed me they could be responsible with money and actually make it on their own for 1 year before I did all that for them and they would still be responsible for paying all their own bills and would still have to work) my younger sister (14) I told her I would put aside money for her schooling/ a home when she got older… and my other sister (23) I told her I would buy her a home. Yes I am a generous person always thinking of others before myself lmao sort of my downfall and greatest quality… and yes my dream was very long… but then when I woke up I knew it wasn’t obvs going to happen and that it was just my mind thinking about other things (not having money) in real life… but hey a girl can dream right? Lol it would have been nice :P

Oh and My friend found this picture on facebook and shared it with me so I thot id share it with you :)

Quiet Ballerina 02-09-2012 01:15 PM

What an awesome pic Candice! Thanks for sharing. I love that.

Rie I am SO excited for you and your trip!!! Write a journal about it or something because we'll all want to hear all about it. (well, maybe not ALL about it ;) hehehe)

My roommate has friends coming in this weekend. I tease her that our apt is a hotel for her friends. :) One should be here now (I'm at work) and the other is arriving Saturday afternoon (with her super-cute dog!!)
I'm sure I'll have fun hanging out with them. But I also have a research paper due Sunday. Booo!

Urk...was going to write more but the baby is fussing. Sigh. Can it be Friday? PLEASE?!?!

sammalamma 02-09-2012 05:02 PM

Riestrella: Have a wonderful time on your trip!!! Bikini wax? YEEEESH! More power to you, girl!

candice: i LOVE that picture!!! I seriously need to start going by how I feel and how my clothes fit rather than a number, but it's just so hard!!!

Kawaii: whatever you do, do NOT jump back into the relationship! He needs to figure himself down before he drags you back down again. I've witnessed two friends who have had to deal with this (both LDR as well because of school). Over and over again, the guy would break up with the girl, then come back saying that it was a mistake and he missed her, they'd get back together again, and then he would break up again...and the cycle continued. It's not fair for you to be stuck in this situation when he's unsure, and you need to let him know that!!

I have been a starvin' marvin the past two days...No matter what I eat or how much I drink I am still hungry!! So..for the past two days I haven't been eating the best, but I'll be back on program tomorrow. I didn't go to the gym today either because I did squats and lunges yesterday and BOY was I sore!! I had to yell at my students to slow down when going up and down stairs because it hurt so much!! haha

I applied for a job at the school that I'm interning at right now, and I have an interview with them on tuesday!! I also just applied for two other jobs, one is at a pediatric hospital (WHEEEE) and the other is through a pediatric contracting agency. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

and on a side note, with my whole mom thing...she's not in weight loss mode at all, and is annoyed when she plans a horrible dinner (like...hash browns, eggs, biscuit, and bacon) and I only eat one egg and a biscuit. And at the same time, she mindlessly eats crap all of the time. For example: she ate a WHOLE BOX of funny bones last night....I saw the box in the trash this morning and nearly had an aneurism. It's just frustrating for me because for the first week I really got my butt into gear she promised to be healthy with me because she wanted to lose 20 lbs, but that just dropped fast. And since I'm still going and she's not, she's now making comments like what she said the other day. You all are right, I get support from my friends and boyfriend...forget what she says. I live in this body, she just made it and brought it into this world...I need to take care of me, myself, and I. :)

torito 02-09-2012 06:54 PM

kawaii I’m sorry to hear about the boy confusion. It’s annoying when they’re that stupid and can be influenced so easily by other people. I think its ok to give yourself leeway on the diet, just try to exercise when you can and watch portion control. You can do it!

Namaste glad to hear the interview went well, though not so good about the sickness. Hope you feel better

Candice Ive never had to apply for assistance but I hear it’s a pain in the butt and that definitely doesn’t sound like enough to really help anyone out ☹ hope it all works out. That’s a great pic too!

lawgirl welcome back! At least you realized that you weren’t enjoying law than feeling stuck in it, and you were able to find something you love. That’s the most important thing. Coming back here was the first step, you can do it!

riestrella I hope you have a great time! I used to get waxed and it is pretty painful but totally worth it. When I would go to see the bf I didn’t want to have to shave everyday so it saved a lot of time and hassle.

samma I feel you on the mom thing, my mom would get so mad that she’d make a crappy dinner and I didn’t want to eat it so I’d make myself a salad. When she got out of the hospital she said she was gonna start eating better, but that hasn’t happened. She supports me, but by telling me that im getting skinny, not by encouraging working out or eating good. I’m hoping that she’ll see me as a inspiration or whatever and get her butt into gear.

As for me…
I haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been so busy with school, and now my nephew is in the hospital. It’s so rare for me to go to the hospital (besides work), and now I’ve been there every day for the past 3 weeks to visit family. I would like no more family members to go to the hospital so I can focus on school and being healthy. He was diagnosed with kawaski disease, which I had never heard of, but theres non serious symptoms like red swollen lips, and a rash and stuff. But the more serious is the inflammation of the heart artieries. He’s gonna be okay, and hasn’t had any complications but he’ll have to get his heart tested every year now.
It was my other nephews birthday yesterday so I made skeleton cookies, and I managed to not eat one, or even taste the dough.
Oh, and my ex best friend brought my things to school today to give back to me, so I guess we’re officially “broken up”. That doesn’t bother me, but the way she just said “heres your stuff” and walked away pissed me off.
I’ve been doing really well as far as eating and working out, I had to dig out my old jeans because I got ‘diaper jeans’ so bad in the other ones. I’ve managed to make it to my first mini goal so I’m going for a mani/pedi this weeked (and holy crap my feet need it badly lol)

LawGirl88 02-09-2012 11:55 PM

riestrella Have fun in the U.S! I have lived in a high altitude climate and became a workout addict while I was there so maybe it will to your advantage. That's so exciting though that you get to visit your man! As for the bikini wax the first time is not pleasant, and make sure you follow all their tips, feeling kind of swollen after is normal (at least it happened to me) and I've heard it gets easier after time 1 but I didn't have the money to go back and my first time was pretty recent.

samma Your best bet is to set a good example for your mom, show her how much healthy it's making you and how much better you feel. Ignore her complaints and eventually she'll come to you and ask for advice on how she can do this!!

torito I'm sorry you're having lots of negative hospital trips. STAY STRONG.

As for me I succeeded today in eating normal meals and not just inhaling any food I had. Didn't count calories, but at least balanced when I was eating and like I said not eating ANYTHING and everything. Tomorrow will be more of a real start with calories and everything.

:) Going to start blogging about it too!

KawaiiCandie 02-10-2012 01:13 AM

Hiya all!

TGIF! man, i feel so tired today... it was a looong day!! i managed to work out last night, even though i didn't make the best food choices, but weight is still the same.

Things with the boy are weird. he’s kinda reverted to acting cute and sweet, even though we haven’t really talked about anything serious and he is still “thinking”. I may see him this weekend (on Sunday) but it depends on a bunch of stuff so it may not happen. I guess the crisis has been averted for a while, but we do need to talk. we've been talking on skype for the last two days and i'm really happy to see that he still seems to care about me a lot. so i hope we can overcome this!!

Rie: lol. TMI is fine… I also think it grows back too quick, but I’m super lazy, and waxing doesn’t exist in Japan… good luck with the workout! don’t beat yourself up too much about the dinners out with everyone… it’ll be like that for a while, but once you’re in the States you can get back to normal and focus on your diet again. aww… I hate it when people do that. I have a friend like that. we’ll like plan to meet and I’ll say “what time should we meet?” and then she doesn’t reply for hours and then send me a text saying “kay I’m on the bus now, will be there in 20!” when I haven’t even gotten dressed cuz I was waiting for her answer! so frustrating… don’t feel too bad thought ;) congrats on the loss!!

Candice: congrats on the 1lb loss! it’s probably not the bagels themselves, but just fact that you’re alternating every other week that is making you lose more weight. switching things up is good! haha… I hate dreams like that! when it’s so good and you wake up and realize it’s not true… I wish I could win the lottery!! wouldn’t have to stress so much about everything else, and I could buy a chef and a personal trainer! lol! can’t see your pic though, sorry! :(

Ballerina: it’s Friday here!!! and thank god cuz I iz tired!! >_<

Samma: hum… well thanks for the advice, but I’m definitely not ready for this relationship to end so… I’ll at least give him this one chance. I want to try to talk to him face to face though. I think the munchies have been going around! I’ve had a hard time eating right too… I’m pretty sure it’s cuz I’ve been eating sugar and carbs. my diet doesn’t allowe for sugar and carbs and says that even just eating a little bit of them makes you “hungry” and gives you cravings. I find it’s really true. I hope things get better for you though! as for your mom… well, she is a grown woman, you can’t really force her to lose the weight if she doesn’t want to… just focus on yourself!

torito: thanks! hugs! that sounds like good advice ;) it’s weird, so many people I know have family in the hospital these days… :/ I hope you don’t have to go again either! wow, well done on not eating the cookies! I’m not sure I woulda been able to resist at least licking the spoon! wow, that’s so lame about your ex-bestfriend… :( but at least you’re being mature about it. congrats on reaching your first mini-goal!!

Lawgirl88: I remember you! welcome back!!

Riestrella 02-10-2012 04:22 AM

Hey everyone! I have been reading your posts, but I hope you understand my life is a bit GO GO GO right now! So once I'm in America, I will most definitely get down to personals. I'll probably wake up at like 5am anyway because of jet lag!!

Anyway - the wax. JESUS TAP DANCING CHRIST THAT HURT! I got it ALL off. The whole thing. And it had been au natural for a LONG time too since no one was going to see it in that time haha. She just went straight to business, didn't tell me how it was going to go (which was good). Some parts of it hurt, some parts of it KILLED! Too much information time, look away if you don't want to know, but she did inside the lips and oh my goose it was bad. She even did my bum area haha!
She also went to town on me, she did the backs of my legs just because apparently, then she did my eyebrows too - I only asked for my lady garden to go! She did it all for Ł10, which was amazing really, I think because she knew I was going away she wanted me to look good so she just went crazy.

At one point she asked me if I had some ovarian syndrome of some sort (can't remember) because I was so hairy! She pointed out, which I already knew, that around my ears/jaw line I have quite dark hair there. It does look a bit weird but I just live with it really, I've never actually thought it looked terrible but now I'm worried it's so obvious! But then I figure she's a beautician so she's going to be looking for all the hair! So that was weird/a bit inappropriate. But she was nice overall, really understood that it hurt like a b!tch!

Today I'm going to work, going for the mexican then packing up last bits and bobs and SLEEP TIME! So this will be the last post before I go to America! EEEP! I can't believe I'm going TOMORROW! Some of you might even remember me counting down from like 50 days!! I've had this booked 6 months so it's a bit too good to be true that it's finally here, haha.

I emailed him earlier in the week with a link to start downloading Insanity. It takes a while, so I asked him to start it then. Yeah, he only JUST started it like 4 hours ago. MEN! So effing useless sometimes!!

I will speak to you all when I'm State-side ladies!!

torito 02-10-2012 10:09 PM

kawaii I’m glad things are a little better but I would have this talk sooner rather than later. It’s just going to get harder if he chooses her and it will most likely upset you that he kinda lead you on and was all cute during this time. I know it must be hard on both of you, but I’d also suggest that his ‘thinking’ isn’t a way to keep both of you on the back burner. If she doesn’t work out then he can just go back with you and have everything fine and dandy. I’d just be careful, cuz none of us want to see you get hurt.
And I did want to lick the spoon, so badly! But I was in a big rush and decided that as good as my sugar cookies are, it wasn’t worth what I knew would happen if I tried them.

riestrella ouchies! Well at least she got you all cleaned up. I wonder if it hurt more because it was longer? I was always told to keep it somewhat short (not like recently shaved short..but theres a inch measurement suggestion but I forget what it is) I hated the butt/inner parts I felt so uncomfortable with some lady being all up in there, but I did want it gone. The first time I got it done the lady commented how I must have a high pain tolerance because most people said it really hurt. I was kind of like oh…that’s nice... awkward.
Don’t spent too much time on personals! Enjoy your trip. I’m so happy for you.

I don't really have much going on with me today. It was a loooong day at school, then I went to the gym. I'm beat. But I had a midterm today, and I got 99/100! (it was super easy.. don't give me too much credit) I wanna know what the one that I got wrong was though haha

candice1022 02-10-2012 10:34 PM

Torito its not so hard to apply... I did it online in like 20 minutes but then you have to go for an apointment and show like your lifes story, rental agreement bank statements investments resps rsps etc etc..... if you get it they need to see it... but seeing as i was on mat leave the only thing they need from me was rental agreement bank statement and a paper saying when my mat leave runs out no biggie... So so sorry to hear about your nephew, thats so sad .... im glad hes going to be okay tho :) <3 As for your ex bff well her loss then... sounds kinda immature to behave like that...

kawaiicandie haha I know its not the bagels and more the switching it up every week... i do it with lunch and dinner too I switch up from veggies wraps and grilled chicken salad and seems to work a bit.... I know i hate dreams like that too... its not the first one either the week before that i had a dream i won $17 million... perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket this week?? I never know which dreams to trust... they used to freak me out when I was a little younger because everytime I would dream something (usually bad) it happened... I dreamt my little sister was in a car accident and 2 days later she was.... I dreamt my BFF was in a huge fight with his bf and his car broke down and was crying on a couch and the next day he told me that he drove all the way to chatham to see his bf they got in a fight, his bf went mental on his car as he was trying to drive away it broke down and he had to take a cab all the way back to Belle river and went to sleep crying on the couch... :S kinda freaky I know... so ya i never know what to believe anymore when I dream. and I agree with Samma dont jump right back into this relationship with him because if he knows hes got you no matter what and he can keep jumping back and forth he will.... intentionally or not... so just be on guard... and TALK TALK TALK... get everything out in the open thats bothering you... if he cant fix it and be with you then walk away... itll be hard but you cant stay in an unhealthy and unstable relationship. :hug:

riestrella BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA NO WAIT BAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg you are so brave i could never get it done. lol I dont know if I could even let anyone get that close to down there to get it done.. lmfao I wouldnt worry bout the ear/jaw line its like you said shes prob got hair radar on like a dog or something she can sniff it out... haha Hope you have an amazing trip and and even better time with the bf!!! be sure to post a couple pics of you two when you do personals over there in America!!! :D

As for me not much again going on... yes I lead a boring life -_- haha we went for dinner at my grandmothers.... umm she made meatpie and gravy and mashed potatoes with all sorts of things on the side beets and pork beans and sweet potatoes and cucumbers soaked in vinegar.... i only a small portion of mashed potatoes and like half a slice of meat pie like half the size of theres with some peas and a half a glass of milk.... mostly because i wasnt hungry and the other because i was trying to feed my son at the same time lol... so i didnt go overboard on dinner phew :)

Yesterday I got in an argument with my sons father because well I asked him a simple question where are we going to have Aidens birthday party?? I live in a 1 bedroom apt and he lives in the same... so basically i was asking should we invite less people or look into going to a restaurant.... and he says go to your mums... well I should probably insert this piece of information here (my mother and him do not get along AT ALL... there was huge fight after I had my son and they got into it... a lot of it had to do with her saying a bunch of things to me and he didnt like it and a lot had to do with her telling me i was throwing my life away to chase him ... which I wasnt... I was just moving out because I needed my own place now for me and my son... I moved to windsor because I dont drive and his father lived in windsor and doesnt have a car either... so it would be easier for him to jump a bus rather then jump a bus then hitchike from tecumseh all the way out to the country and not be allowed to stay... ya i was 27 years old and she would not let him stay.. not even if he slept on the couch) but anyways ya they got in a huge fight and he said he would never forgive her for the things she said to me it was disrespectful and ignorant and she basically threatened him and said never to show his face again... me im just an innocent bystander... so because of this he says like i said go to your mums... i was like umm will you not be attending our sons first birthday!?!?! hes like i can come over after your done there, okay now maybe im just being dramatic but doesnt that seem like a really shitty thing to say??/ i mean you basically just said you're going to miss your sons 1st birthday because my mother will be there?? So I say umm no? hes like you need the space right? i said not at the expense of you not coming... like no.. hes like its fine... at this point im getting really pissed off and end up telling him off and say: you know what this is bullsh**.. you both need to grow up and get over it... you can deal with it and ignore each other for 2 hours for your son and her grandson.... but thats your call... both of you can show or dont show i dont ****ing care anymore... Ill figure it out on my own... but if you dont show... this will be the last time i include you in anything.... and he didnt write me back at all until today after work... when i txtd him still mad but said i was going for dinner and that id talk to him tomorrow ( i knew he was going out tonight for a friends bday) hes like illl txt u ltr im like no ill txt you tomorrow.. and he just kept trying to make convo like nothing had happened at all and pretended like i was mad at all... ugh guys sometimes can be so stupid...

so idk is it just me?? am i stupid and dramatic for throwing a fit over this?? cause i think i was being nice... i didnt even say half the things i wanted to say to him... hes a great dad and his other kids he doesnt get to see (live far away and one wont let him) and i know it kills him he says all the time this is his second chance to raise his kid from beginning to end because he didnt get to with the others...thats why this was so shocking to hear come out of his mouth... idk :( Sorry im rambling and probably saying too much but I needed to get it off my chest lol

namaste984 02-12-2012 04:33 PM

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been in in awhile. I have been on these weird antibiotics for my sinus infection and they have been making me feel completely wonky. Fortunately I am off them (they ran a 5-day course) and today has been a better day than most as of recent. Today my boyfriend and I went to church and then ate lunch, a nice soup and veggies lunch that was still really filling and low in calories. Sad thing is I've been sick for so long (about 2 weeks or so) that I've been used to not eating much, and have been dropping pounds like crazy. I literally went from 215 to almost 209 in a couple of weeks so I am excited but not sure if it will stay off. But I am hoping to start exercising soon.

Will do personals later. The bf just came up from the basement, he was finishing off the wrestling DVD we were watching. Take care!

Quiet Ballerina 02-12-2012 10:09 PM

A story with smiley faces:
:( I've been pretty quiet :sssh: this week.

Going through some boy drama that leaves me dizzy :dizzy: and confused :?:
A guy I'm pretty crazy about :love: .....well, the more I think about it, :idea: the more I realize that he's just stringing me along. Which is no good.
I know I need to say no :nono: to these stupid, :censored: boys that give me a headache :headache: and make me want to burst :bomb: ....but sometimes it's hard to get my head and heart to listen :listen: to each other.

:thanks: Thanks for listening. :)

....ok, the story with smiley faces was harder than I thought. :)
So yeah...boy drama is why I was moping earlier in Jan...and a month later I'm still moping over the guy. Blah. I get so annoyed with myself when all he has to do is send one text telling me he's thinking about me, or one text where he calls me "babe" or "hun"....and my heart skips a beat.

Oh a cheerier note: I think I have a loss this week! I got on the scale tonight, and I'm always heavier at night....so yeah, pretty excited that there might be a loss. :)

...but it's nearly 10. So I should hit the sack. Work tomorrow. Boo. At least next weekend is a 3 day weekend.

KawaiiCandie 02-12-2012 11:28 PM

Hey everyone! soooo… I just wanna say first hand that y’all are gonna think I’m dumb but….. the bf and I are back, and that big “talk” we were supposed to have didn’t really happen… whenever I tried to bring more “serious” stuff up, he would just go quiet, and I’d be like “are you still thinking about it?” and he’d be like “no” and then not answer :/ anyways. He is too important to me right now to ditch because he’s not giving me answers, so I am willing to forget about it this time. I did say that he better not do it again though… (see my personal to Torito for the exact wording.. lol). So anyways, that’s better, my sanity is better, and I can focus on my diet again starting today. I didn’t weigh in this morning cuz I was pretty “bad” over the weekend, but starting fresh today, with hopefully a workout in the mix for tonight.

oh!! i do have more pretty sh*tty news though (can't believe i forgot!)! apparently what i paid for my apartment, well it was only HALF of the actual payment that i'm supposed to make by tomorrow. i have to pay an extra 2000$ and that's ALL that's left in my bank account, BUT i was saving it for this crazy tax thing that they are gonna charge me with when i leave the city i'm living in now, which is about 2000$ :s it's two months away but i doubt i'll be able to scrounge up more than 1000$ i really dunno what's gonna happen either if i try to leave without paying... hmm... well anyways, it really sucks but there's nothing i can do about it now... gah!


Rie: have fun on your trip girl! I lolled at your ladybits story… and this is why I am never ever gonna go get waxed… lol. anyways, you’re probably in the States now, getting lotsa kisses from your boy so ENJOY!!!

Torito: yeah… I saw him this weekend but the talking thing didn’t really happen… I’m pretty sure most people on here are gonna think I’m really dumb but he shuts down when I ask him serious questions about the whole thing, so in the end I was just like “are we good? yes? am I your girlfriend? yes? good. if you do it again, I will punch you in the balls.” so anyways… thanks for your kind advice though, I really appreciate it. and congrats on getting a super high score on your test! go on and gloat (even if it was easy), you ALWAYS deserve to. haha.

eCandice: haha, I wonder if it means something that you dream of winning the lottery so often? I know I have a recurring dream of losing all my teeth (not really a good one) and apparently it means I’m freaking about about a big change in my life or something. lol. who knows? wow, that’s really creepy some of your bad dreams ended up happening though :( I wouldn’t want that… oh, and you are so not stupid! it really sucks about the situation between your son’s father and your mom :( he’s kinda being a d*ck though, acting like his presence at his kid’s party isn’t that big a deal :/ I really don’t know what kind of advice to give you for that except hang in there!

Ballerina: lol your message looks like a Japanese text message! lol. j-people LOVE to pepper texts with emoji! in fact, I once read in a girls’ magazine that if you wanted a boy to like you, you had to put cute emoji in it, otherwise you looked un-cute and uninterested. lol. aww, I’m sorry you’re having boy drama. boy do I know how you feel. I think, just listen to your heart and do what you think is best. it’s easy for other people to judge but they don’t know your situation. congrats on your loss though! and focus on that. boys are stupid!!

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