3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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unstoppable 02-10-2012 12:44 PM

Great job everyone. I will definitely let you all know how the size tens go.

As for me 162.2. Yay!!

Buckkeepblue 02-10-2012 04:25 PM

Hey there, I'm at 173 at the minute which is the heaviest I've been ever, so not impressed..hoping that at my next weigh in on Monday I might have dropped down to the 160s eventhough that's probably a little unrealistic as this is the first week of my diet...I'd be happy enough with 171 though!

rainydays 02-10-2012 06:08 PM

Gold, I look forward to hearing about those creams. While my stretchmarks do bother me, loose skin is really the bane of my existence right now. The thing I'd like to do for myself this weekend--I really hope I can find a babysitter (my husband has to work all weekend) because I really want to go get my hair cut and colored. Have fun with your nails! I love the crackle polish.

Jelbb, how are you? Feeling any better?

unstoppable, what's your favorite jeans brand?

Val, I love the post-TOM whoosh--it got me almost a four-pound loss last week! I love that your 7 y/o brings you coffee! Seriously, how can I teach my 5 y/o twins that trick?! Lol. I don't have the Keurig, (which I would LOVE to have), so it's a little too messy/dangerous to have the two of them fiddling around with the glass coffeepot.

Traci, you sound awfully busy! Things are about to start getting a lot busier for me with starting my new job, so hoping to be able to stay on track!

Buckkeepblue, welcome to the thread! Sometimes you lose a lot of water weight the first week, so you may see something there. If not though, a pound or two is a GREAT start!

Okay, as for me...I'm ready for my party! An even 100 pounds lost as of this morning!!! Gold, that 80s party sounds awesome--allow me to get it started! :celebrate:

GoingForGold82 02-10-2012 06:36 PM

Congratulations Rainy - You Roooooockkkk My World!!!
What great timing Rainy. I just popped on to check the threads before heading out to the gym. CONGRATULATIONS!!!:D:D:D

I dedicate this song to you.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M&ob=av2n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :celebrate::woo::balloons::dancer::cp:

I would also like to say, since I am up here on the podium, that from myself and the ladies (and possibly) gents, we are SOOOOOOOOOO proud of you. Since we can't be together to celebrate this amazing LIFE CHANGING accomplishment in person, I spent 5 minutes trying to make the Congratulations different colors.:hug: Also, LADIES, LET'S ALL PICK A SONG TO DEDICATE TO RAINY ON HER ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!:::carrot::carrot::carrot:

Um, how did you NOT start your thread with this amazing news???? One day you seriously need to teach me modesty!!!!!:^:

GoingForGold82 02-10-2012 06:38 PM

Welcome aboard BKB!!!! We are happy to have you. Don't let your weight get you down for too long. This is a magical forum - all you need to do is try to stay positive, and come on here and complain if you are feeling down - and you'll lose weight. I PROMISE (disclaimer: diet and exercise required haha!!)

Unstoppable - under 163? That's fantastic! You just kicked my behind into shape - I'm heading out to the gym now :-)

GoingForGold82 02-10-2012 07:38 PM

Sign from God?
So....I was going to leave and go to the gym, and right before I walk out the door....WHACK!!!

Car crash in front of my apartment. Thank gosh nobody was seriously injured, but 1 minute later, I have two partially totaled cars, and 3 cop cars in front of my yard and blocking my driveway.

So, I put on GossipGirl and ate pizza (only 450 cals ladies, do'nt panic :D)

A sign? I think so.

rainydays 02-10-2012 09:51 PM

Gold, you crack me up! Thanks for the video, I jammed out!! :D And I loved the multicolored congrats! :hug:
And I'm so glad you weren't driving when that accident happened!!!! Good call to stay home chill, pizza and gossip girls and all!

rainydays 02-10-2012 09:54 PM

Oh, and I had pizza tonight too. I mean, if losing 100 pounds or narrowly avoiding a car accident doesn't earn you pizza, I ask you, what does????

unstoppable 02-11-2012 05:36 AM

Congrats rainy on the 100 pounds
@ rainy I don't know if I have a favorite brand, but if I had to choose I would say pzi jeans bc they are made for woman with hips and booty and you don't get that gap in the waist. I also like jeans from wet seal. They have a curvy skinny jean. Oh and jeans from express and ny and co. What are your favs?

Jelbb 02-11-2012 11:37 AM

Ugh. Just wrote for 45 minutes. Moved my apple magic mouse with two fingers, which is like hitting the back button. Lost everyone's replies. Too frustrated to go back right now...

Main points:
Rainy, this is for you.

And me-- I've had a bad couple of days career-wise, and am upset and stressed out with my lack of potential room for growth, my massive student loans, and my brother pointing out that I'm too smart to be making less than HALF of what he is.

When I'm happy, I eat. When I'm mildly depressed, I eat. When I'm complacent and comfortable, I eat.
When I'm genuinely upset or in a period of unsettle or upheaval (which I feel that I am as I'm applying to new jobs)... I lose my appetite entirely. Have had a few light days...

Down from 170-171 to 167.6 this morning. :)

Nadya 02-11-2012 12:18 PM

@Gold : Sometimes we create goals for ourselves and just miss them. Having goals also means knowing when to let go a little. =) I set a goal for myself that I would be at 120 by graduation. I didn't get started as fast as I would have liked and now that graduation is a mere 3 months away, there's no way I'm getting 47 more pounds off by then. But that's okay, now my goal is 140 which is only 27 pounds. If I don't get it, oh well, I'll have made a lot of progress by then anyways! ;)

@Kawaii : Normally I wouldn't buy clothes ahead either but I feel like I got this clinched so a few articles of clothing didn't seem too bad. The shirts were $10 each, the most expensive thing I got was a pair of jeans for like $20 that are just a little tight in the stomach area.

I really hope you get the job, that sounds exciting!

@Buckkeepblue : Welcome! Try to keep realistic goals in mind, setting ones that are too high tends to make people feel down even when they're making progress albeit slower than desired.

@rainy : Great job, girly! Congrats on the weight loss, that's amazing. =)

As for me...I haven't been working out, I've been too tense. I have too much schoolwork so when I get some downtime, I don't generally want to hit the gym. But that's okay, I've stuck to calorie counting and have had a healthy mindset regarding food. I bought a pair of jeans, a pair of capris, and two shirts on campus. Everything pretty much fits except for being a liittlle tighter than I'd like but at least I can get them on! The jeans are 12s, I can get them buttoned buuut I wouldn't try sitting down in them... :lol:

I returned the WW Belly Butt & Thighs pack after realizing that the only portion of the entire thing I was going to use was the ball...so it totally wasn't worth the $25 I spent on it. I took it back and just got a ball for $9. I also had to return the Gold Gym bands that attach to your door because I have four doors and it wouldn't attach to a single one... /facepalm But oh well!

ValRock 02-11-2012 03:24 PM

I'm too tired right now (in SUCH a good way) to go through and reply to everyone. Sorry! Rainy AMAZING!!! I can't wait until I can have a 100 lb party, soon!!

Went to the gym this morning and HIIT it hard! I dropped a barbell on the floor, though... and everyone turned around to look at me. I HATE that... oops.

We went to the farmer's market afterwards and got all sorts of fixings for a picnic and packed it all to the park. The weather here is BEAUTIFUL. We ate cheeses and crackers and berries and mini bell peppers. It was delish! I don't know how I ever justified the garbage I used to eat... yuck.

Headed to the nursery later to get some more plants for the veggie garden. The kids are so excited about it! It makes me happy to be able to self sustain a little bit and it sure is fun to watch things grow :).

Everyone keep up the good work! This is such a happy supportive thread :).

Buckkeepblue 02-11-2012 05:44 PM

Thanks for all the welcomes everybody, this forum is really inspirational :) Congratulations rainydays that is such an amazing acchievement! :D

FunSize 02-11-2012 07:20 PM

Hi guys!!! I am back after what.. a month at least?? I have no idea what I weigh.. I don't have the courage to weigh myself!! I didn't fall off the wagon or do anything overly bad.. (I hope the scale agrees with me).. but I focused on school all month and sort of stopped thinking about my diet. But now I know it's time to get back into losing weight mode! I hope I at LEAST maintained all month... plan of action is to stick to 3 square meals a day, no snacking, and stay at or below 1500 cals. I am even thinking of getting a phentermine prescription just to give me a boost.

Will check back soon!!

unstoppable 02-12-2012 09:16 AM

Jelbb- I hope everything works out and you get that job and pay rate you deserve. Congrats on the loss as well. I started dropping weight not because of stress but because I got a tooth abscess and eating anything more than soup or yogurt would send my mouth into a fit. You can maintain this loss, as long as you don't go overboard when you start feeling more like your self.

Congrats everyone!!!

As for me, I am weighing in at 160.8. So close to the 150 I can taste it.

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