Ready to throw my scale away...

  • I'll start off by saying I know that the scales aren't the best way to measure weight loss, just one of the easier ways. But I used to have such a bond with my scale. Well. Now I live in a 100 year old building with uneven floors. I'll move the scale all throughout the house and get differences of up to 10 lbs. My routine as of late has been to weigh myself 3 times, in the same spot, and then take the average. Well. This morning I discovered if I step on with my left foot first, it gives me a reading of 5 lbs lighter than if I step on right foot first. I think it's safe to say my scale is wonky.

    So. I started logging measurements today. Not sure it I'll replace my scale, or just use it as a guideline. I know my floors are uneven so that can cause problems with even a new, functional scale.

    Anyone else have old uneven floors? Do you still use a scale?
  • I have a similar problem. My entire apartment is carpeted except for the 2 bathrooms and the galley kitchen. The problem is that in the two bathrooms have tile floors, and very small tile floors (maybe 2 square inch tiles). My scale is one that has 4 'feet' and the 'feet' and the tiles do not line up properly so at least 2 of the 'feet' are in the cracks between the tiles. Not to mention the floors slope and every time I step on the scale it moves because it is uneven. I'm going to try to weigh myself in the kitchen and see if that works but I'm not going to hold my breath! Besides, I've been working out really hard lately and am gaining muscle weight but losing inches...I think it's time I just rely on the tape measure and what I see in the mirror because honestly in the end, I don't care what the scale says as long as I have my 25in waist back!
  • Uneven floors where I live too! It took awhile, but I finally found one section near the bathroom tub where the scale works! (I would weigh myself at my parent's home to compare.) I just usually have to move it whenever we use the tub to avoid it getting wet :/

    Anyway, I'm scale-addicted. I know it's unhealthy, but I HAVE to weigh myself every few days. It's less to see the number go down, and more to make sure it's not going up - aka accountability!

    But, I also take my measurements once a month to chart that progress.

    I'll take weight-loss any way I can get it!
  • My house is almost 100 years old and I LOVE it, but I did not love this problem. It's great for a minute if the number is lower lol, but in the back of your mind you have to wonder every time if it's for real.

    I finally got tired of it and "splurged" on a better scale, and surprisingly it doesn't give me different readings no matter where I put it. I'm not sure if the mechanism/spring thingies are different or is definitely alot heavier and feels more well built than my old dinky one. Also, if I put it like between tiles where it is REALLY uneven it won't give me a weight at all, it just says error-so I don't have to weigh multiple times to check it if it gets moved.

    They are the same brand both health o meter, but my old one was about $15 and my new one was $45. Anyway, there is hope! Get yourself a better scale if you can, or if you think it's the scale itself try replacing the battery. Alot of scales will give inaccurate readings when the battery gets low even before you get any low batt indicator.
  • Thanks for the great advice! My scale is not battery operated so changing the batteries is not an option. It was a cheapie though, only about 20 bucks. I think I might just have to splurge on a nice one because I too need to way myself every few days.