3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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zanheltangia 07-06-2011 01:02 PM

July WW thread for current and former counters! /hugs!
Guess who fell off the 3FC site and just now managed to sneak back in to say, "Hi ladies, I'm back!!!". If you guessed "Zan", I'd have to say y'er right! Haha!

Well, I noticed a distinct lack of ww thread here on the first few pages! I missed you all, hopefully we can catch right back up and get some of us (cough, cough, ME,) back up to speed! So I send out many :hug:s to old friends and new!

So, July already! I haven't made any progress looking back a year, but I managed gain back twenty but also keep off thirty pounds since my start weight. Woo! So how has everyone been? Progress? The same? I've fallen completely off plan for at least five months, but I am content and starting over with my old points materials (momentum plan) - I dropped out when the new points plus came out.

So who else do we have hanging out in the twenties???

freedomreins 07-06-2011 04:36 PM

Hi Zan!

I haven't really lost anything, just hovering around the same weight, trying to focus more on cleaner eating and exercise and calorie counting instead of WW. I've started running and doing yoga once a week and really enjoying it so far!

Glad to see you back here! :) Hopefully some of the others will stick their heads in!

ade903 07-06-2011 04:51 PM

ZAN!!!!!!!! I am so glad to see you! I'm lurking mostly. Stopped WW officially in May, but pretty much hadn't been consistent since the points plan. I'm pretty much exactly where I was a year ago (when I started). Maybe five pounds under.
I'm kinda newly single (since the end of April), so I'd really like to get my but moving and healthy eating habits before I get into a relationship (though I've been dating, so that might not happen).
May was a mostly vegan month. June was a mostly vegetarian with a lot of crappy fast food binges (hence not completely vegetarian). And July has been vegetarian with mostly vegan options (I haven't gotten the hang of vegan eating at crappy restaurants). I'm really getting into cooking again. And once I get the hang of vegan eating, I'll begin to focus more on the calories. I also started juicing (which goes against the whole "don't drink your calories" idea). I'm enjoying it. It makes me feel good.

Anywho, I'll be chatting with you guys (as long as you'll let me, you know, not being WW and all).

Freedom-cleaner eating is great. I remember a while back I ate clean for a whole week and had a 5.4 lb loss....and that was in the middle of the journey, so it wasn't the initial water weight woosh, though it was a woosh of some sort. Also had a lot of energy. :)

Glad to see you guys! YAY!

zanheltangia 07-08-2011 08:18 AM

Ade, that's why I added "former" to the title ;)! No sense in blocking out those who've tried it and moved on, especially old forum buddies. Plus, you still know what i'm babbling on about ;). I've been trying to stick to unprocessed foods too, upping my raw fruits is always great, and easier now that a lot are back in season. Peaches! Yum!

Freedom, yoga! I so want to try it, but I haven't been brave enough to go to a class by myself. I need to gather some bravery and just go (last time I did that I signed up for the warrior dash 5k and that went well, so why not, right?)

Well, I did my questions and I am back up to 30 points in the old program. My goal for the rest of this month is to get back to tracking everything I eat.
Getting back to knowing what the point values for every little thing is will take more time, I just want to get started and keep going again.

Ade, how was it to switch from meats to veggies? Did you used to eat a lot of meat before, or was it an easy switch? I've cut down on a lot myself, and I probably should find alternate protein sources myself, like beans. I'd like to hear your experience with it. :)

Freedom, it's been a while. I can't remember, but I think you did a 5k not to long ago right? Please correct me if I am wrong, :), how often do you run? I just got a new pup, and she's encouraged some crazy walks that's for sure. I've even put on a pair of rollerblades and let her haul me down the quiet backroads, then skated back home with a tired pup. That was great (minus the near ninety degree heat).

ade903 07-08-2011 04:24 PM

haha I figured you wouldn't mind! :)

Tracking sure is tough. I enjoy it when I'm on plan, but then I eat one morsel of something "bad" and I just stop tracking. I'm gonna just keep eating healthier for the rest of July, and I'll start counting calories in August.

The switch from meats to veggies really hasn't been that difficult for me. It's tough on weekends. My family likes eating out and meat, so I've got to be prepared. Eating vegan out is really tough. So at this point I'm calling eating vegetarian out a success (though I ordered something without cheese last week...I LOVE cheese). I'm having fun trying "fake" meats, but then again, that crap is processed.

Glad to have you back. I have been lurking on here, but haven't been active, since we all dropped off the face of 3FC.

zanheltangia 07-09-2011 09:32 AM

Yeah, it is oddly quiet in here when compared to our last threads together. Maybe because it is summer again? I dunno.

I like too many things that come from animals to become a true veg-anything. But I'd like to start having meals here and there that don't have any sort of meat in them. Might help me get off the "this meat plus..." as a key to each meal. I fall into patterns too easy, maybe I can train myself into a good pattern for once ;).

Ugh, cheese! I'm on a blue cheese kick right now. Too good! I really need to get my behind tracking again. My new Pooch helps with a walk now and again, but if I don't control my eating, that'll do me no good.

freedomreins 07-10-2011 12:38 PM

Hey Zan, you could totally do a yoga class if you could do a warrior dash! Those things frighten me - I would fall over dead! The yoga class is a bit intimidating at first, but I didn't tell the instructor it was my first class until the end and she said I did quite well so I was pleased. :) My class has all ages and sizes and flexibility levels. I really like it and I am looking forward to going to my third class tomorrow. Go for it!

I did complete my first 5k on Sunday. I've wanted to do one for ages and had been running for about 8 weeks prior to the race (I did the C25k - which I started last year and didn't get past wk2!). Unfortunately I injured my hip a week before the race but thanks to a week off of running and some painkillers, I still managed to complete it. My hip isn't entirely healed up yet but it's getting there. I am not going to run until it's better as that seems to be when I feel it the most.

Can we see a picture of your new pup? :)

Ade, I am finding it pretty hard eating whole foods and eating cleaner. I've made some big changes over the last week (no processed snacks eg. cereal bars) and have really been looking at the chemicals/preservatives etc in the food I'm eating and trying to avoid as much as possible. I'm not eating white sugar anymore, instead using agave nectar or honey. I'm feeling pretty healthy though, even if the scale is back up over 150 :( Congrats on all the vegetarian and vegan eating you've been doing - I think that's such a healthy way to live. Unfortunately I, like Zan, really enjoy meat! We eat vegetarian dinners two night a week but my boyfriend would have a cow (haha) if I tried to make it more than that and I wouldn't have the energy to make two meals (not that I would want to give up meat in the first place).

Hope you've both had lovely weekends!

zanheltangia 07-12-2011 06:05 PM

I keep hearing how awesome yoga is, so yes, I need to get my butt to class! :D What exactly are you suppose to bring to class? A mat and some clothes that are easy to move in, right? The not knowing is what makes me uneasy, haha.

Congrats on that 5k, woo! Sorry to hear about the hip! Did you fall? :(

Now that I managed to get myself to an actual computer, I'll post my puppy for viewing pleasure:


ade903 07-13-2011 10:43 AM

I like too much stuff that comes from animals, too. I think that's why I keep leaning to vegetarian instead of vegan. It's a process! :) And I used to enjoy meat a lot. Don't get me wrong, the thought of a juicy burger with bacon sounds fantastic. As does a crunchy roll. But I haven't eaten chicken for over a year because I started disliking it. So that part hasn't been too difficult.

Oh, yoga. I tried REALLY hard to like yoga. But I couldn't clear my mind enough to enjoy it. But more power to you! Zan, I hope you like it!

And your pup is sooooooo cute!

freedomreins 07-13-2011 04:57 PM

Zan, your dog is very sweet!

I didn't fall, I just pulled something - no idea how it happened. I stopped running, had dinner, hung out and watched TV, then stood up and was in serious pain. So it's not like it happened suddenly while I was running. I'm sure I will never know how I did it but I hope I can prevent it in the future!

You don't even have to bring a mat to class. I don't own one, the studio has enough for everyone (only like two people in my class have their own). I just wear the same capri pants I wear for running and a slightly-snug t-shirt (otherwise downward dog and other head-down poses are a bit awkward with your shirt up over your face!). There are people in sweat pants, shorts, even a woman in linen trousers last time I was there. So just wear what you are comfortable with!

I've signed up for a six week beginner's class at the studio I've been visiting. It was not at a convenient time before so I kind of did things backward by joining a drop-in class first. I think I'm going to still keep going to my drop-in class (it's on Mondays, and the beginner's class is on Wednesdays) because I really like the teacher. I have come to love yoga! I hope you enjoy it Zan!

Ade, have you found you've grown to like things you didn't like before in your efforts to eat more vegetables? I really like mushrooms now, hated them before. And sundried tomatoes - I hate regular tomatoes still but sundried tomatoes, yum!

ade903 07-13-2011 05:27 PM

I haven't really found anything that I didn't like before that I now like. I was always adventurous, so there hasn't been much "new" to try. I do wish I liked bell peppers. They are in EVERYTHING vegan/vegetarian when you eat out. I'll try them now and then, but I HATE them with a passion.

Hope your pulled muscle feels better!!!

zanheltangia 07-18-2011 09:32 AM

I tend to only like bell peppers when they are raw, same with mushrooms. So I get that.

Well, I've been playing around with yoga on the wii fit. But it's distracting trying to focus on breathing while competeing for points. Yoga isn't suppose to be like that, so I think if I could get a few stances learned in class the do it on my own without pressure from electronics, I think I'd be set.

Tracking isn't going too well right now, and I need to quit the almond m&ms that are distracting me from my goals. I got to firm up my willpower and get going.

Signing up for college again, so at least I'll have something more to go to when the urge to nibble strikes.

Hope you two had fun this weekend, I'm off to brave the keyboard at work.

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