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rainbowstripe 01-17-2011 02:01 AM

Kawaii Yay for continuing compliments! ANd for nearly being done at work!

Iconised Ghost 01-17-2011 02:50 AM

Ok so I made sausage and tomato bake today (yum!) which usually requires maybe 4 large tomatoes and half a tub of cherry tomatoes. I was going to mix the other half of the tub with spaghetti later in the week. So my question is... why did I buy 4 tubs of cherry tomatoes and 6 large ones?? What the frack am I going to do with them all?! I would make tomato soup but its a bit hot for that...gosh.

FatPantsSkinnyJeans 01-17-2011 02:52 AM

Kawaii-- Right now I count my calories from Midnight to Midnight... this is because if I work Wednesday night, and I'm off Thursday night, I will not be awake all night Thursday.... so the "awake to asleep" plan doesn't quite even it out, either. So, those are my calorie-heavy days, and then the lighter ones are my first night on, and generally I am able to hit my target on back-to-back work days. Siiiigh, glad I don't have to do this for the rest of my life. It's making me feel sad and like I'm already behind.

Rainbow-- I am totally going to look for that! I need to mix up my routine, which perhaps will help with the cravings....

elleohelle--I am having the same trouble with guys. I feel like for me it's a confidence thing? I'm not presenting myself in the right way, or something... aaahh, who knows.

Time to put myself to bed before I eat. Eeeep.

See ya tomorrow, hopefully in a better frame of mind....

Iconised Ghost 01-17-2011 02:58 AM

rainbow- my bf is indian so all our curries are made from scratch :P And by from scratch, I mean his mum makes the garam masala or curry powder herself by mixing together the spice amounts. We cheat a little by going to the indian shop and buying the garam masala or whatever already mixed :lol: Or getting the box mixes they use in india apparently (the english translation on the box is sometimes a little off and its pretty funny) Its way different to commercial stuff! Once you have a real one you never go back. om nom nom! what kind did you make?

kawaii- w00t clothes that actually fit! I swear no one notices a thing until your waredrobe is updated aye :lol: sounds like a good day!

krampus- awe cute, at least your bf tried:D

I loved how to train your dragon too. The dragon reminds me of my cat :D same vacant look, same trouble seeking tendencies :lol:

rainbowstripe 01-17-2011 03:52 AM

elleohelle Same, miniature dragon please. I'm sorry you're feeling down, I think we all have those times when we can't really feel good about ourselves...and I guess the fact that this can be a slow process doesn't really help all that much - but you're doing so well, and your goals for the week are awesome.

FPSJ I'm guessing you should be able to find it somewhere, I would be really surprised given the huge range of things you can get in the US. Hope you sleep well!

Icon Make gazpacho! I don't know if that's how you spell it. And I also don't know how to make it...and that many tomatoes would freak me out because I don't really like tomatoes haha. The curry was just a yellow curry (I buy the Asian Home Gourmet brand pastes, they come in those colourful little pouches) and I made it with pork and added green beans and mushrooms to it. I think I would love to try real, authentic, not from a restaurant or takeaway, but an actual real authentic Indian curry. I don't know how authentic the restaurant ones are. I guess the yellow, green, red ones from Asian Home Gourmet are more Thai style? The dragon in the film...lets just say I cried and spent a lot of the movie whispering to my boyfriend "I want it!".

krampus 01-17-2011 06:00 AM

I ate in total probably almost a thousand calories' worth of candy at work. FAIL. Assuming I ate exactly 1000 junk calories, my "real food" at work totaled ~450, which means I pretty much ate all my allotted calories at work. Dinner was yogurt, 10 snap peas, and some kimchee - 150 calories or so. Tomorrow will be better.

LindsB 01-17-2011 08:18 AM

Good morning! (well it is morning here anyways :) )

I had a cheat day yesterday and I got SO sick to my stomach! OMG it was so terrible! I was in bed by 8pm because my stomach hurt so bad I couldn't even function!

UP SIDE I saw a new low this morning! 146.2! Woohoo! I'm dying for 145 though so I can be 10 lbs from goal!

MiZTaCCen 01-17-2011 08:52 AM

Happy Monday!

Well lets see, last week I had pink eye and only got up to 3 workouts instead of 5. Better then nothing. Oh and my laptop is now broken and I can't afford a new one until a few weeks...Would probably be sooner if I didn't go out on a spending spree saturday. HAHA I'm so bad with money.

Friday me an a few friends went to the strip club it was soooo much fun! and the rest of the weekend was lay low. :) Back to the working world and the gym today.

Be safe ladies!

taragettingthin 01-17-2011 09:08 AM

Hello everyone, I've been MIA for the weekend but I tried to stay away from the computer and spend more time with the family and did go grocery shopping... but now I'm back!

Wow, it's not even 9 in the morning here and you all have been busy! :D
A good news is I'm down 2 lb more... so that's total 4.8 so far. :) I know what I could do to make little more loss but I'm happy with any loss. I ended up skipping my workout yesterday but will be making up for it today since today is supposed to be rest day. I had homework to submit by midnight and it was movie night for my daughter.. didn't want to stay on the computer when it's supposed to be "Family movie night"... So something had to give... and it was workout. :(

Rainbow That's the movie my DD picked out to watch too! We've seen it already but oh, it's darn cute, isn't it?!! And I've seen that falafel mix box but never tried the tub kinds.. not sure if I have ever even seen them. But hmmm now I'm thinking... lol

Madison Congrats on the loss and I'm sure you can do that one more lb!

Kawaii Maybe it's just water retention? Drink up and go pee a lot and you will lose it, I'm sure! ;)

Krampus I hear ya about having nice candies... I still had some white chocolate peppermint bark I made for Christmas at home...along with some Belgium chocolate. Sigh. I did throw away the bark with no temptation. But... The chocolate.. I haven't been able to yet. And I loved Inception also!

LindsB Congrats on that loss! :D

annah788 01-17-2011 10:13 AM

Good morning everyone! Sorry I've been gone for so long.

Had my first weigh in on Saturday. I've lost 8 pounds since starting on December 27th. I'm aiming for 12 more by my next weigh in on February 15th.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Iconised You can always dice the tomatoes for omelets. If you're a salad person, you can bake them in the oven on 200 degrees F for 4-6 hours (you'll be able to tell when they are dried enough) and make sun-dried tomatoes for salads.

LindsB & Target Congrats!

rainbowstripe 01-17-2011 03:41 PM

krampus Sending candy-avoiding willpower your way :P

Linds Yay for the new low!! Dumb about the sore tummy after a cheat day, I've had that happen too while eating foods I wouldn't usually - mainly on Christmas day when my sister brought out crab dip. Tastes so good but too many types of creamy food in one bowl do not agree with me.

Miz Sounds like a fun weekend! Sorry about your laptop and fewer workouts than you wanted - sometimes it's ok to take a break though!

tara It is seriously a cute movie. And that dragon...I think I'm going to have to watch it again haha. I've never seen box-type falafel...this stuff is like..ready to go, you just basically need to heat it, but judging by the ingredients you could probably eat it as is.

annah Congrats on your awesome weigh-in! I wish you luck with your next goal.

~Just being brief this morning, going to set myself to work cleaning the already clean store...bleh. Waking up was super hard and I wish I hadn't had to, it is so gross today. Wet outside but also ridiculously humid and muggy. I am so glad for the air conditioning today. Zumba tonight, not so excited...but I'll be there, and I will get it done.
Tomorrow is time for a hair cut and colour! Trying to decide whether or not to stay red or go brown perhaps...

Iconised Ghost 01-17-2011 04:12 PM

On the phone to studylink, the ppl that sort out your student loan and money so you can afford to eat etc while you study u_u At least when you finally get through to them, they know the answers to your questions. Thing is that the instructions they give you always leave you with more questions, so you have to ring back and back, arg. Will someone do my administration stuff for me please??

annah- congrats on your loss! Omelettes sound good, we always have heaps of eggs too. Thanks!

tara- i think swapping your day off working out around is fine. Family is important and this whole thing is about balance and lifestyle change right?

Miz- lame about the computer! But it sounds like you had heaps of fun :D

linds- congrats on the loss!

rainbow- i googled gazpacho, looks pretty good! I might give that a go too :D I think the asian gourmet ones are more thai, not sure. If you want to try a real curry head to an Indian shop, there are a few around auckland, and there are these yellow boxes by a company called Shan. Just grab one and follow the instructions on the back :) They even use them in india :lol:

rainbowstripe 01-17-2011 06:47 PM

Icon Urgh, Studylink - I do not envy you one bit. I just added up the total calories from my curry last night and it was just over 700...kind of ridiculous for a curry! But it tasted so good. I think the coconut milk added calories since my boyfriend's mum didn't have light...and also the fact the pork I used was probably leaner than the calorie counter showed. But I want more. I think gazpacho could be tasty, just the idea of cold soup kind of weirds me out haha. Hrm...I can't even think of whether I've seen an Indian store...

~I am starving today, I need more food. I am (or will be, when I get around to eating it) up to 560 calories after lunch. I forgot to bring a snack. I am craving bread or .. I dunno, fries.

LindsB 01-17-2011 07:22 PM

Rainbow- Thanks! Post pics of your new do for sure!

JLNichols07 01-17-2011 08:46 PM

Wow a new week already? Time flies.

Rainbow: I hope your day goes by fast that way you don't have to feel like your at work forever lol. And hopefully you'll be happy you went to Zumba after it's done. As for the humid weather..I don't miss that about the summertime and dred that it's just around the corner lol.
Annah: 8 lbs? That is awesome!
Tara: Thats great being down 2 lbs. It's so difficult getting workouts in and studying for homework lol.
MiZ: Strip Club? Sounds fun! LOL. I've never been to one but I'm sure they are very entertaining.
Linds: Awesome about the new low...sorry about the stomach ache.
Krampus: I'm sure you will do better tomorrow. Everyone has a bad day.

So it's Monday night where I'm at and I'm worn out and ready to hit the sac for the night. I'm exhausted. I've cleaned the entire house, done all the laundry, cooked lunch and dinner, and worked out for 35 minutes. I've stayed within my calories today and this morning I weighed in at 156.0 which was .2 lbs higher than yesterday. So hopefully tomorrow I'll be back down.

But I've got to go and get the kids ready 4 bed. Hope everyone has an awesome Tueday or Monday Night where your at! :)

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