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stellarosa27 12-22-2010 10:43 AM

To you runners...
So for the past year I've gradually increased the amount that I run. A year ago I started running on a treadmill, and now I can do 5 miles in an hour at a steady pace (on the treadmill, I know its not the same as outside) and I'm working on training for a triathlon and a 10 mile run in June/April.

So I've been running every other day, but I've noticed that I'm getting blisters on the bottoms of my toes and on the arch of my foot. I strike the ground mid-foot (right where you're supposed to) and I have new, fitted running shoes, so I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if I'm doing something horribly wrong...

In my head, it makes sense, maybe that my feet are building up a resistance to the ground, or something, but I just wanted to check.

tattoodles 12-22-2010 11:15 AM

That's happened to me when my running shoes got old and worn, but I can't recall it happening with new shoes. Two things that make a big difference for me is my socks thickness and material, and I also use mole skin which helps a TON for blisters.

joyfulloser 12-22-2010 11:18 AM

Perhaps its time for a new pair of running shoes? I've heard they need to be replaced every so many miles, but I'm not sure of how much mileage. Maybe going to a professional running store and discussing the matter with the sales rep may offer some helpful suggestions. They were really great at fitting me!:)

TapasLover 12-22-2010 11:25 AM

I'd experiment with different types of socks. I run often, and do several half-marathons a year. Try thinner socks that have microfiber or some synthetic sweat-wicking material. Nike has a few good options, as does Thorlo.

stellarosa27 12-22-2010 11:27 AM

Well I just bought new shoes less than a month ago, and they were fitted by the running store.

Maybe I need to look into getting more of the running socks. I have a few pairs, but I don't wear them ALL the time.

zestfest 12-22-2010 11:32 AM

I agree that socks make a big difference, especially on longer runs. But honestly, since you're just now breaking in your new shoes, I'd attribute the blisters to that. They should go away in another 1-2 months of running.

stellarosa27 12-22-2010 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by zestfest (Post 3616810)
I agree that socks make a big difference, especially on longer runs. But honestly, since you're just now breaking in your new shoes, I'd attribute the blisters to that. They should go away in another 1-2 months of running.

I totally didn't think of that...


Aclai4067 12-22-2010 11:37 AM

I HAVE to wear running socks every time. Balega is my favorite brand.

stellarosa27 12-22-2010 11:38 AM

Those are what I have. I got a few free pairs when I bought my shoes (I had a coupon, and there was a deal, etc.).

MariaMaria 12-22-2010 11:58 AM

It doesn't take months to break in running shoes.

You need to CONSISTENTLY wear proper running socks that are the same fluffiness as the socks you were fitted for the shoes with (for example, if you were fitted wearing big Thorlos, don't expect the shoes to fit the same when you switch to thin Smartwools or similar). It does make a difference.

Also, even if you're trying to stretch a limited workout wardrobe--clean socks every time.

editing to add: All that said, I had months of sole blisters (started in front of the balls of the feet, and six weeks later were extending all the way back under my arches, seriously not fun) with properly-fitted, new shoes and proper new running socks. For me, it was the result of trying to fix something in my footstrike that I ultimately decided I could live with.

Callahan 12-24-2010 03:07 PM

Double-layer, wicking socks: http://www.wrightsock.com/

Best. Socks. EVER.

Iconised Ghost 12-24-2010 03:48 PM

I think it probably is just your new shoes breaking in and your feet getting used to it. Were you running this much before or is that new too? I would make sure your socks fit nicely and snuggly on your feet and rub vaselin into the parts of your shoes that are rubbing your feet (makes it softer and makes it more slippery- no more rough rubbing! lube that s*** up ;) )

junebug41 12-24-2010 03:50 PM

Get some moleskin to cover the existing blisters and invest in some running socks, which make a HUGE difference.

KenzideRhae 12-24-2010 03:53 PM

Also recommending some good running socks, I use the Nike brand ones. But since the blisters are already there, some moleskin or blister bandages should help take care of them for now.

Lauren201 12-24-2010 03:56 PM

My MIL got me special socks that are supposed to prevent blisters... she got them at Walmart and they are awesome... I think they are the no nonsense ones, the package said something about blisters on them... sorry I can't be more specific!

When I started working out I got gigantic blisters on the pads of my feet right below my toes and a blister on the side of each big toe... blisters suck! My feet burned for days.. now that I've been doing the workouts consistently I haven't had any more blisters.. I hope yours go away soon, I know how painful they can be!

stellarosa27 12-25-2010 11:13 AM

Thanks all!

I'm going to go get some new socks, and also some of that runners glide stuff, and hopefully this will help.

Maria - I definately always wear clean socks. My feet sweat a LOT when I work out, and repeating socks isn't even an option.

Icon - I used to run once a week (for 3 miles) and then 2 other times for 1 mile each, but never got any blisters. Now I try and do 3 miles 2x a week and 5 miles 1x a week, and I find I'm getting blisters every time. So yes, I've increased, but my feet are even reacting to what they're used to (if that makes sense).

Jen - fortunately I have lots of moleskin left from my hike :)

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