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Janel83 10-25-2010 07:32 PM

The Master Cleanse
Has anyone done it?? Or knows someone who has?

Its the Lemonade diet fast.

If anyone wants to try it, let me know, I will post the ingredients. I want to do it but my husband is trying to talk me out of it. Its just a cleanse, so I don't mind fasting for 10 days.

KawaiiCandie 10-25-2010 07:52 PM

i know a girl who did it here last year. she was raving about it. but she was already skinny. mwaha.

but i heard that people who do it for weight loss purposes, well, you gain back the weight real quick.

CourtneyDaisey 10-25-2010 07:55 PM

I tried it. Didn't stay with it for more than 2 days. I just got so hungry and had a headache because of low blood sugar the whole time. I hope you have better luck that I did with it.

Janel83 10-25-2010 08:00 PM

I think I may try it but I dont want to be weak with headaches!! I like to work out too. hmmmmm

fatmac 10-25-2010 08:13 PM

I tried it. Didn't last more than 2-3 days... but I felt chained to the toilet for that time! Don't try this at work... definitely try to plan for when you have time at home.

LiannaKole 10-25-2010 10:16 PM

I haven't tried it, but my friend did. She did it for about 5 days before she stopped.

I do kind of a fast once in a while, usually on a day when I am just around and don't have a lot of demanding work to do (and when I don't feel super hungry that day - that doesn't work). I drink water and tea from after dinner one night to dinner the next night. Then I have a normal dinner and if I'm still hungry a small snack later. It kind of refreshes me. I like it.

krampus 10-25-2010 11:34 PM

I've known a few people who did the Master Cleanse. Half of them had bathroom related accidents - so stay home or wear Depends!

Atarimae 10-25-2010 11:48 PM

My friend's sister tried it and lost weight quickly! Unfortunately, when she decided to start eating again, she gained it all back and then some. Hopefully in her case it was just a lack of self control, but it's not something I'd do myself, seeing as I want my changes to last a lifetime...not just throughout my weight LOSS journey.

Best of luck with your decisions!

SJtangerines 10-26-2010 01:55 PM

I tried this once out of desperation and could never even make it a full day. I did some research on it later and it's just not good for you. You don't need to "cleanse" your body, the only 'detox' you need to do is to eat whole and organic foods.

I mean you can try it, but it's pretty pointless in my experience and opinion. It doesn't do a thing for your metabolism or your health.

Fit4Lyfe 10-26-2010 04:58 PM

I did it for about 5 days to fit into a dress for a wedding! It worked but I gained back a few of the pounds. But I also attribute that to the fact that I didn't properly come off the fast: you're supposed to gradually come off of the fast with soups and juice, I went right on to eating a gigantic steak dinner and wedding cake...so yea.

angelanicole23 10-26-2010 07:08 PM

I know of a cleanse that a coworker did at a local weight loss clinic that I am considering. She lost 5 lbs for doing it one week....the good thing is that you're eating real food tho. If anyone is interested IM me.

I may try it myself..not sure yet!


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