3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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caseygail21 08-16-2010 09:04 PM

Rainbow--Love the dress and the shoes! And your artwork is fabulous!

guamvixen 08-17-2010 11:14 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Everyone looks great! Here's me with my 22 week baby bump! :preg: I must say, life is pretty darn good!

singforthedayx 08-17-2010 12:08 PM

Everyone is so pretty. (:

NSV for me...I bought this shirt two weeks ago and it was a little too tight to wear in public. I'm going out with it for the first time today. I didn't expect it to fit so well so fast!


audrina 08-19-2010 11:52 PM

I've been really off track lately, it's my TOM but I started today out with a fast to get back on track. Also went and tried on some clothes...


rainbowstripe 08-20-2010 12:47 AM

I lol-ed

Originally Posted by caseygail21 (Post 3439646)
Rainbow--Love the dress and the shoes! And your artwork is fabulous!

I just laughed a little incredulously when you said you loved the shoes haha! I have gone through 5 pairs of these little $10 (New Zealand dollar) shoes from K-Mart - just simple canvas flats but they go with everything!

I love this dress too but it's too big now! YAY!!

And thanks for the compliment on my art!

Mickeypnd 08-20-2010 04:41 PM

guamvixen your baby bump look too adorable and cute!!

singforthedayx you look great and I love that shirt! I love the blue, the color looks wonderful on you!!

audrina you look wonderful! Did you buy anything?

audrina 08-20-2010 06:03 PM

Thank you Mickey, no I can't afford anything right now, I was just trying on for fun.

EDIT: WOAH, did I just say I was trying on clothes for fun? Before I wouldn't even go shopping because trying on clothes resulted in me crying at the mall and then for hours when I got home.

Samantha417 08-22-2010 12:02 PM

Back from my week in Wildwood, NJ!

Just a pic of me and the boy :)

Everyone's looking so great!!

JennieLovesKisses 08-22-2010 11:24 PM

For the first time in over a year I actually went shopping for clothes I enjoy, not just clothes that "will do for now". I have been working so hard and have been in a funk this month, maintaining between 170-175. So I thought I would reward myself for once and enjoy being in the 170s while in here. :)

Cute Black Button up -

Love in Sign Tee -

This one made me giggle since my boyfriend was with me, so I bought it :P

You can totally remove the "I Love My Boyfriend" portion and just wear the tank.

In person its really pretty shimmery white

Mickeypnd 08-23-2010 11:41 AM

Samantha I love that picture. So cute.

Jennie your so my inspiration right now. you look wonderful and beautiful! love the the shirts you bought. And where did you get that 'I love my boyfriend' shirt? I'd love to get one and my bf would sure love it!

singforthedayx 08-23-2010 11:48 AM

Jennie - You carry really well. I would never have guessed you were in the 170's if you hadn't said that. Love it! :)

JennieLovesKisses 08-23-2010 02:22 PM

Mickeypnd - Aww thank you! I got it at VF, they are having a HUGE sale.

singforthedayx - Thank you! :D

platformnine 08-26-2010 10:49 PM

Everyone looks so amazing!

jkinboston89 08-29-2010 07:34 PM

Hey everyone, hubby and I went on a trip recently so I thought I'd share a few shots.

This is me in Ogunquit, ME. It's so beautiful there!

This one is me and hubby at Canobie Lake Park in NH, his family met up with us there so that was funn!

Here is one of me after about a zillion roller coasters and water rides so I'm definitely not looking my best lol

Anddd, here's our new baby Sophia <3

Sorry if the pictures are huge!

Risssa 08-29-2010 07:52 PM

Thank you everyone for posting pics!! I have decided to keep a photo log and contribute. Look for my pics later!

This group is inspirational!

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