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JMC885 11-14-2009 12:44 PM

Non-number goals
What are some goals that you have that aren't about pounds or dress sizes?

Every September in Philadelphia, there's an event that promotes sustainable transportation and healthy body images. It's called the Naked Bike Ride.

I just signed up for next September's Naked Bike Ride, so here's hoping I look the way I want to by then!

What kinds of weight-loss or body image goals do you have that aren't about weight or size?

cathydoe 11-14-2009 01:14 PM

Good question. This time around my goals have been about the number...the number of loosing. Like right now it is to get to the 150 lbs mark...

On the other hand...I really do want it to be about eating healthy...making healthy choices.

So you know...I am going to look at a healthy choice goal in reference to food choice. Example...eat a salad with the dressing on the side and dipping my fork in the dressing vs pouring dressing onto salad.

Here is my goal: to make at least one change in my healthy food choices a day!


Good idea to think about! Thanks. I hope I posted what you were looking for! <smile>:)

duckyyellowfeet 11-14-2009 01:21 PM

I really want to make working out a part of my life, not something I'm just doing because I feel like I should. This is my lifestyle goal.

Body-image wise...I want nice arms. I hate mine right now and I can't wait for the day I don't feel like cropping my arms out of pictures.

JMC885 11-14-2009 01:23 PM

That's a good goal. I should think of a healthy choice goal, too. For me, the biggest setback is bingeing when I'm over my caloric/points limit.

My goal from now on is not to give up for the day if I eat a few more than the points I'm allowed. 25 points, even if it's more than my daily allowance, is better than 50!

JMC885 11-14-2009 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by duckyyellowfeet (Post 3011886)
Body-image wise...I want nice arms. I hate mine right now and I can't wait for the day I don't feel like cropping my arms out of pictures.

Oh my gosh, you should see all of the women in my family. Heavy arms are the family curse!

junebug41 11-14-2009 06:41 PM

I think non-number goals are fabulous. I very much relied on them in the 2 years after I hit maintenance, actually. Mine was to climb a 14-er and do a midnight charity bike ride (costume and all) through the streets of Denver.

I need to come up with another one :chin:

Tuca125 11-14-2009 06:49 PM

My is about cloths .
I have a pant that I want to be able to use in new year.
It will be like 10 pounds less.

ms hodge 11-14-2009 10:44 PM

I have a horse who is young and pretty hot-headed. I used to love a really amped-up horse, but I took a few years off riding, gained weight, lost my balance and many of my skills and have become a nervous rider.

So I want to get back into my groove of being a more aggressive, competent rider and that involves a lot of core strength and balance!

Mickeypnd 11-15-2009 04:49 AM

to run on my treadmill for longer then 4 minutes would be wonderful!

Everlasting 11-15-2009 01:48 PM

Belly dance confidently in front of others with a candelabra on my head. :D

Lackie 11-15-2009 02:13 PM

My non number goal is to be able to run a half marathon. However, my short term non number is to run a 5K in under 30 mins.

Aclai4067 11-15-2009 02:33 PM

I have several:
-get back in the habit of tracking EVERYTHING I eat (I used to be good at this but I've been slcking for a few months now)
-work out consistantly (I tend to do well for a week or 2, the off for a week or 2)
-walk stone mountain without me knees hurting on the way back down (and I Though all I had to conquer was the up!)

Some more distant goals:
-rock climbing
-half marathon
-sprint triathalon

platformnine 11-15-2009 02:49 PM

Jogging outside! This is something I've never wanted to do before, and never would have before the lifestyle change, however now that I'm doing C25K I'd like to be outside next summer jogging in SHORTS! I also am aiming for my GW to be reached during late summer/early fall of next year so I do have a look-good-in-a-bathing-suit goal (and hoping to wear a goal bikini or two by the end of the summer!). I also want to go hiking for real in the spring/summer with my boyfriend - he's really outdoorsy.

smisen 11-15-2009 05:27 PM

-To wear shorts next summer, for the first time in about 5 years
-To finish a sprint triathlon next summer and not be a) last or b) beat by anyone over 60
-To fit back into my first gold bedlah (sparkly bellydance costume)
-To fit back into this beautiful cream cowl neck sweater and grey pencil skirt outfit that I bought for Christmas about 7 years ago
-To feel beautiful at my wedding next summer (so that I don't feel guilty blowing several grand on pictures that I don't love!)

angee phalangee 11-15-2009 07:59 PM

short term:
I'm training to run a 5k.
Also, my trainer tried to have me hold a weight in each hand, lift up on my toes, row one hand up at a time (so balance on 2 toes and one hand) and then do a leg raise...repeat 10 times. I couldn't do it. I tried and tried and I never got one row - no balance. So I'm not stopping until I can do it.

long term:
half marathon
full marathon
fit into my skinny sleep shorts (weird i know, but i miss them and they're TINY)

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