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calisa86 04-07-2009 12:57 PM

Worst day EVER!!!
Hello Everyone,

This morning, I'm feeling like a total and complete idiot. Yesterday was the WORST day of my weight loss journey so far. I don't know what happened, I don't know what triggered it, but yesterday was like so many days I had before i started losing weight....i just kept eating, and eating, and eating. If i told you guys everything I ate you just wouldn't believe it. It was pretty gross and very unprovoked. I just don't know what happened. I think it's a combination and rebounding from the weekend and just really being OVER exercising already. I'm starting to loath it! It's just so frustrating. Yesterday was a huge mental set back for me. It just let me know how far I actually have to go...geez, it's gonna take forever for me to get to a "normal size". DAMN! I'm just tired of thinking about weight every minute of every day.

aimee88 04-07-2009 01:22 PM

:hug: Dont be frustrated! Its hard but you have to take it one day at a time. Just stay on plan today and you'll feel better eventually.

Just remember how great you've done this far. You can't undo all your hard work!

Good Luck

belezura 04-07-2009 01:25 PM

Sorry about your “bad day”. We all have to deal with them... I know it wasn’t your first and trust me, wont be the last either.
It feels really bad when it happens and just make us see how addict we are to food and how much we have to fight against it.
It is a daily battle... But the good thing is that now you can see it and you are working hard to change your life around.
I use those experiences to make me stronger and show my addiction that I am more powerful and at the end I’ll prevail!

Macomom 04-07-2009 02:47 PM

Give yourself a few days to feel better and then look back and see what happened. Were you bored? Were you feeling neglected? Were you self medicating? I think it is important to understand the why...
If you know the why, you can prevent it from happening again. I have actually been finding the more I understand the "why", the less I have to think about the food, the strategy and the monotony of it all.
Hope you figure it out, give yourself some time though- frustration makes everything worse.

bindersbee 04-07-2009 03:51 PM

Good news! Your bad day was a single day. You haven't turned it into a 'bad week' or a 'bad month'. You had a bad day. You caught yourself. It's not having the bad moments that derails our efforts- it's the letting the bad day extend into the next day and the next that causes us to fail.

Yes. You fell down. You also got back up immediately and have started to move forward again. Even the people on the 'Biggest Loser' have moments when they do exactly what you've done when given the opportunity. They are on tv, they know people will see and they still fall down. It happens. The succeeders are the ones who pick right back up and keep on going. Over time the new habits will be more ingrained and you'll be less likely to have really bad days.

Bad news- you will have to eat consciously for the rest of your life. The difference will be that as you get used to it, it will be so second nature that you don't have to think QUITE as much about it in order to make it work. You'll always have to do what you have to do now but as it becomes familiar it will get easier to do it.

Iconised Ghost 04-07-2009 04:36 PM

:hug: i think we all have days like that where we're just like "Screw it, I'm sick of thinking about it, im just going to eat". It wont take you forever to get to a normal size :) Ive found that these days get further and further apart, so that will probably happen for you. And im sure people who are a normal size have those kinds of days too every now and again :dizzy:

efova 04-07-2009 04:41 PM

When I think about weight loss every minute of every day that's when I get myself into the most trouble. How can you resist food if it's all you can think about? I think the best thing you can do for yourself is plan your meals and snacks ahead of time so that the thinking is already done and you just need to concern yourself with the doing. I think it's also important to set mini goals. It seems impossible to lose 50, 60, 70, etc. pounds, but it's totally doable to lose 10 pounds and keep it off and if you do it enough times you'll end up at goal. Every pound is progress.

calisa86 04-07-2009 08:32 PM

Thanks ladies! Thank you all so very much! It was just one day and this morning I dragged my butt to the gym and worked incredibly hard to work off the poor decisions I made yesterday. You all are right, it was just one day, one moment and those bad times ARE growing fewer and farther in between. Thank you all for your support. Its so good to have people get exactly what you're thinking and trying to explain.

thanks thanks thanks!

Thighs Be Gone 04-07-2009 08:47 PM

That's the spirit Calisa!

p.s. I had a bad day yesterday too. Let us BOTH rejoice tonight that we both had good workouts today. I didn't feel like doing it--it is always hard after binging to exercise hard. But I struggled and got through it--just like you!

Makare 04-07-2009 11:13 PM

I agree it is so nice having so many people around who really understand. I know I get what you are saying and they are all right, don't beat yourself up about it. It's like that really corny saying about getting back on the horse again, that's the way it works.

Keep it up and thing positive, that's what I tell myself.

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