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NishKitten 11-08-2008 04:01 PM

Dear god the drama has already started...
Okay, there is a core setup when it comes to groups of female friends. You have the intelligent, motherly, responsible one, the crazy loud party girl/drama queen, the friend that is ALWAYS depressed about something, and the ditz.

Today Crazy, Prozac, and Ditzy held an intervention of sorts to report to me that my husband is having a secret affair... in Iraq. :rolleyes: This astounding conclusion was made after she overheard her baby daddy (who is deployed with DH) joking around with all the guys about an inside joke that is far too complex and gross to describe here, but trust me it's stupid and not even funny unless you're drunk or you have a penis. They were also teasing my husband about 'his girl'. 'His Girl' being the not-right-in-the-head LNO that gives him the butterfly lashes every time she see's him, and has been stalking him and one of his friends since they got there. Apparently she is a very embarrassing person to be stalked by, and i've already been aware of this and I make fun of him about it every chance I get. Why?

My husband has NO game, and no social skills. He's scared of most girls, he is not a smooth talker, and he is not even romantic in the slightest. In fact, the only reason I decided he was worth dating is because of his brutal honesty and the fact that he himself is just... hilarious. Not because he means to be (sometimes he does), but because he just IS. You know Spicolli? THAT'S my husband. Heck, the night we started dating he had the bartender send me a beer. It was a Coors light. :mad: I sent it back because I only drink Michelob Ultra. He got the bartender to get him a MU and brought it over to me, put it on the bar and said angrily, "Here! Now what is it gonna take to f*cking impress you? I ain't got sh*t!" He growled at me the rest of the night! The next day we were changing tires on some old busted down 5 Tons and he kept winking and making kissy faces at me. He thought it was sexy. I thought he needed medication. LOL!!!

Whatever that poor girl is thinking, she is sorely mistaken. :lol:

I told them I already knew about that stupid crap and that it wasn't a big deal. Now The Concerned Gossips Brigade has taken it upon themselves to give me that 'poor thing, she's in denial' look every ten minutes. I'm seriously going to punch one of them in their stupid face. I didn't today at the confrontation since my marriage intervention happened to be when we all got together to see another friends newborn this morning.

I trust my husband, he's not a dog, he doesn't need a leash. Just because I don't get uptight about a bunch of monkey *** boys acting like a bunch of monkey *** boys doesn't mean my marriage is falling apart. We've been together for eons and six combined deployments on top of that. I don't give a crap if some little 18 year old girl is starstruck over him. If she knew the exorbitant cost of feeding that Sasquatch and what his socks smell like she might change her mind. LoL. If my idiot friends would get out of their SO's butts they might notice their relationships improve, and I wouldn't get stuck listening to their melodramatic overblown crap 24/7. I'm all for taking care of your friends, but don't try to cause a problem when there isn't one. Once you've got photos on myspace of them canoodling THEN let me know. Until then it's speculation, or as it was in this case, just a stupid joke taken out of context.

I was so mad I ate three butterscotch 'It's A Boy!' cupcakes and a bowl of Neopolitan ice cream. But I do feel better now. :p

jahjah1223 11-08-2008 04:54 PM

I had a cheeseburger today and it didnt stop there.. i had about 5 chicken wings! but im going to the gym in a few minutes to work them all off hopefully lol

Chele615 11-08-2008 05:12 PM

I went shopping with my mom this afternoon and managed to get my nieces and nephew's Christmas presents all bought!!! I had outfits already for all of them and just needed toys. Well, I found some good stuf.....although my nephew was the hardest to buy "toys" for since he's only 3 months old. But I pretty much have all of that taken care of. I still haven't started any other Christmas shopping, but I like knowing that the kids are done! They're the fun ones anyway! haha

We went food shopping afterwards and my mom and I were both starving by the time we got in there. Bad mistake! haha But we didn't overindulge with any bad foods or anything, so I can't complain too much. I refilled some of my fruits and vegetables that have been pretty nonexistant for the past week or so.

The rest of the night will probably be spent cleaning my room and doing some laundry. I still haven't unpacked from when I went away last weekend...haha. So, I should get that done and then definitely tackle my room. It kind of looks like a bomb hit it and only managed to leave a trail from my bed to the door!

jahjah1223 11-08-2008 06:48 PM

I went food shopping yesterday too .. is it just here or is food getting really expensive? i mean especially healthy food?

carcar05 11-08-2008 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Arlene Dallas (Post 2444050)

I have been moving forward but sometimes I then sabatoge myself like I did this week and take two steps backwards...I have to keep focusing on the positives in my life and not the negatives.

I'm glad I didn't offend ya! It's human nature to take those two steps backwards - you are doing great and good luck with all you are dealing with!

kelli32 11-08-2008 10:11 PM


I went out last night and go thome around... 2ish maybe. I wanted pizza sooo bad but as I was cooking my bfs I talked myself out of it. I almost consumed almost 700 calories of crap for no reason.

I'm having a so so weekend as far as food goes, I haven't exercised once. I'm a bad bad girl.

Chele615 11-08-2008 11:35 PM

Food shopping is ridiculous!! We didn't even fill the cart and it was still close to $100!

sh3l5 11-09-2008 02:26 AM

its expensive in the uk too....
fruit n vegetables cost more than pizzas n chips!....
its no wonder people dont go for the healthy options....
Sundays started with a wildblueberry yogurt for me, YUM YUM!....

misstraveller 11-09-2008 07:56 AM

Oh dear... I have blown this weekend.... Well, really it was just a carry-over from a crappy week of eating and not exercising. URG. Already had lasagna today. Gonna have to stick with fruits and veggies for the rest of the day. Hope you all are doing better than I am. Feeling fat and really just not motivated. Think I'll go do an exercise vid that always helps.

Kataclismic 11-09-2008 09:19 AM

I had a good weekend, a mediocre week and today is "brunch day". Every other Sunday, I take my little girl out for brunch and we gossip and eat lots of whip cream, then we spend the afternoon at the Library. I love sundays!

But first...a spin class! Have a good rest of the weekend!

sh3l5 11-09-2008 09:23 AM

ive just eaten three boiled potatoes, cup boiled broccolli & cup boiled carrots (est 300 cals)....
apple crumble, home made with no sugar at all (est 150 cals)....
along with my yogurt this morning (94 cals)....
and my workouts, i think i am doing well....

do my estimates seem accurate to people?....

Chele615 11-09-2008 12:11 PM

I got up this morning and went straight to the gym. It was kind of funny though because as I was nearing the end of my street to turn onto the main road, I saw one of my students from school. I live in the same town as the high school that I work at, so I see my kids all over the place. I waved at her and she looked so confused as to who was waving to her as she waved back. Then I remembered....I was wearing my contacts and had my bangs pushed back in a headband since I was going to the gym. At school, I always wear my glasses and have my hair down curly and with bangs. Haha...I'll have to tell her it was me tomorrow.

But I went to the gym and did some time on the recumbent bike and on the elliptical. I swear, I was sweating so much more from the bike than I was on the elliptical. It was crazy!

I splurged a bit at breakfast time because my parents had an Entenmann's Raspberry Danish twist that was open and I had some of that for breakfast instead of my normal cereal or english muffin. However, it was just a bit more calorie wise than the other breakfast choices, so it wasn't too bad in the long run, I guess. I used to love the raspberry danish and could eat half of it myself....so one little piece is actually an improvement ;) LOL

Today is Patriots Game Day....so there will be a spread laid out for the day. My mom has been really good about putting out carrots and celery and cheese for me to snack on instead of chips and nachos. Plus, I already figured out calories for dinner (my aunt is bringing meatballs), so I know the ballpark that I can snack on throughout the day.

Just gotta get through my laundry and finishing tidying up one of the corners of my room that I never really got to yesterday! I also want to go through my laptop hard drive and burn some DVD's of videos that I have on my laptop and burn some of my picture folders to a CD so that there's more space on my computer. So, hopefully it will be a productive day where that's concerned.

Jelbb 11-09-2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by NishKitten (Post 2444065)
If she knew the exorbitant cost of feeding that Sasquatch and what his socks smell like she might change her mind.

Oh Nish. I actually just laughed out loud. An awful lot. :lol:

I'm so happy today. Not only has the scale dipped to 152.8 (!?!?!?!:D!?!?:D?!?!?!) but I got to video chat to my boy for a good long time today. I finally told him that I'm no longer eating wheat/gluten for the sake of my health. I hadn't told him, and I also haven't told him that I've lost 11 lbs. I'm seeing him in 33 days, and I want it to be a big surprise for him. But the thing is... I'm going to Dublin and staying in his house with his family, and have been worried that his mom will see me as the "picky houseguest" who won't eat any of her cooking.

So I didn't tell him that I'd lost weight, but I told him that I wasn't eating wheat/gluten anymore, and it's made me feel a ton better, and I'm sticking to it. He was a bit confused at first, and asked me if this was some crazy diet scheme, but I assured him that it's for the sake of my health, and that I really do feel a lot better.

I see a lot of ladies on here talking about how their DHs or bfs get annoyed with their diets and try to talk them into eating junk, or get frustrated, and I was just so pleased with my bf. He continued on to say, "So what does that mean you can't eat?" "Okay, what can you eat then?" "What about when we go out to restaurants?" "Doesn't beer have wheat in it?" (Not Coors Light or Budweiser, and they have Bud on tap *everywhere* in Ireland!)

So after he finished his little FAQ, he was just like, "Alright, cool." And I went on a tangent about how I'm going to e-mail his mom and tell her about what I can't eat, and aside from the money I'm going to give her for what meals she makes that I DO eat, I'm gonna go grocery shopping when I get there so I have my own food, so she doesn't have to change how she cooks. The last thing I want is to be a giant inconvenience. BF, in awesomely sweet fashion said, "Don't worry about that. Just give me a list of the foods that you *can* eat, and we'll go pick them up before you arrive. She won't mind, she'll make whatever." I'm not letting him, I'm insisting on going and buying the stuff myself when I get there... but, god how sweet.

AND, throughout all this... I was able to keep the fact that I've lost 11 lbs since he was here under wraps, acting like I JUST started doing it. :D Yay!

sh3l5 11-09-2008 02:32 PM

a yogurt (50 cals) small apple (80 cals) and a small fruit cake for tea (50 cals)....
im sat infront of the fire now conducting some private study....
i needed a break, have done a good few hours solid and am loosing motivation now!....

misstraveller 11-09-2008 02:51 PM

Jelbb - OMG someone else in the same form of H-E-double hockey stick long AKA long distance relationships. Ok, so how in the world did you meet your boyfriend and how long have you all been together? Ireland is a long long way away from Canada!! :(
My boyfriend is in Georgia and I'm in Italy, so I completely understand the not being together for months, living for each phone call and spending hours on video chat (thank god for SKYPE). It's stressful, but I too am waiting for another 50ish days to see mine, and I love that I've lost weight and he can't tell til he sees me in person. It's just the greatest! :) It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who is crazy enough to do this...

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