Daily Accountability - October

  • well i know JamieJo and I are writing down what we eat and posting it on another thread daily... so i thought that others might want to do this too... figured we could have one thread to write down our calories/points/etc (whatever plan you're on) and if you stuck to them.

    I'll start. Yesteday i was off plan but only by 25 calories which isn't bad. Tonight i get my WW at home kit delivered and i can't wait

    So here's my food log from yesterdy:

    2 coffee creamers - 140
    Carnation Instant Breakfast w/1c skim milk - 150
    Strawberries & Cream oatmeal (1pack) - 30
    Campbells Chunky Chic. Broc Cheese w/Potato Soup - 400
    coffee - 70
    PB Crackers - 200
    2.5 honeycombs - 300
    1.5 cup skim milk - 135

    Total Calories - 1425
    Over Calories by 25
  • reading that just made me hungry! It also made me realize that I totally forgot to eat breakfast today, and its 12:30 my time! How on earth could I forget to eat? That is like, not normal for me, I'm always thinking about food.
  • Where do you find oatmeal that's 30 calories? Mine's like 160 a pack!
  • i was just thinking the same thing..perhaps 130?
  • ya, thats gotta be a typo...otherwise I NEED TO KNOW RIGHT NOW! LMAO!