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estellas 03-21-2008 10:11 AM

Remember- I agree with arts. Everyone slips up but what matters is that you keep trying to do better! You can't change what happened yesterday!

Also, I noticed the 3FC has a group just for people who binge (chicks in control?). Maybe they have some advice for you about how to overcome those urges or at least you can see that there are many many people in your same position. I hope today went better for you!

shrinkinglizzy 03-21-2008 10:46 AM

Remember -- thanks for posting. It takes a certain type of courage to be honest with yourself, and then to be honest here...good for you, and I appreciate hearing about your struggles! Of course we've all been there...and I don't know about you, but 2 brownies and a half a box of mac and cheese is less damage than I've done in the past, that's for sure. Anyway, keep posting!!

Arts -- glad you had fun with your cast!!

I'm getting myself ready for a difficult weekend, lots of gatherings/parties and drinking, plus it's Purim (Jewish holiday) and I've decided to bake some traditional cookies...and jazz them up with Nutella, which I am now carrying around in my bag because I don't want my boyfriend to know we have it (he's worse than me with the binging lately).

Happy Purim everyone!


sweettart08 03-21-2008 11:45 AM

Remember - I definitely agree with Lizzy....I have done so much more damage than 2 brownies and 1/2 box of mac and cheese in the past....but I'm sorry it made you feel so crummy!!! You are doing soooo great - I hope that you are finding ways to keep busy and not feel discouraged!!!

Lizzy - Enjoy your holiday weekend!!! And just remember to plan, plan, plan!! Even if that means planning to be in recover mode Monday morning ;)Try to make good choices, and set limits that you are comfortable with, but don't let it stress you out....which can ultimately lead to more bad eating and frustration, right?!?!? Monday will come soon enough and you can get right back on plan :)

Happy Easter everyone!!!

shrinkinglizzy 03-21-2008 07:35 PM

sweettart -- that is the best advice you could have given me!! i ate two cookies that i'd baked and already started feeling that"forget it, i screwed up, i may as well just give up till monday" feeling, and then thought, "wait, it was two cookies!! so what??" i'm going to track those cookies now...

RememberHowToSmile 03-21-2008 10:25 PM

First off I want to say thank you to everyone who commented back to me last night. I don’t know what was wrong with me. Today has been a better. I am down to 166 which kindof seems amazing to me. Did you know the average women’s weight is 162 pounds which means I’m pretty close to average. I’m staying strong. I went out to lunch with my sister only ate about 1/3 of the eggplant parm and pasta, a bowl of chicken soup, and about half of my coleslaw. I have a very health dinner planned, the rest of the stir fry from yesterday.

And on a side note I was just thinkint about I went on a binge like that was during finals last semester, December. I ate an entire pint of haggen daiz ice cream in 15 minutes. I nearly puked afterwards (not by forcing myself but just because that is way too much food for one person in that short of a period of time). Two days later I told people, I felt guilty about it. After I told everyone I felt better like I wasn't hiding my faults. I think that is why I felt compelled to post last night. I wanted to get it off my chest and stop. If I didn't say anything then I was afraid I would have just kept eating.
Lizzy – Um I wouldn’t say that law school is a good quarter life crisis thing (although I’m currently in one) but I enjoy it. It is a lot of work but I keep telling myself it will all be worth it. Right now I like that I am actually given the opportunity to help people.
Lissa – I love mary kay one of my friends recently started selling it and it is wonderful. Good luck.

Stars - Um I'm in law school, at my internship I actually work. I act as an attorney for real clients and I am supervisored by a licensed attorney. I am currently representing a client in the court of appeals for veterans claims and my name is the one on the record for the case. Its actually pretty cool, I don't think I will do veteran law for compensation but I enjoy doing it now on a pro bono basis. Every internship is different I would say make sure that you know what you get into and what their expectations of you are and what you will actually be able to do.

Shan - that sounds really fun cooking with your mom, I wish my mom didn't live 600 miles away for reasons like that. Good job resisting the ice cream.

Sassy - I'm going to go look that up now. . .

Cookie - I always attribute my success to wanting to actually chaning my life and wanting to live. I realized that I was eating myself to death, as for a program I like calorie counting because it gives me control if I want to spend my calories on ice cream I can if I want to eat salad all day then go for it. I like the flexibility of calorie counting.

Sweettart - good job working out!

Arts - good job on going out sometimes it is good to get over those hurtles.

artsnsmarts 03-22-2008 11:52 AM

Hey everyone --

I recently realized that it's only a couple months until this incredible class that I take during the summer. It's a theatre intensive...so we start at 8 am and usually go until 10 pm. The teachers are UNBELIEVABLE and the training is ridiculously awesome. Soooooooo if you see the new ticker on the bottom of my post...that's what it's for!!

I'm also putting aside $80/week, which will allow me to have the tuition available ($800) by the end of registration. (May 30) I have a combined money saved/weight lost chart on my computer, and I can't wait to start filling in the numbers! I really really hope I can stick with this goal. It's taken me a REALLY long time to lose the weight I have already, so I'm hoping to be able to kick-start myself into losing these pounds just a little faster, but I don't really know what to do! Eek! Any thoughts?

On the bright side, I'm down another .5, which means that I've taken off all the binge weight from that episode a little while ago PLUS another .5, so I'm happy!

scorpio88 03-22-2008 05:47 PM

Tomorrow my family and I celebrate Easter, which scares me as coming from a Greek family, those dinners can be quite large in quantity! As the only Vegetarian in my family, it helps because I can use that excuse not to eat meat and a lot of the meals prepared involve meat. ;)

Happy Easter everyone! One of my favourite holidays, at almost 20, I still enjoy decorating eggs like a child! :lol:

CookieMonster416 03-23-2008 02:28 AM

Don't you guys hate that? I mean big events that are supposed to be so wonderful like Easter and birthdays are daunting when trying to be healthy because we live in a culture where fun and celebration = pigging out on yummy food

SassySar81 03-23-2008 08:42 AM

Happy Easter everyone. Wishing you all a great day! Hopefully I, as well as all of you, do good with eating today. I know there will probably more food around for most of us than usual. I myself am going to brunch at 10 a.m. and another dinner at 2 with my boyfriends family...YIKES. I don't have school tomorrow so I think I will go to the gym at midnight when it reopens tonight to burn off my meals. Have a great day everyone!

emmyroo 03-23-2008 09:24 AM

Happy Easter!

I guess the one advantage to being isolated and in the middle of nowhere is that I don't have Easter plans, other than prepping the next unit for my students (ugh - I already did four hours of grading yesterday!). So I won't really have the chance to pig out. There will be goodies at church, of course - I'll pick my one favorite and then leave, I suppose.

RememberHowToSmile 03-23-2008 09:43 AM

Happy Easter All! I am spending easter with my sister. We are making ham, potatos, and green beans (which mean I will probable eating ham for the rest of the week.) Just a quiet low key day doing homework.

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