3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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sfrunner 01-21-2008 08:00 PM

Hi everyone!
I am new to 3FC, and am looking for some support in my weight loss journey. I read the posts on the site, and you guys seem like a great bunch of girls! I lost about 40 pounds a couple of years ago, but am still 20 pounds away from my goal weight. I decided that I need to start watching what I eat more as I am starting to have a hard time fitting into the pants I was so proud to buy :( I have the hardest time at work with my eating..even when I plan everything out, there is always candy around..and when I get stressed out and working late..that candy jar doesn't know what hit it! It's funny, but really not :( Looking forward to getting to know you girls!


HappyMomma05 01-21-2008 08:07 PM

:welcome3: sfrunner!! This is the best place you could be for support on your weightloss journey!!

Sister of the groom 01-21-2008 08:09 PM

Welcome!!! I too know what it is like to lose out at work when it comes to watching what you eat-I work in a grocery store! Whatever I am craving is only a few aisles over! These days I look at the calories per serving on whatever I am craving and that usually turns me off.:p Good Luck and hope to more (or less I guess!) of you.

sfrunner 01-21-2008 08:09 PM

Thanks, Happy Momma :) Congratulations on your weight loss so far!!

Florida Native 01-21-2008 08:10 PM

I hear you. I need motivation as well. I try to keep the snacks out of the house unless it's the fat free pudding or something I can feel like I'm cheating with but isn't that bad in reality. Ha-ha. So, what is your plan to lose the weight? I'm curious how others are doing it.

HappyMomma05 01-21-2008 08:11 PM

hey, thanks!!

HappyMomma05 01-21-2008 08:12 PM

Florida Native: I'm on the Sonoma diet. I really like it even though the first 10 days are pretty tough. It seems like when I start losing, it's hard to gain it back even if I cheat a day or two. Unless my cheating day or two turns into a month or two.

tinsica 01-21-2008 08:14 PM

Welcome around, Sfrunner!

Cats tongue 01-21-2008 08:19 PM


Glad you decided to join our forum.

Ugh, I hear you on the hard to eat right at work. that was always a big hurtling stone for me. I can eat fine and dandy at school, no problem. But work would always just drain me and I wouldn't be able to resist buying that chocolate bar (I worked at a health food grocery store, and there is nothing better than organic chocolate... hmmmm. yummy.) at lunch... It was bad.

Do you have a plan idea for those last 20lbs?

Florida Native 01-21-2008 08:23 PM

HappyMomma, thanks for the info. I'm going to have to look into that one! I haven't heard of it before.

redlight 01-21-2008 08:47 PM

Welcome sfrunner! We're just about the same size. I lost 30 pounds in 2006, now I'm trying to lose 12 or at least to get rid of the pudge around my stomach.

sfrunner 01-22-2008 06:16 PM

Thanks for the support guys :)

Happy momma, I totally feel you with the off plan one to two months..I feel like it's been an off-plan year!

Cats, I am kind of at a loss for how to lose the rest of this weight. Redlight, what is your plan? We are just about the same size :) I generally eat pretty healthy, but I know there are a couple of things I can improve...1) not eating chocolate in the afternoon...we have a huge candy jar at work, and whenever I am at work late (which is often) I sometimes totally od on that candy. 2) i have NO self control sometimes..when we get muffins on friday mornings, sometimes i'll have three throughout the day even if i'm not hungry..its like they're there so i have to eat them.

So basically my plan is to have more common sense! And stop letting my coworkers convince me into cookies in the afternoon :) I already work out a lot (usually every day), so I think I'm really going to have to focus on food..I read in Abs Diet, that a great body is 80% diet, 20% exercise!

Redlight, what's your plan?

mamaplots 01-23-2008 03:40 AM

Hello and welcome!! Congrats on your weight loss so far!! I'm doing the WW at home program and it's wonderful!!! Good luck with the rest of your Wloss!!

redlight 01-23-2008 08:13 PM

Hey sfrunner! I've done a couple of plans before like south beach, but works best for me is moderate eating and getting plenty of exercise. I also really have to cut back on drinking alcohol (to like almost none) to lose.

Have you tried having only one muffin?

NattieJo 01-23-2008 09:48 PM

i'm pretty new too-- honestly... i've learned that writing down my calories every single day works best for me. i've done weight watchers in the past (which has given me a good basis for calories to fat to fiber ratios) but when i take the time to look up the calories in what i eat- I learn the quality of the item and whether it's worth it or not.

i try to keep calories between 1200-1500... i use calorieking dot com to look up everything.

i also only weigh myself in the mornings... it's a much better reading for me to go off of than the end of the day :)

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