I wanna stay fat because.....

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  • I want to stay fat because it's so much fun looking for the biggest size on the rack, and still wondering if it's going to fit.

    I love asking the flight attendant for an extender. It's really fun when she comes swinging it down the row and whirls it out for the world to see.

    I want to stay fat because I love living dangerously by not wearing a seat belt that won't fit.
  • I want to stay fat because two chins are always better than one!

    I want to stay fat because I LOVE that swish sound that your inner thighs make when you wear corduroys (sp?)

    I want to stay fat because back cleavage is sexy.

    I want to stay fat because I can almost take flight if I flap my arms fast enough.

    I want to stay fat because I'm the one that boosts all my skinny friends' egos.

    and last but not least..... I want to stay fat because I don't have dimples on my face, so I figure I might as well have them on my butt!!

    Thanks for the thread.... it's made me laugh.....
  • I want to stay fat because health scares keep my life exciting!

    I want to stay fat because who wants to sit at a booth in a restaurant?!

    I want to stay fat because I hear shapeless clothes are all the rage this winter.

    I want to stay fat because I like a little mystery in my day (Will I be able to get off that extra low couch? Will I fit through that turnstile? What piece of my wardrobe will be joining most of my clothes in the "will fit again someday" section of the closet?)

    I want to stay fat because I've been this way so long, I'm really getting the hang of it!
  • I want to stay fat because I love the looks people give me in a restaurant, like I don't deserve to eat!

    I want to stay fat because I don't really need to see my feet to know they're there!

    I want to stay fat because I love standing behind everyone in pictures!
  • Quote: I want to stay fat because I LOVE that swish sound that your inner thighs make when you wear corduroys (sp?)

    I wanna stay fat because MY legs make that sound WITHOUT wearing cords, or any pants at all!

  • I want to stay fat because I love squeezing myself into "shaping" undergarments to try to look normal.

    I want to stay fat because I love not being able to find pants that fit.

    I want to stay fat because I love the pain in my knees. It reminds me I'm alive!

    I want to stay fat because I love worrying if I'm disturbing my downstairs neighbors when I walk in my apartment.

    I want to stay fat because I enjoy being fatter than my fiance (who is 4" taller).

    I want to stay fat because I enjoy being the fattest person in the room.
  • Just had to say thanks for the laughs. I really needed that.

    I love the comments about the cords. I was telling a girl at work that I don't wear cords because I don't want to start a fire.

    I want to stay fat because I like not knowing if I have a belly button or not.

    I want to stay fat because I like having to grab onto the furniture so that I can get up from the floor if I sit there too long.
  • Quote: I want to stay fat because I love squeezing myself into "shaping" undergarments to try to look normal.
    That is a great one!! Skinny people worry about what their husbands will think of them without makeup on..... fat people think about what their husbands will think of them without their body shapers on!!

    What motivation!
  • I want to stay fat to help save water in the bathtub. More of me in the tub uses less water to fill the tub. When I take a bath I like it hot as I can stand it and as full as I can get it.
  • Oooh... I've got another one.

    I want to stay fat because I love the "sock line" I have on my ankles after I take off my socks.
  • I wanna stay fat because I like wearing out the shocks in my car.
    I wanna stay fat because baggy spandex clothes are overrated.
    I wanna stay fat because I like getting stuck in dressing rooms with a dress stuck over my head. (yes, that happened to me!)
    I wanna stay fat because I like the nervous looks people get when they see me at a buffet.
  • Oo oh, one more:
    I wanna stay fat because I love panty hose that doesn't fit. It really thrills me when the crotch won't go higher than my knees and I'm worried I'll fall over.
  • I though of some more. Also I NEVER realized how many other people had the same problems with flying and seatbelts as I do. Wow. I’m actually excited to see the shocked look on my sisters face when we fly this winter and I don’t have to put the arm rest between us up because I can fit into the seat and that I can comfortable put my own seatbelt on without an extender! (Or at least that is what I am hoping for)

    * I like being fat because then people don’t ask me or assume I had weightloss surgery. (Not that I’m apposed to other people getting the surgery but it bothers me that people only assume I can loose weight though surgery.)
    * I wanna stay fat because I like the looks I get from waiters/waitress. If I order a burger and fries then the that’s why you’re fat look and if I order a salad with fat free dressing the who are you trying to fool look.
    * I wanna stay fat because I like struggling to put seatbelts on in the car.
    * I wanna stay fat because I like everyone assuming any health problems I have are a direct result of my obesity.
    * I wanna stay fat because I enjoy going to three stores to try and find a winter coat and then just settling on whatever fits.
    * I wanna stay fat because I enjoy paying extra money for clothing.
  • Quote: * I wanna stay fat because I like the looks I get from waiters/waitress. ...if I order a salad with fat free dressing the who are you trying to fool look.
    I feel that too. I wonder how much is my own embarrassment of ordering healthy foods at my size, rather than them giving me a look ("projecting" in psycho-speak). I think I don't want people to know I'm trying. Yet again. I get the same urge to hide when I'm buying a load of healthy stuff at the market or excercising in public. I imagine they're thinking, "Honey, whatever you're doing, it ain't working." I SOOO need to stop worrying about what other people think. It's dumb and the rational side of me says that they don't care!
  • I wanna stay fat because if I get caught in a blizzard, I'll need the fuel to keep my alive.

    I wanna stay fat because it's so flattering to get a sweater for Christmas that's even bigger than I am. "Gee, honey, I thought you were a size frillion."