Putting the Weekend in Perspective

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  • Well, we went out of town for half the weekend. I kept track of what I ate and tried to make decent choices, but it was hard because we were staying with a friend who wanted to go some different places than we did.

    When all is said and done, I ate more than I normally do, and yesterday was the first time I did NOT have a calorie deficit -- about a 500 calorie surplus -- since I started calorie counting last August (At least, if my estimates of eating and activity are accurate,and they may not be. There are a number of days where calories in and calories out are very close, and it's likely I had surpluses those days too.) Wow, until I wrote that I did not realize how well I have been doing!

    I think I could have made a couple of better decisions, but I did, for the most part, enjoy what I ate! The best part is comparing what I did this weekend with what I would have done in the past. For example:

    - we tried to get some good walking in, and managed to walk well over an hour "aerobically" -- meaning that while it wasn't fast, each session did last at least 10 minutes at a stretch.

    - we had a 4-5 hour drive each way and packed our snacks rather than eating what my husband fondly calls "road food"

    - I ordered more veggies at restaurants, chose smaller portions, and deliberately did not eat everything in front of me just because it was there.

    - I did not order desserts or alcoholic beverages (knowing we were eating a lot already).

    - I was conscious of my choices and remained accountable.

    So, when I look at it that way, who cares that I ate more bread than I should have one day or some such? I am continuing to make progress toward making this a new lifestyle -- one where I can go away and eat unplanned meals occasionally and be okay. That's what's important, and has helped me put the weekend in perspective. That, and I seem to be back on track today!!
  • What a great attitude!!!
  • It looks like you've done really well, congratulations. No-one can be perfect all of the time, the important thing is to make sure that you're consistently making better choices than you used to make, and you seem to have cracked that one! It's so important to focus on the things you did right rather than the things that weren't quite on plan, and to make sure you keep that perspective.

    Well done!
  • Wow, I think you did a fantastic job!
    You're back on today...and you should be very, very proud

  • Sounds like you did really well. Way to go!!! I am impressed you kept up with the exercise as well!
  • Congratulations! What a great weekend, controlled just the way it should be.

    But I'm not surprised, your posts are always full of good sense and level-headedness, and a joy to read.
  • Quote: So, when I look at it that way, who cares that I ate more bread than I should have one day or some such? I am continuing to make progress toward making this a new lifestyle -- one where I can go away and eat unplanned meals occasionally and be okay. That's what's important, and has helped me put the weekend in perspective. That, and I seem to be back on track today!!
    wow, that's great! real proof that you are adopting and maintaining the healthy lifestyle you want to. Congrats!
  • Thanks, everyone. I think my tendency is to panic when I think I'm eating more than I'm "allowed," which is a really silly way to think. This weekend was the first time I tried to relax quite a bit and allow myself to say that a surplus, especially a controlled one, is fine. I'm trying to think like a maintainer a bit more and not worry about the weight loss, and balance the kinds of choices I do make.

    I know my daily eating has gotten into a real routine. Maybe as I branch out more this summer I can get a bit calmer about the non-routine as well, without totally losing control (my big fear!)
  • wyllen, I know exactly what you are talking about. Not long ago I became a real homebody because I was doing so well with my plan and wanted to avoid any situation where I might not have "food control". It wasn't something I did consciously, but just gradually started doing. I was missing out on things I should have been enjoying. That is certainly no way to live. It really is all about learning control, moderation, and knowing your own limits. It sounds like you've gotten it all down. Good for you!
  • You did great! Isn't it wonderful to know that even if you are not 100% on plan, that you are still on A plan???

    Congrats on a great holiday weekend!
  • Congrats!! Sounds like you have integrated some very healthy habits into your lifestyle.
  • I think you did (and are *doing*) great!
  • IMHO, you did great!

    You thought about everything , like no alcool since you knew you would be eating bigger meals, making concious choices of asking for more beges, ect. It sure sounds like this is a plan that you will be able to follow through your lifetime.

  • I was so nervous to go out of town... the other trips I have made since this began I was able to have a lot more control and so was fine, but this time...

    Lakegirl, you are right, I was on A Plan!
  • That's great Wyllenn! I wish I had the same type of control. Kudos!
