OT: I made a web site...

  • Hello everyone. I made a web site like I said I would and put it in my signature. Hopefully it doesn't get deleted because I read that thingy that said I need approval and that it can get deleted at someone's discretion. I hope they keep it on there! So, yea, it still needs a load of work but it's there. Check it out if interested. Thanks!
  • It's looking good so far, can't wait to read more of your progress Sarah!!!
  • You are off to a great start!! =)
  • Okay - why don't I see it?!
  • Quote:
    Hopefully it doesn't get deleted because I read that thingy that said I need approval and that it can get deleted at someone's discretion. I hope they keep it on there!
    Looks like the link was deleted.
  • I deleted it because my web site wasn't working right! I'm working on fixing it and then I'll add it back on... Sorry...lol I shoulda said something. I just thought it would be fixed by now!

    UPDATE: It's back up.... still needs A LOT of work but it's there!
  • That's a great start!! Good job!