Hold On My Dear Watson! Ab Sighting Report!

  • Oh my goodness! Stop the press! I just took a walk into my kitchen to serve up a bit of fruit smoothie (from the bottom of the freezer) and noticed . . . . I have ABS . . . Don't hold your breath, but they are in there. How did I inadvertently find these illusive abs, you might ask? I am SLIGHTLY sore from the 135* crunches done last night before bed . . . this small bit of soreness encourages me to go on a coupla more days . . . WATCH OUT BEYONCE and CHRISTINA!!!!!

    * The crunches are 3 sets (15 reps) and 3 variations - Thanks Bob Greene and Oprah . . . again!
  • LOL. Okay, that was too cute.

    Of course, I know there are some Alton Brown fans on the board and when I saw Ab sighting (which is what he goes by), I got a little too excited.
  • It's always nice to find parts you did not realize were there. I can't believe the difference in my body now.

    I love Alton Brown. He is so entertaining. We just got our cables version of TIVO and I love how you can just hit record series and it gets all the shows. Altons was one of the first I set to record.