it has been awhile

  • wow i havent been here in awhile, school has been really hectic and it is really hard to eat healthy here, i am taking soo many vitamins because i havent been eating much cuz i dont like what they r serving.

    i miss you guys even though u guys probably didnt even notice i was gone....
  • I noticed! I was thinking that you must have a lot on your plate settling in with school! Hope you're making some new friends, sorting out the logistical stuff ( ) and I wish you the best in figuring out how to store healthy eats in your room so you don't have to starve yourself -- not good!

    Anyway, it's good to see you and hear that you're doing well. Try not to be such a stranger, ok?
  • Hey Elle! Welcome Back. I noticed too. I knew you were starting school and I totally remember how hectic it was to get settled and learn the ropes the first few weeks.

    It's good to see you back.. How are you doing?
  • Sure we noticed. I just figured that you were really busy with school. My son is also in school full time so I know how much time all that school work takes.

    Hope your life settles down a bit and you can post more often.
  • Glad to see you were able to check in with us. I agree with Sarah that you need to eat. Your schoolwork will start suffering in the end.