Love of food question

  • After last night's meal (we had mashed potatoes and I LOVE mashed potatoes ) I realized I need to change some thinking and I'm not sure how.

    So far I've been doing well on portion control. Well with the potatoes I had 3-4 portions but alloted room for the points. But my problem is this--I don't know how to tell myself to stop eating if it's something I really, really love. It's like I have the mentality of "this is my last meal, better enjoy as much of it as I can."

    I'm trying to let myself know that it's okay to enjoy the foods, just learn to stop.
  • I do physical things to prevent myself from having too many servings of my favorite foods (like mashed potatoes).

    - I scale down recipes to make only the exact number of servings I need for that meal
    - If I do have leftovers or make something in a batch, I freeze the rest in individual portions (I've been known to do this with an entire batch of brownies - defrosting one a day to eat)
    - I have a salad or vegetables before I eat anything else to help fill up my stomach, otherwise I seriously would eat mashed potatoes or cheese for the entire meal.
  • I to have a hard time telling myself to stop when it is something I like. I have not tackled that yet. I hope with time I can learn how to control that. I am particularly bad at the night meal. I would say it is my biggest problem. I'm right there with you on trying to control it.
  • I am not good at telling myself enough so I use alot of the above tricks like eating my veggies first and making only enough for one serving per person and i also drink alot of water with my meal and just before it. It helps me feel satisfied sooner and I am less likely to binge on the stuff.
  • Because I live alone, I divide the food into portion sizes right away.

    If I don't, I can eat a whole pot of pasta w/sauce in one sitting.

    Or at least I USED TO be able to.

    Now I'm feeling fuller after eating less, which is kinda nice.