
  • Finally, people at work noticed my weight loss-only had to lose almost fifty pounds for anyone to say anything! Six people complimented me yesterday! It felt really good.

    The question that cracks me up, though is "how did you do it?" like there is some great secret..I said "eating less and exercising." My manager, who said she wants to lose weight looked disappointed in my boring answer!

    Sorry to brag, but it's the first time anyone there said anything.

  • Sherry.. it's excellent to brag!

    It's great to feel good about yourself... but I know what we all really want is what you experienced yesterday! Bravo for you!!!! You must of felt on top of the world.
  • Wow! How could it have taken so long for them to notice, when you've worked so hard!!

    But then, it's hard to see incremental changes when we are too close to a person (ourselves included), so I suppose it makes a certain sort of sense. That's why regular measuring, weighing, photo-taking, or too-loose-pants gauging is necessary to tell me I'm on the right track.

    Congrats on their noticing. It really lifts me up when someone says something! I always note it in my journal, so I can look back on my "triumphs" when I'm have a "defeatist" day.
  • Congratulations! What a great feeling that is and you have every right to feed good about your accomplishment. I don't think you were 'bragging' at all.
  • Re: Finally!!
    Originally posted by suzie76
    The question that cracks me up, though is "how did you do it?" like there is some great secret..I said "eating less and exercising." My manager, who said she wants to lose weight looked disappointed in my boring answer!
    No kidding,

    Congrats on people finally noticing!!
  • yay suzie!!! sometimes we just need that validation, i'm sorry it took everyone around you so long to notice!
  • Yahhhh suzie!!

  • The question I think is silly is "you must feel so much better." No really I feel like crap I hate being skinny.
  • Congratulations Sherry!

    You're not bragging, you are sharing your excitment with us. Way to go ~ keep up the good work!

  • Congrats!! It must be a wonderful feeling Enjoy it!!
  • Congratulations!

    I think that people are uncomfortable pointing out that you are loosing weight...because that seems to point out that you had weight to loose! Like I hadn't realized that I am overweight!

    I often get asked if I have changed my hair! NO - I lost 75 pounds I want to tell them!

    The question that cracks me up, though is "how did you do it?" like there is some great secret
    If you do have some magic secret for loosing shouldn't just tell people for could make a million dollars with that information!

  • Sherri,

    Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you. I noticed that people didn't notice on me until I had lost about 50 pounds too.

    I know exactly what you mean, people are so disappointed when they ask me how I've done it and I tell them that I'm eating a whole lot less and working out every day. They say, "Oh, you're doing that," and they're disappointed that there is no big secret.
  • Wooooohoooo! Aren't compliments the best?? And Sherry, brag away girl! You have lost 50 pounds!!!

    I'm a teacher and have just gone back to school this week having not seen most of these people since May. I've been getting all kinds of compliments too. I guess my body shrunk quite a bit during that blasted plateau even though I haven't lost many pounds since May!

    How true that they ask how are you doing it! I think people are looking for that magic pill answer because when I say healthy diet, water, and 3 to 4 miles of walking six days a week, their faces sort of they are thinking "Darn!! I can't do that!"

    The next question I get asked (being *gasp* 28 and not married) is....."Got you a boyfriend/hot man yet?" like now that I'm 55 pounds lighter I am finally worthy of one. GRRRR!!!

    But Sherry!! Brag away girl! LOL, I think people are sick of me bragging, but I can't help it! I honestly don't think I've ever been this fit and it feels great!

  • Quote:
    Originally posted by Athenaphoenix
    The next question I get asked (being *gasp* 28 and not married) is....."Got you a boyfriend/hot man yet?" like now that I'm 55 pounds lighter I am finally worthy of one. GRRRR!!!
    That's a whole other show, Ricki!