Starting to feel different...

  • Well for the first time ever i feel so positive about my weight loss...we are only at the begginging and i know that but i feel so different about it this time!! and im really loving it

    I have only lost 10lbs so far according to last fridays weigh in and im actually looking forward to weighing in on friday not like me to look forward to the scales at all!!

    Im just feeling great
  • That is great tory! i know the feeling. I have tried to lose weight many times before and failed miserably but this time something is just different and i am 9 lbs from losing 100 lbs. I still look forward to stepping on the scales. Congrats on the loss.
  • tory, that's a wonderful feeling! i get it off and on, but i know all the time that i am doing a good thing for my body and my health.

    i love the quote in your signature, it's one of my favorites. =)
  • Isn't the euphoria of success a wonderful thing?! /happy dance

    Write this day down in your journal and talk about how good you feel and why. Especially when you're just starting out, it's easy to get so excited. Then when the day-in-and-day-out WORK of losing weight starts to get you down, go back and re-read how excited you were. That'll help revive you when you need it most.