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toastedsmoke 11-11-2014 02:56 PM

Mandy: I completely agree. Everyone's got advice but in the end, you've just got to do what works for you. Yay new low!!! Own it, fast or not!!! For a period of this week, your body was 275.6 lbs and sodium can't take that away from you.

Slashni: Thanks. Yay going to Body Pump! I totally get what you mean about new routines. I've been trying out a few workout videos recently and they're extra challenging the first few times because I don't know the moves well and my body is shocked by the new expectations, which I suppose is what will make it change.

My trousers today whilst not in needing-a-belt zone are cutting into my waist a lot less than they've done since I got them and I think it's all down to just exercising more. I AM seeing the changes. I don't know why I ever fell off the exercise wagon. Well I do... I'm incredibly lazy physically... But what I mean is I enjoy the actual act of working out (not the prepping to do it and getting dressed for it or the thinking about it) and being fit so much that you'd think it would override my love for lying in bed curled with an e-book. Oh well...

FeraFilia 11-11-2014 04:44 PM


I did it! I did all 5 miles in one workout! I didn't do the boosts yet, but I did 60+ minutes of aerobic activity without feeling like I was about to die! :D

Had to share!

Now, I have to shower and get ready for dinner out. But with the workout today, I'm not stressing it as much. :D

jenjenangel027 11-11-2014 06:02 PM

Another BUSY day. I have been helping my mom out with her business so I worked today. I am trying to get the house cleaned before I leave (I don't know why because I just will have to re-do it when I get back!).

I have my interview Thursday morning and have to go to the dentist that afternoon and Friday we have to leave at 4am for the Disney trip! My head is spinning in so many directions LOL

Getting nervous about the interview I tend to start talking fast and twisting words when I get nervous trying to figure ways to not do that. I really would like this job! There are now 18 interviewing and they will pick the top ones for a second interview and a skills assessment.

Anyways so I am apologizing for not doing personals right now! I will be more on top of it when I get back!

MissLoud 11-11-2014 06:07 PM

Hey all just a quick hi yah! Still on track and on plan I''m doing 3 fast days this week, just cos I want to step it up on the weeks I don't have anything on. Turns out my dad needs heart surgery now and with my brother dieing from a heart attack everyones on a bit of a knife edge, of course now my mums on my case again about losing weight because our family seems to have dicky tickers! So trying not to cry into a big plate of birthday cake right now.

Oh I second the annoying weighloss tips! We are loosing it people! we know what we are doing!!!! I'm only a couple of kg away from my first goal, don't be sucking the joy out of that.

Sounds like everyone is going great guns when it comes to exercise, I'm thinking of mixing it up and going swimming, now I haven't owned a pair of togs for about 10 years, which is sad in its own right as I love to swim - so feeling brave.

Now the puppy, what a darn cutie, hes labrador X not sure what with as hes a rescue pup. His mum was dumped when pregnant (thats another think my mums on about now cos she thinks hes got pit bull in him, like shes some expert!!) We have named him Hank (as in Hank Williams) bit of a running joke with my friends that my children need to start a country band because of thier names - my sons names are Tate and Nash. Well hes keeping me honest when it comes to walking, thinking of getting a fitbit or polar loop, might hint Christmas and birthday coming up.

Okay stop waffling Kelly and let these people get back to their lives!! Ka kite!!

Radiojane 11-11-2014 09:33 PM

Just a drive by. Still on plan but no weight change due to TOM.

toastedsmoke 11-12-2014 11:55 AM

Hey everyone, so yesterday was... a day and a half. I ended up not leaving work till about midnight and then didn't get to bed till 2.30a.m. but then like a good little endorphin-addict, I get up at 6 for my workout only to check my email first and see the email fall out from yesterday's mess of a day. So I spent my early morning dealing with that and didn't get my workout in even though I woke up early to do it. Checking e-mail first thing in the morning is always a bad idea. So yeah, not doing that anymore. Today has been busy but hopefully if I leave early enough, I can have an early dinner and work out afterwards and then curl up in bed to Season 8 of Bones or a vintage paperback romance.

Mandy: Go Mandy Go!!! That's awesome!!! Well done on 5 miles in a row! I mean talk about PROGRESS DOT COM!!!! Hope you had a great night out!

Jenni: Good luck with the interview! We believe in you and think you can totally rock it! Let us know how it goes when you can and have a great time at Disney!

Kelly: Yay on being so close to your first goal, that's amazing! I'm sorry about your dad's health issues, both he and your family are in my prayers. You're already on the right path to healthier you, your mom may be concerned but she's tardy for the party if she's just clueing in to that. I love country music, do your kids have country music names on purpose, or is it coincidence?

Radiojane: Not bouncing up or gaining especially through TOM is a win on it's own. Well done! Here's to whoosh-town for you next week!

I hope everyone is having a great day!

jenjenangel027 11-12-2014 12:59 PM

Toasted...thank you and I hope your sleep patterns get better :)

So frustrated with the scale hasn't moved seems every 8-10 pounds I get stuck :( Guess I will not have time to worry to much and I know even if I am perfect on my trip I probably will have a bounce because well its sodium rich dinners.

LaurieDawn 11-12-2014 02:06 PM

I wasn't going to do personals, but I decided I really want to! So, going to try to breeze through them and get back to work.

Toasted - Yay on the victories! Pants, loving work-outs, embracing and enjoying a less-than-ideal-but-low-in-calories treat. So thrilled you're back at it! And thanks for coming off your pedestal. It's much more fun with us mortals.

Mandy - You're exactly right. I have been really struggling with snackiness lately. For whatever reason, my plan is just not working for me right now like I want it to. I'm working on a revamp. And FIVE MILES!!! Woot! You are rocking this thing with Leslie.

Diane - I actually didn't get the second work-in done, and the weigh in was a little disappointing. Now that you have shared your experience, though, maybe I am better off without the extra water. =)

Radiojane - TOM! I feel ya. Being on plan is such a great victory in and of itself, but I agree with Toasted. Maintaining during TOM is a great scale result for people who retain water during that time. Love that you are sticking with us!

Kelly - Get a swimming suit! Swimming is great exercise, and you love it! Glad to hear you're loving the pup.

Jenni - Thinking good thoughts for you for your interview. Can't wait to hear about your amazing Disney trip!

Did my trainer boy weigh in yesterday. It went well. I was disappointed that he weighed me in at 198, but that's why I always double my bet with him as my actual goal. I know that afternoon weigh-ins are totally random. My fat percentage is way higher than my scale told me. I knew my scale was probably wrong, but part of me really wanted to believe it. Nevertheless, my fat percentage went down from about 52% in July to 40% yesterday, if I remember the numbers correctly. I'm celebrating that part of it. =)

So, I think I need to do a total revamp at this point. The summer fruits I was relying on just aren't doing it for me now. I may get back to some real calorie counting. Maybe even tracking for a few days. I hate that, and it can trigger ED issues for me, but a few days of tracking may get me back on track.

Both times I've done my trainer challenges, I have started it without doubt that I would hit and exceed my goal. And I have done that pretty handily, even with my 13-pound bounce in August. This time, I'm really nervous about it. I did it for just one month instead of two. But the weight has come off so slowly lately, and without doing honest tracking, I don't know if it's because I'm eating more than I want to admit or if my plan just isn't working like it used to.

I am also revamping my exercise. The trainer suggested that for my benches, squats, and deadlifts, I do 4 sets of really heavy instead of 2 sets of heavy. So, I am going to add that. I am also going to back off of the steady state running for 2/3 of my cardio days and do some honest-to-goodness HIIT. I did it for ten minutes yesterday, and it was tough. But that will be a better calorie burn. I will maintain the one day a week of running, though, because I really like to be able to run 3 miles at a time. (Honestly, I haven't actually accomplished that since my bout of bronchitis, as I have allowed myself as many breathing/coughing breaks as needed.)

It is my goal by Friday to have written out a training plan and to have decided on a nutrition plan. Until then, I will just keep doing what I'm doing. I have two long work days planned, though, so that protects me from high-cal dinners and out-of-control evening snacking for the next few days, so long as I have reasonable food in my office.

Very long post. But once I started it, I felt like I needed it today. I appreciate the patience (and ability to skim or skip) of y'all. Have a great hump day, all!

jenjenangel027 11-12-2014 03:43 PM

I have to know if any of you are as crazy as me?

I have all these thoughts surrounding leaving. I have never left my littlies for that long of period.

I have written a list for daddy of what time the bus comes, their routines at night, nap times, what they eat...

I am going to the store to stock the fridge and making a list of dinners and lunches.

I am trying to figure HOW to do two of my girls hair so it lasts five days....they are mixed half black and white and well my husband has no idea about their hair LOL so I don't want it to end in a shaving.

Now I am cleaning like a mad women? But why? I mean it will be there when I get back weird things like organizing my closet....

I just named a few because in my head I may be in crazy land LOL so I am just asking I am finding OCD and am I the only one????

MissLoud 11-12-2014 03:55 PM

Wow laurie you are a hard task master when it comes to workouts, I belonged to a gym back in my 20s and didn't really like it - I do wonder if my views have changed now im older?! I need to change up my excercise routine as I'm getting a bit bored of just rowing and walking , that and the dog trys to sit on my knee when I row! And you are right I need to be brave a go swimming! Its stupid I stopped.

Toasted my boys names were a bit of a fluke being a bit country, we liked short names because we have a long last name and Tate came to mind after the Tate modern art museum and Nash is named after a Australian stunt man!

Day 3 totally on plan and on to day 4, calorie counting today which I hate, I almost enjoy fast days because its so easy - I have lots of lunch and tea ideas that I automatically know the calories. When it comes to 'normal' days if free to choise and really don't have time to look it up. I should plan my meals the night before, but its hard with little ones half the time I don't get to sit down for lunch.

MissLoud 11-12-2014 03:59 PM

Ha jenni you ninjaed me!

No you are not crazy, you are a mum! I do exactly the same thing, I know for me if my kids are happy I'm happy so you want to make sure everythings sorted while you're not there, also I clean when im avoiding something ;). Put down the cleaning cloth lady and have fun!!!

toastedsmoke 11-13-2014 07:01 AM

Hey guys. Yesterday went well plan wise, I was under in calories AND I worked out in the evening before bed as I said I would so it was a late night. Unfortunately, I also had an early start at work so I woke up extremely early to exercise. So basically, after 2 nights totalling 8 hours of sleep, I'm exhausted and hopefully today/tonight will be a little more chill.

Today is a fast day and I am ravenously hungry- like "ready-to-eat-your-or-my-arm" hungry. I had a rushed snack of 2 water crackers and 15 grams of soft goat cheese this morning but it isn't really cutting it. I have a powdered cup of soup packet in my bag but I don't have much faith in it's tastiness and it's so uninspiring. Sigh. I may get a steamed bean pudding which at 200 calories is more calories than I want to expend, but I should probably give my strange soup product a chance first.

Laurie: OMG the perfection pedestal is soooo tiresome, and it only means that the inevitable fall is harder and more dramatic. #TeamMereMortal FTW! Yay on your success with the challenge. Your weigh in was probably gypped by the fact that it happened later in the day after life happened rather than first thing in the morning, but all the same you rocked it and that's a win. I WISH I could go down 12 percentage points in body fat in JUST 4 months, I mean #BEASTMODESQUAD or what?! That's amazing! I think your weekend goals are great for deciding how you want to move forward with your new challenge. You seem to have the exercise part pretty locked down and your plan seems like everything "they" say we should do, more weights, more HIIT, less steady-state. The eating part is the hardest part. I'm an avid calorie counter and can't imagine not doing it (I did it even when I fell completely of the wagon and my daily counts show exactly why I regained 40 lbs) BUT if it's something that's a trigger for you, maybe you shouldn't even go there at all. What did you do to kickstart your relosing? Maybe do that again or have some sort of "detox-y/clean eating" week to get back in the zone.

Jenni: Deep breaths, I'm sure all will go well. My mom travelled A LOT for work when I was a kid and left my brother and I with my dad and it was ALWAYS a fun time. I mean not to get you worried or anything, but late night tv watching and ice cream for breakfast... I'm teasing. A bit. But no, on a serious note, it's good for you to get away a bit and to give your husband this opportunity to bond in a new way with the kiddies AND gain a new appreciation for what you do every single day. I'm black so I totally understand about the hair. My dad would try to do my hair and I'd cry and he'd let me go to school looking like a crazy person. No shavings ever happened though.

MissLoud: That's a really cool fluke and those are great names. In the culture where I live, name meanings are really important and so you'll meet a David and he can be like my parents named me David because it means "beloved" and you're like oh okay cool. Anyway so I name-nerded out and looked up Tate and Nash and apparently Tate means cheerful, and Nash means "At the ash tree" which isn't as random as it sounds because the ash tree was revered and believed to have magical powers in Middle England. Anyway, I'm sure you already know all this BUT I just thought it was really awesome that not only do your kids have super cool names, but the names have cool meanings as well. Ooooh and YAY day 3 totally on plan! Leggo day 4!

Alright everyone I hope you guys all have a wonderful day! Hopefully I'll check in later because I'm pretty hungry and I'm not feeling inclined to be on track.

LaurieDawn 11-13-2014 10:50 AM

Good morning!

Toasted - Yuck on being super hungry on a fast day. Do come back to check in and tell us what you did to deal with the super hungriness. Some days, I can tell myself that it's a short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain, and that I'll get to eat what I want soon enough. And some days, I tell myself to shut up and let me be miserable.

Jenni - Last Sunday, my husband wanted to go to his dad's house to watch football, but said he couldn't because he had to put his two kids to bed. I told him to go and have a good time, and I would put them to bed. He hesitated for so long, and gave me so many instructions, I wanted to punch him. Cuz you know what? Even if I fed them ice cream and let them stay up all night, he knew I was not going to liquor them up and send them into traffic. Your husband will keep your kids safe, and wild hair days at school just make good stories. Have a great time!

Kelly - I vacillate between wanting to squeeze the most benefit possible from my work-out and just enjoy it. I think I am going to try to be a bit stricter while I try to get through this "scale not moving" hump. But for you, it sounds like you really want to swim and enjoy swimming, but are intimidated by wearing a swimming suit in public. We all have our hang-ups, but I hope you can work through this one. Cuz swimming is AWESOME!

Uber, Martini, Jessica, Diane, Rhonda, Mandy, Radiojane - Hope your day is fabulous.

194.0. I'm up from yesterday. After a terrifically terrific on-plan day, I'm up. But I also hit the gym pretty hard last night, increasing my weight on my front squat and step-ups. TOM is also here, which may impact it. I am doing my best not to get discouraged, since all of my weigh ins since 11/01 have been either 194.x or 193.x. My shoulder also hurts some this morning, which makes me concerned that I may have pulled it.

And the above paragraph makes it sounds like I want to give up. But I don't. Not today. Today's a cardio day, and cardio days generally lead to better next-day losses than weight lifting days. Because water. I ran for my warm-up yesterday, and ran for five minutes without any real difficulty. As the minutes ticked by, I kept increasing my speed until finally I did the last 30 seconds at 6.1. I think I am going to try to do a legit 3.5 miles today. Part of me wants to start HIIT, but I am going to do steady state today just to get an idea of where I'm at with fitness post-bronchitis. And today will be a perfectly on-plan day with food. I'm going to get this scale to move eventually.

My assistant was in my office yesterday and said the "fat was just melting away." She hadn't noticed I was losing weight until someone else commented on it a week ago, and at the time, she said, "I guess I don't notice it because I see you every day." But yesterday, she said, "Ever since ___ said that, I've noticed that you're just melting away. Your waist is tiny." But I haven't lost weight since then. She's just finally starting to notice. And yet another piece of evidence to convince me that perception is easy to manipulate. =) But I'll take it as an ego boost anyway to combat the reality slap the scale handed out this morning.

Slashnl 11-13-2014 01:39 PM

Hi all! Didn't make it on here yesterday. We went to get my son's new/old truck, so that took awhile. He's happy. I'm happy that he's not driving a wrecked truck, so that's good.

Went to Spin yesterday and then Body Pump today. My husband is sick and I felt like I might be getting it too, so I took a "Cold-eeze" before working out. Big mistake. I am not good at taking anything anyway, but it made me feel a little light headed and icky. Probably should have had some food with it. Lesson learned.

A lot of you have been talking about new workouts and exercising. So cool!! That is one part of this whole thing that I am most pleased about. I absolutely love my routine right now with Spin and Body Pump classes. I feel so much stronger and can really push myself. I feel like I'm really gaining strength. Even though my eating isn't always perfect, I think that the exercise is keeping me somewhat on track.

Laurie: I really think that with a bigger, better workout, you can cause your body to retain water. I've heard that it is because your body is trying to repair itself after the big workout. Cardio days definitely help with that, don't they!?

Toasted: Hope you make it through the hungry days! I hate it when I have those days, but you have to just survive. Maybe with the big time work you have been doing, your body wants some comfort!!

MissLoud: Glad things are going well for you! You're doing a great job keeping on track!

Jenni: I totally get that. My kids are much older now, but when they were little, it drove me crazy to relinquish their care, even to my husband. But, keep in mind, they will be fine!!! You've done what you can, and that's all you can do. They will survive!

Mandy: Wow! Nice job on the workout! You are rocking it!

Radiojane: Hang in there!! TOM will pass!

FeraFilia 11-13-2014 02:35 PM

Yesterday was a lot of fun, but not really "on plan."

I went with a church group to Cincinnati to tour the Rookwood pottery factory, do a little shopping, and have lunch... at a really yummy little place that's been on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.

So I had lunch out, didn't get home until 3:30 and had to get dinner in the crock pot, then had my quilting group at 6, didn't get home from that until 8:30, had dinner, and then realized my ankle was bothering me a bit from walking around all day (weird how it hurts after walking around on concrete and asphalt but not after an hour of exercise on the carpet).

I didn't get snacky at all yesterday, so I'm happy with that, and since I am pretty sure I stayed below "high" day calories, I'll just make Friday a WL calories day, and should still be okay. Today is a fast day, and I'm hoping I can get my 3 miles in with Leslie later... But we'll see, I have the congestion and coughing thing going on again, and that makes it rough to work out.

Here's to a new week, 100% on plan this time.

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